#obey me cute


Obey Me Characters Loving Habits Headcanon (Other Dateables)

  • Solomon always likes to make sure you’re having fun. In the middle of the conversion, he stops himself and asks you if you’d rather talk about something else. He stares at you a lot when you’re smiling.

As your mentor he makes sure you learn right and don’t overdo yourself. He is very strict when it comes to your well-being except when he’s cooking. He puts himself charge of all the medicines or ointments you might need. Tries to make you laugh with little quips and puns.

  • Simeon is an old romantic. Writes poems and proses subtly hinting towards you and then makes you read and judge them. Takes you on picnics every other week. If he passes by HOL, he will always drop in to visit you.

He likes looking at whatever you’re looking at. Sharing a sight and space with you is soothing to him. Asks about your life and tells you about his memories with the brothers in the Celestial realm. He can’t stop smiling when he sees how well you get along with Luke.

  • Diavolo shows his affection extravagantly. Showering you with expensive and plentiful gifts. If you ever tell him there’s a place you want to visit, lo and behold, he has tickets to get you there. Calls you to the palace for tea and plans more events in RAD so you can feel involved.

Never uses his royal title unfairly, he is always polite and humble when he asks you out on dates or visits. You feel like a long lost friend to him. Asks you all about your life. Doesn’t like talking about himself but he’ll do it if you insist.

  • Barbatos treats you like a second Master first. But he slowly opens up and treats you more informally, especially if you encourage him. He stands closer to you when you’re both alone but he’s wary of your personal space.

Makes sure to whip up all your favorite dishes when he heard you’re visiting. Gets very flustered but happy when you try to do anything for him instead. Asks for your advice and critique when it comes to human world cuisine.

  • Luke loves holding your hand and walking home with you. You, Barbatos and Simeon are his top three favorite people in the world. Hates being considered cute by others but doesn’t mind as much if it’s you. You’re the elder sibling/parent he wishes he could take back home.

Loves learning new recipes for you to taste. He’s the happiest when he heard you’re going on trips along with them or when you’re simply visiting him at the Purgatory Hall. Falls asleep in your lap while telling your stories about how great Michael is.


  • Raphael smiles for you more. Give him your leftovers from Solomon’s cooking and watch him gleefully eat it. Also talks more around you. He gets protective soon enough, his spears at the ready against anyone who seems to threaten you. Seems more relaxed around you, almost playful. He’s usually blunt with people but he softens up for you.

  • Thirteen loves planning pranks with you. If you’re the creative type, she will turn all your ideas into traps one way or the other. Reaper magic cant be underestimated. Loves explaining what her traps to do and is even more grateful if you help her build them. Usually hates sharing things, especially food, but doesn’t mind when it comes to you.

  • Mephisto loves filling you in about RAD gossip. Instant brownie points for you if you’re on good terms wit Diavolo. Double brownie points if you’re in the Anti Lucifer Squad. He keeps demons from spreading any rumours against you. How you ask? He controls the school newspaper of course. He doesn’t stop the rumours of the two of you being together though.