#oberyn martell fic



June Drabbles 2022
Day 3 - Fruit Stand 

A/N:I have been wanting to challenge myself to write a drabble a day for a whole month for quite some time now, and I finally decided to just go for it. The goal is to fill every prompt on this listby@creativepromptsforwriting with a short one shot (500 - 2k words) by the end of June. Can I do it? I do not know. But let’s find out! - This one immediately brought the Prince of Dorne to mind. It’s not connected to The Viper & the Wild Thing or Aphelion… but it is sort of connected to this one shot I wrote about you and Oberyn and the blood oranges. 

Word Count: 1,005 

Warnings: None really. Implied smut and one (1) solo swear word but otherwise exceptionally tame for Oberyn 

Summary: Oberyn makes a special trip to the marketplace in search of something specifically for you, only to realize that he will get to reap the benefit of your gift, too. 

The open air market on the outskirts of Sunspear had always been one of Oberyn’s favorite places in Dorne. Because it is always so… alive. Taking a deep breath in through his nose, he closed his eyes and let a slow, easy grin spread across his lips. The aroma of rich spices and herbal oils swirled through the hot, Dornish air to mix with sweet fruits, floral perfumes, and the pungent smell of still sizzling, just cooked meat. Always so enticing. 

Under the hot sun, the bouquet of scents seemed to blossom even more vibrantly, and he hummed contentedly. As he opened his eyes again he noted that the same was true about the colorful tents that covered the stalls, their awnings appearing even more bright in the unfiltered sunlight. The shouts of vendors and their customers haggling over prices, the clang of hammered copper, and the whimsical trill of lyre strings filled his ears more fully with every step he took, and it would be easy to follow the music of the market to every last one of the makeshift shops that sprawled through the streets to form a small city of their own. 

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This was such a great treat!! Oberyn always has me like
