#oc asks



(Note: Many companions in Dragon Age: Origins can be killed, never interacted with or have their attempt for recruitment rejected by the Warden, thus if your Warden never encountered some companions, make sure to specify that in the tags!)

1. How did your Warden react to Zevran’s failed attempt on their life? Were they amused? Angry?
2. Did your Warden match Zevran’s lighthearted attitude or were they more serious? What sort of relationship did they have?
3. What did your Warden know of the Crows before meeting Zevran? What did they think of the Crows afterward?
4. Did Zevran betray your Warden? How did they feel in the aftermath of Zevran’s decision?
5. How well did your Warden keep in contact with Zevran after the Blight? Did they ever see him again?

1. What sort of attachment did your Warden form with Alistair, if any at all? Were they close due to their shared experiences as Grey Wardens?
2. Did Alistair’s parentage surprise your Warden? How did your Warden’s feelings on the nobility affect their relationship with Alistair?
3. Was Alistair reunited with his sister, Goldanna? What did your Warden think of her? Did they relate to Alistair with their own familial struggles?
4. How did your Warden respond to Alistair’s dislike of Loghain? Did they share Alistair’s sentiments or disagree?
5. What became of Alistair after the Landsmeet? How did your Warden feel about their decision of Alistair’s future?

1. What did your Warden think of Wynne’s views on the Circle? Did they have different experiences regarding the Circle?
2. How did your Warden respond to Wynne’s comments if your Warden romanced someone? Did they tell her it was love or that the relationship was purely physical? 
3. How did your Warden feel about the Spirit of Faith within Wynne? Did they see it as possession?
4. Did your Warden go with Wynne to meet Aneirin, her one-time apprentice? What did they think of the encounter?
5. What did Wynne choose to do after the Blight was ended? Did your Warden  stay in touch with her?

1. What was your Warden’s position on the Chantry? Were they wary of Leliana due to their religious beliefs or lack thereof?
2. Was your Warden curious about bards? If they had the opportunity, would they choose to become one?
3. If your Warden received Leliana’s personal quest, what did they choose to do with Marjolaine and why?
4. Did your Warden believe that Leliana was telling the truth about her vision from the Maker or were they skeptical? 
5. How well did your Warden get along with Leliana? What was their relationship like?

1. Had your Warden ever met a Qunari before Sten? What did they expect?
2. What did your Warden think of Sten’s beliefs that people’s roles are determined at birth? Did they agree?
3. Did your Warden retrieve Sten’s sword? Did your Warden’s choice to give it to him or withhold it affect their relationship with Sten at all?
4. How did your Warden speak to Sten? Did they fight with him often or were they more humorous in their responses?
5. Was your Warden amused by Sten’s love of cookies?

1. What did your Warden think of Orzammer? Were they impressed or did they become disillusioned with the city, like Oghren did?
2. What were your Warden’s feelings on berserkers? Were they frightened of them? Were they a berserker themselves?
3. What was the fate of Branka? If she was killed, was your Warden regretful? How did they act around Oghren afterwards?
4. What was the relationship between your Warden and Oghren? Were they friendly or merely reluctant companions?
5. Did your Warden stay on good terms with Oghren after the Blight? If Oghren got back together with Felsi, did your Warden ever go to meet Oghren’s child, who was named after the Warden?

1. What was your Warden’s first impression of Morrigan? Did they trust her or were they cautious around her?
2. Did your Warden agree to help Morrigan kill Flemeth? Why or why not?
3. How close was your Warden to Morrigan? Did your Warden respect her abilities as a witch of the wilds?
4. Did your Warden attempt to find Morrigan after the Blight? Did they ever succeed in meeting her again?
5. Was Morrigan’s ritual completed? What persuaded your Warden to go through with it or what caused them to refuse it?

1. Did your Warden respect Loghain’s experience as a warrior, if not as a ruler?
2. How did your Warden react to Loghain’s fierce love for his daughter? Did they share a strong sense of loyalty to their own family?
3. What did your Warden think of Loghain’s suspicion and dislike of Orlesians? Did they consider it to be ill-founded or accurate? 
4. What was your Warden’s opinion on Loghain’s decision to abandon King Cailan and the Grey Wardens at Ostagar? What did they think of Loghain afterwards?
5. Did Loghain survive the Landsmeet? If he did, why did your Warden choose to let him live?

