#obito x deidara


*on the last day of school*

Obito: So what do you plan to do this summer?

Deidara, without thinking: You.


Obito: … pardon?

Deidara: I … uh … u-university, hm! I’ll be looking at different universities to be going to after senior year! Yeah!

Hidan, passing by: Nice save, blondie, but in the future you might want to hide that notebook with fuckin’ Deidara Uchiha written all over it.


Obito: *knocks on Deidara’s door* Dei?

Deidara: Hm?

Obito: May I come in?

Deidara: If you want to, hm.

*Obito goes into room to find Deidara sitting on the bed, knees drawn up to his chest, staring out the window*

Obito: *hesitates, then sits down next to him*

Obito: Is everything alright?

Deidara: *nods before putting head down on knees*

Obito: It’s a beautiful day out. They picked a really great day to hold that Pride Parade, didn’t they?

Deidara, mumbling: I guess.

Obito: Didn’t you want to go to that? You mentioned it quite a few times last week …

Deidara, lifting his head: It’s not a good idea, hm.

Obito: What do you mean?

Deidara: Those people at those parades … they know what they want, hm. They know what they ARE. But me? I don’t know. Sometimes I think I like girls, sometimes I think I want to date a boy. Sometimes it’s both. Sometimes it’s nothing. I’m … confused, hm. I don’t know who or what I am. A Pride parade isn’t a good place for me.


Obito: *cautiously puts both arms around Deidara, holding him close*

Obito: Deidara … you’re young. You’re young and it’s perfectly normal to still be figuring out what you want in life, and who you want to be. There’s absolutely no need to slap a label on yourself, or fit yourself into a box. Go with your feelings, don’t deny them. One day you’ll figure it out. 

Obito: And I’ll let you in on a secret: not everybody knows who they are yet. Those people at the parade? I’m sure many of them are as confused and unsure as you are, Dei. Nothing in this life is solid, or set in stone. Things take time to decipher.

Obito: I’m in my 30’s and I didn’t truly figure out that I was bisexual until I was 28 years old. You’ll get there eventually. Take your time, be patient, and never stop being proud of yourself, the way I’m so, so proud of you.

Obito: *stands and holds out his hand*

Obito: Now come on; if we’re going to that parade we better get going, before all the good spots are taken.


Deidara: *leaps from bed and throws arms around Obito, hugging him fiercely*

Deidara: Thank you, hm.

Deidara: You ready for our date? I was thinking we could go to —

Tobi: Ah … about that, Senpai. Can we reschedule for tomorrow?

Deidara: … why?

Tobi: Well, it’s Itachi-san’s birthday, and I thought I’d spend some time with HIM today. 

Deidara: *visibly disappointed, but forcing a smile anyway* Oh. S-sure, hm. Go ahead. We can always do something tomorrow or another time.

Tobi: Y-yeah! *feels terrible* Of course we —

Itachi, in the doorway: No.

Tobi: Itachi! I was just getting ready to —

Itachi: I said No. You’re not going to keep doing this, acting as though you have to make a choice between him and me. We’re family, and that won’t change. But … you know I may be mostly blind, but I can still see that one day, Deidara is going to be part of your, OUR family, too. So stop excluding him and ask him to join us.


Obito, taking off mask: Are you sure?

Itachi: *hugs Obito* Yes I’m sure. I won’t be around for very long, you know. I at least want to know you’re going to be happy when I leave. Deidara, would you like to come with me and Obito?

Deidara, head still reeling over the “OUR family” bit: Y-yea, hm!

Deidara:what the fuck is even happening right now 

Zetsu: What is life?

Obito: Deidara.

Deidara, blushing: … because we’re both fragile and beautiful, right?

Obito: No, because life is short, like you.


Deidara: I —

Zetsu: I thought you were going to say it’s because life is unpredictable and often annoying, also like Deidara.


*Obito walks into hideout to find the table set for two places, and Deidara waiting for him.*

Deidara: Surprise, hm! I made YOU dinner for once!

Obito: *sits down* Really? Thank you! This looks delicious, Dei.

Deidara: Mm. I don’t mean to brag, but it’s nice and pink inside, just the way you like it!

Obito: Wait … pink?

Deidara: Yeah, hm. Like that steak you made me last night.

Obito: But … that was beef.

Deidara: So?

Obito: This is chicken. Chicken can’t be in anyway pink; you can get really, really sick, dear.


Deidara: *jumps up from table*

Obito: Where are you going?!

Deidara: To check on Konan, hm! I had her taste-test it beforehand!


*racing to the top of the stairs*

Deidara: Ha! I win, hm! Take that, Tobi!

Tobi: You’re so fast, Senpai! Tobi is impressed!

Deidara: As you should be, hm. *walks off to his room*

Itachi, walking up: Okay, what’s the deal here?

Itachi: You two do this every day, and every day, you let him win. I KNOW you’re letting him win because I know how fast you are. Why do you do that?

Tobi, in Obito voice: Because I love the way his butt looks bouncing up the stairs in front of me.


Tobi, still in Obito voice: Who’s the winner now?


Itachi: … after this conversation, it certainly isn’t me.
