#obsessed whumper


<–Previous ❁   [Masterlist]❁   (to be continued)

CW: Held captive, soft protective whumper, defiant whumpee, wounded + slight medical whump

‘Get out’  Whumpee’s instincts screamed. 

Despite whumper’s soft voice and gentle words, they gave off the most sickening gut twisted feeling whumpee had ever felt. 

Without thinking, whumpee picked up a chair and hoisted it over their head. They staggering back a few feet, before smashing it against the window with what little strength they had. To their horror, the chair bounced off the glass into splinters, showering them in a pitiful display of chair legs and wood chips. 

Whumper did nothing to stop them. In fact, they stood and watched with their arms crossed, their only reaction being a single blink when some dust flew in their direction. 

“Are you alright?” Whumper asked, brushing off their shoulder. 

“Wh-what?” Whumpee gasped, fearfully huffing for air. 

“The chair, love. You could have a gotten cut with all that wood flying about.” Whumper’s eyes tracked them all over like they were scanning for injuries. Whumpee couldn’t help but shrink under their gaze. 

“Why are you so concerned a-about me? I- s- surly you brought me here for a bigger reason! You don’t have to p-pretend that you just care!” Whumpee shouted, trying to breathe past an adrenaline rush. 

Without a single word, whumper snatched their wrist and yanked them closer within inches of their face. Whumpee froze and held their breath, believing this was where the shoe dropped; where whumper would reveal all the cruelty they planned-

“Your wrist…” Whumper whispered, pinching the end of their sleeve and pulling it up to their elbow. Sure enough, there was an inch long cut forming beads of blood. A single blood drop trickled down their thumb and plopped against the white carpet. Whumpee gasped and bit their lip, wondering if that would be the thing to finally set them off. 

But they didn’t even notice. Whumper’s eyes were fixated on their cut with pure worry and guilt. 

“I- I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have let you do that. The glass was bulletproof, and I was letting you try just to prove a point and I-… Dammit I wassoselfish!” Whumper cursed themselves, grabbing a tissue and pressing their thumb hard against whumpee’s cut. 

“Ow!” Whumpee cried, staggering when whumper pulled them down the stairs by the pressure of their wound. Whumpee didn’t protest as they were propped in a chair in the kitchen. Whumper gently laid their arm on the table and waved a finger in their face. 

“I’m getting the med kit. Don’t you dare move while I’m gone, understand?” Whumper snapped, as whumpee flinched in an obedient nod.  “-And keep pressure on it!” Whumper hollered half way down the hall. 

Whumpee flinched and held it tighter. Even though whumper was gone, they felt like they were still watching them through the walls. Their heart was beating so rapidly it felt like a hammer to the chest, but also sunken to its depths after their hopeless realization. 

This place. This beautiful lively home and all it’s lush gardens;

Was built to be a fortress. 

<–Previous  ❁   [Masterlist]❁   (to be continued)

alliecat5594 @cicatrix-energy @pretty-little-whump @chaoticdreamers-world xo-sofo4ka @lonesome–hunter pretty-writing-things @interdimensional-chaos