Shale (N/A if The Stone Prisoner DLC was not played)
1. Was your Warden interested in golems upon meeting Shale? Did they think of golems as weapons or sentient beings?
2. Did the realization that Shale was once a living dwarf surprise your Warden? How did that change their views on golems?
3. Did your Warden aid Branka or Caridin? Did their choice affect their relationship with Shale?
4. How did your Warden’s relationship with Shale change during the Blight? Was their relationship maintained after the Blight?
5. What did your Warden make of Shale’s “bird issues”?

1. Who’s a good boy?!

Other Dragon Age Asks: Hawke + Companions,Inquisitor + Companions


  1. Their physical weak spots
  2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
  3. Scars or painful spots
  4. Best places to kiss on their body
  5. Guilty pleasures
  6. Their vices (physical or emotional)
  7. Their tickle spots
  8. Bad memories/experiences
  9. Humiliating memories
  10. Fears/phobias
  11. Bad or petty habits
  12. Grudges and vendettas
  13. What gets them flustered
  14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
  15. What it takes to make them cry
  16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
  17. Regrets
  18. Things they’ll never admit
  19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
  20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
  21. Turning points in their life
  22. People who’ve influenced them greatly


Can be reblogged and filled or used as answers to asks! :)

1. Does your Ryder like their father?
2. How does your Ryder feel about their sibling?
3. If given the chance, do you think your Ryder would be a good Nexus Director?
4. What’s your Ryder’s favorite weapon?
5. What’s your Ryder’s fighting style/class? (biotic sniper can be a thing now!)
6. Does your Ryder get along well with Tann, Addison, Kandros or Kesh?
7. Is your Ryder good at driving the Nomad?
8. What is the one Pathfinder task that your Ryder hates?
9. What does your Ryder enjoy about being a Pathfinder?
10. How does your Ryder feel about the memories they unlocked?
11. Does your Ryder consider SAM a friend/sibling/…?
12. What’s your Ryder’s favorite location in Andromeda?
13. If your Ryder could give one gift to their LI (if there is one!), what would they give?
14. How does your Ryder feel about the fight between Kallo and Gil?
15. What does your Ryder think about Shepard?
16. Does your Ryder like the other Pathfinders?
17. What is the one lesson your Ryder learned in Andromeda?
18. What is the hardest thing your Ryder had to do in their life?
19. Does your Ryder like memes?
20. Which song would represent your Ryder well?


Sometimes, characters want contact that has nothing to do with sex or violence. Send one of these for your character to reach out to mine.

  1. Shoulder Clasp
  2. Across the Shoulder hug
  3. Hair Ruffle
  4. Gentle headlock
  5. Full body lean
  6. Feet in lap
  7. Head in lap
  8. Hair petting
  9. Ambush hug
  10. Not so ambush hug
  11. Pulling mine into their lap
  12. Cheek kiss
  13. Forehead kiss
  14. Brushing hair out of mine’s face
  15. Fixing shirt collar
  16. Fixing shirt cuffs
  17. Fixing a clothing tag
  18. Tying shoes
  19. Taking off shoes
  20. Carrying while half asleep
  21. Hand holding
  22. Leaning their head on mine’s shoulder tiredly
  23. Absently tracing patterns on the nearest exposed skin
  24. Pushing glasses into place
  25. Offering their drink
  26. Offering their snack
  27. Kissing the back of mine’s hand
  28. Looping their arm around mine’s waist and leaning against mine’s back
  29. Crawling into bed with
  30. Using shoulder as a pillow
  31. Pulling mine’s arm around their shoulder
  32. Hair brushing
  33. Brushing lint off of
  34. Giving a foot massage
  35. Giving a back massage
  36. Giving a scalp massage
  37. Rubbing circles on mine’s back
  38. Sharing a secret smile
  39. Booping the nose
  40. Touching noses together
  41. Resting foreheads together
  42. Resting cheeks together
  43. Sharing a blanket
  44. Taking over mine’s seat while they’re in it
  45. Poking with fingers/toes
  46. Painting mine’s nails
  47. Putting jewelry on mine
  48. Doing mine’s hair
  49. Pinkie promise
  50. High five
  51. Fist bump
  52. Secret handshake
  53. Hipcheck
  54. Pulling mine into a dance
  55. Initiate a tickle fight


I’ve thrown together the questions from my past questionnaires. Just reblog it and let your followers ask questions about your Shepard.

