#obey me belphgor



Said the word Scent so many times but really what else could i do? In this there will be the Demon bros + Barbatos and Diavolo

reorganizing my page, but don’t worry its all still there ;)


  • Lucifer doesn’t scent a lot of things unless they are truly important to him.
  • His scent is potent, and even his brothers know not to mess with things Lucifer has scented.
  • Lucifer has considered scenting you for a long while before you started dating, but decided to hold back.
  • However once you two do start dating Lucifer will take priority in scenting some of your belongings.
  • He wont go overboard and mainly only scents things that are important to you, or that you use often.
  • Lucifer wants you to smell like him, but not overwhelmingly so.
  • Just enough so demons will understand who your belong to.
  • Demons are much less likely to mess with you if you bear Lucifer’s scent.
  • He uses to his to his advantage when you are going out in the devildom.
  • Your favorite clothes, and your bed are common targets of his.


  • Mammon will scent you the moment you two start getting along.
  • He kind of uses his scent to sort things.
  • Almost anything he has will smell like him weakly, but that smell usually goes ignored by most demons.
  • However the more he likes something the stronger it will be.
  • The strongest scent is enough to ward off anyone from touching whats his, this includes his brothers.
  • He only scents things that are really important to him in this way, and as you grow closer you will find yourself as one of them.
  • Mammon’s greed allows him to know when someone is trying to ‘steal’ something with his scent.
  • He uses this to protect your belongings as well.
  • Almost everything you own will have his scent.
  • He isn’t picky with scenting your stuff and will basically just scent anything he notices that doesn’t have his smell already.


  • Levi wants to scent you so bad, but just cant get over his anxiety to do it.
  • So Levi decides to abuse a side effect of his scent.
  • Anything that belongs to Levi smells like him, but its not because he purposely scents them.
  • He doesn’t have to, anything that Levi spends a lot of time around will eventually pick up his scent.
  • This works especially well in his room because he spends so much time in there.
  • So Levi will invite you to his room for long gaming sessions, and even ask you to bring some of your things with you.
  • He’ll try to come up with an excuse for asking you to bring your pillow, but even then he isn’t the best liar, so just let him think he’s tricked you.
  • Levi will be very proud of himself once you do start to smell like him.
  • He targets your shirts, pillows and blankets so that your room will have some of his scent as well.


  • Out of all of the brothers Satan uses his scent the least.
  • Most of his belongings stay in his room, and no one (Except Mammon) dares to disrupt something that obviously belongs to the avatar of wrath.
  • However when you and him start dating he faces a dilemma, he wants people to know your his but he isn’t the best at scenting.
  • So Satan starts practicing his scenting on things.
  • This brings a bit of panic to the household because suddenly so many things hold Satan’s scent, which is rather intimidating.
  • After he is confident in his ability he will waist no time scenting you and your entire room.
  • I wonder why Mammon hasn’t come into your room for about a week…
  • Satan doesn’t really target anything at all, he’ll just decide randomly to scent something of yours.
  • He will ease up a bit after realizing just how frightening the smell of Literal Wrath can be to other demons.


  • Asmo is surprisingly cautious when using his scent.
  • Even a few months after you started dating, he will be hesitant to scent you.
  • Asmo knows his scent can draw a LOT of attention and he wants to be sure your okay with that.
  • Most of Asmo’s possessions are either temporary (Like makeup or perfume) or something that can be replaced easily (Like his bed sheets or his clothes)
  • He’s one of the only demons who actually tells you about scenting prior to doing it.
  • If you give him the okay to scent you or your things hes going to be cautious while doing so.
  • He will scent a few things and go out with you the first day your scented to help distract other demons.
  • Asmo prefers to scent your actually body ;) via skin to skin contact ;) ;).


  • Kinda just remembers that he can scent you one day, and wanders over to your room and does it.
  • So nonchalant about it that Lucifer tries to give him a lesson on how threatening demon scents can be.
  • Beel’s just kinda like “But I like Mc and I scent things that I like right?” And its so innocent that Lucifer gives up.
  • Isn’t shy about scenting you or your things, and might go a bit overboard.
  • Sometimes its like you have a twenty foot wide force field around you.
  • Before Beel started to date you the only things he scented was his food, so that left most demons very cautious of his scent.
  • He wont scent anything unless he knows your fine with him handling it, because he doesn’t want to invade your privacy.
  • Also will only enter your room to scent things when you give him permission to enter. Very good boy!


  • His scent is so calming… yet so… venomous.
  • Belphie, much like his twin will just decide to scent you randomly one day.
  • You’ll probably think he’s just coming into your room to sleep, and your partially right.
  • When Belphies asleep his scent comes off of him like an aura.
  • If he focuses he can make the things around him hold his scent.
  • He will scent you bed, then force you to cuddle with him, and scent you as well.
  • Belphie is rather lazy when scenting, and will only really refresh the scent if it starts to fade or if he’s feeling protective.
  • He likes knowing that you smell like him, and your bed is practically his too so those are his main targets.


  • As the prince of hell Diavolo has by far the most intimidating scent of any demon.
  • He doesn’t abuse this per say, but he does scent a bit more than he probably should.
  • Things scented by Diavolo are treated almost as highly as he is, because demons fear the consequences if they break or hurt something of his.
  • Barbatos highly advised that he doesn’t scent you but he does regardless.
  • You are treated like a GOD after Diavolo scents you.
  • He probably wont scent your objects though because he doesn’t want demons thinking that they belong to him.
  • Your basically his only target, but he want you to smell like him all of the time.


  • Besides Asmo Barbatos is the only one who thinks to tell you about scenting, and make sure your fine with it prior to scenting you.
  • Barbatos has a very strange scent.
  • It often shifts between sweat and sour, and can be very weak or potent.
  • He doesn’t scent very many things because he doesn’t have very many things.
  • He will be blunt when asking to scent you, and will probably ask a week or so after you start dating him.
  • If you accept he will try to scent exclusively your clothing.
  • Barbatos will also leave many pieces of your clothing unscented so that you can choose if you don’t want to smell like him.
  • Probably the most respecting when scenting your stuff.