  1. What’s their favorite color?
  2. Their favorite food?
  3. Their favorite drink?
  4. Their sexuality?
  5. Their middle name? (if they have a middle name)
  6. Their class?
  7. Their MBTI type?
  8. Their morality alignment?
  9. Their Hogwarts house?
  10. Favourite season? (spring, summer, autumn, winter)
  11. Favourite weather?
  12. Favourite music genre?
  13. Are they a sun or moon person?
  14. Are they a coffee or tea person? (or both?)
  15. Do they prefer reading books or watching movies/tv shows?
  16. What do they do during shore leave or their free time?
  17. What kind of clothes do they usually wear off-duty? (sporty, elegant or specific clothes like sweatpants, jeans etc)
  18. Do they have a nickname? (a nickname given by one person counts)
  19. Do they have a morning routine or is it just complaining and groaning while trying to wake up?
  20. Do they have parents/are their parents still alive? (You can write their parents’ names if you want)
  21. Do/did they have siblings?
  22. Are they left or right-handed or maybe even ambidextrous?
  23. Do they have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
  24. As a child, did they have any dreams or a dream job?
  25. What was their childhood like?
  26. Did they have any friends?
  27. Was there a person in their life that changed their view on life/the world?
  28. When did they decide to join the Alliance? Was there a breaking point in their life that made them to become a soldier?
  29. Is there something they’d change about their past?
  30. When was their first kiss?
  31. Were they confused about their sexuality at some point in their life?
  32. Do they prefer one-night stands or serious relationships? Alternative: Did they use to have one-night stands until they met ‘The One’?
  33. Do they openly talk about their relationship/gush about their partner or rather keep it private?
  34. Are they optimistic or pessimistic?
  35. Do they have any mental illnesses and if yes, do they visit a therapist or talk to someone about it?
  36. Do they have any coping mechanisms?
  37. When was their first kill?
  38. Under what circumstances do they find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?
  39. What is their greatest fear?
  40. Who is their LI and what do they love about them?



(creator note: I recommend 3-10 sentences but go for a longer piece if you really feel it! Replace pronouns as needed for the character / point of view)

  1. don’t leave 
  2. this was a mistake
  3. [I] trusted [you]
  4. one chance
  5. help
  6. illusion
  7. silent fury
  8. sunbathing
  9. falling
  10. righteous
  11. drastic
  12. candles
  13. too loud
  14. overgrown
  15. trembling hands
  16. in dreams
  17. empty
  18. flinders
  19. sea change
  20. alone, finally
  21. collapse
  22. nap
  23. sated
  24. tender
  25. senseless
  26. how dare [you]
  27. hide
  28. something about [them]
  29. sweat
  30. harsh whisper
  31. breeze
  32. dust motes
  33. saccharine
  34. bauble
  35. filthy
  36. total control
  37. defy
  38. soak
  39. accursed
  40. pet
  41. comfort food
  42. savior
  43. undone
  44. cheap
  45. svelte
  46. shimmer
  47. crave
  48. rampage
  49. nightfall
  50. accost

Handy dandy character list, otherwise I’ll pick a character/pairing. I’ll probably do something longer, unless I’m really stuck.


1. Your first OC ever?
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
4. A character you rarely talk about?
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
17. Any OC OTPs?
18. Any OC crackships?
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
21. Your most artistic OC
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
28. Your most dangerous OC?
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
33. Your shyest OC?
34. Do you have any twin characters?
35. Any sibling characters?
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
39. Introduce any character you want
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
45. A character you no longer use?
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
If you want, you can tag your ask answers with #yetanotherOCmeme so I can check them out too `v´9


(bc i felt like making my own) send a character & a number and i’ll draw them—

  1. in a onesie
  2. in a different character’s outfit
  3. on vacation
  4. dressed for success
  5. dancing
  6. right after they wake up in the morning
  7. in clothes that are way too small/big for them
  8. crying/laughing/[other expressive emotion]
  9. recreating a meme of ur choice lol
  10. reacting to a haunted house
  11. in a flower crown
  12. snapchatting
  13. trying to woo their crush/lover
  14. BEING wooed by their lover
  15. doing very cute sappy romantic things with their lover
  16. posing for a high school prom photo
  17. taking a sick day
  18. dressed for a wedding
  19. as a kid
  20. as a parent
  21. (if applicable) as a different rpg class/race than they are
  22. trying to provoke a goose and failing
  23. in a harry potter/college/coffeeshop/etc au
  24. in [some other suggested outfit or scenario]

feel free 2 add anything else that strikes yr fancy


Send a symbol below and I’ll describe what my Muse wears in specific scenarios!

♔ -  pajamas / bedtime outfit
♕ - beach / swimsuit
♖ - spring outfit
♗ - summer outfit
♘- fall outfit
♟- winter outfit
♙ - date night
♚ - casual / everyday
♛ - formal outfit
♜ - gym / exercise / training outfit
♝- crisis / war / battle armor 
♞ - you specify another situation!






Character solidifying sunday, anyone? 

Specify a character and leave a number in my ask, if you’re feeling so kind!

1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have?

2. Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have?

3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?

4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?

5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?

6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?

7. What was the economic status of their family?

8. How does your character feel about religion?

9. What about political beliefs?

10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?

11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated?

12. How does their education and intelligence – or lack thereof - reflect in their speech pattern, vocabulary, and pronunciations?

13. Did they like school? Teachers? Schoolmates?

14. Were they involved at school? Sports? Clubs? Debate? Were they unconnected?

15. Did they graduate? High-School? College? Do they have a PHD? A GED?

16. What does your character do for a living? How do they see their profession? What do they like about it? Dislike?

17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When?

18. What did they find abroad, and what did they remember?

19. What were your character’s deepest disillusions? In life? What are they now?

20. What were the most deeply impressive political or social, national or international, events that they experienced?

21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?

22. Who are their friends? Lovers? ‘Type’ or ‘ideal’ partner?

23. What do they want from a partner? What do they think and feel of sex?

24. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?

25. What are their hobbies and interests?

26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?

27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?

28. Who is your character’s mate? How do they relate to him or her? How did they make their choice?

29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?

30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?

31. Does your character have children? How do they feel about their parental role? About the children? How do the children relate?

32. How does your character react to stress situations? Defensively? Aggressively? Evasively?

33. Do they drink? Take drugs? What about their health? 

34. Does your character feel self-righteous? Revengeful? Contemptuous?

35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?

36. Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering?

37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?

38. Are they basically negative when facing new things? Suspicious? Hostile? Scared? Enthusiastic?

39. What do they like to ridicule? What do they find stupid?

40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?

41. Is your character aware of who they are? Strengths? Weaknesses? Idiosyncrasies? Capable of self-irony?

42. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?

43. Does your character have any secrets? If so, are they holding them back?

44. How badly do they want to obtain their life objectives? How do they pursue them?

45. Is your character pragmatic? Think first? Responsible? All action? A visionary? Passionate? Quixotic?

46. Is your character tall? Short? What about size? Weight? Posture? How do they feel about their physical body?

47. Do they want to project an image of a younger, older, more important person? Does they want to be visible or invisible?

48. How are your character’s gestures? Vigorous? Weak? Controlled? Compulsive? Energetic? Sluggish?

49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?

50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?

May or may not reply until tomorrow but will try and do it on the train. Ask me about my OCs. Any of these beautiful people here

Trespasser doesn‘t come out until 8pm my time, so keep me entertained tomorrow?

These guys, minus Shepard (it’s DA day!), plus Daylen Lavellan and Tegre Cadash.



  1. Their physical weak spots
  2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
  3. Scars or painful spots
  4. Best places to kiss on their body
  5. Guilty pleasures
  6. Their vices (physical or emotional)
  7. Their tickle spots
  8. Bad memories/experiences
  9. Humiliating memories
  10. Fears/phobias
  11. Bad or petty habits
  12. Grudges and vendettas
  13. What gets them flustered
  14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
  15. What it takes to make them cry
  16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
  17. Regrets
  18. Things they’ll never admit
  19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
  20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
  21. Turning points in their life
  22. People who’ve influenced them greatly



Even if I’ve never spoken to them, even if I don’t know them from a hole in the wall, even if they’re on anon, people asking questions about my OCs make my day.



How does you OC act around different people and how does their personality change to match the environment they’re in? How do they act with: friends, family, strangers, children or their lover(s)?

Does your OC prefer to take the lead or follow orders? With everyone or just with certain people? Is there a reason for this?

How easily is your OC embarassed? What subjects make them flush and why? What event has made your OC the most embarassed they’ve ever been?

 Does your OC have any triggers? Why do these things trigger them? What are they like when triggered and how do they calm down after?

Are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?

Does your OC have any skills that people wouldn’t expect them to have? Do they have a hobby or pass time that others would consider strange or weird? How did they learn this particular skill or pick up this hobby?

☀️ How well does your OC take care of themself? Do they tend to put others before their own wellbeing and if so how often? What is their favourite way to pamper themself?

What are some of your OC’s favourites? Favourite food, colour, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!

⭐ Does your OC like to sleep alone or do they enjoy sharing their bed? Have they been to any sleepovers? Have they ever been camping? What did they think of the experiences if so?

When your OC says “I had a bad day” what does that tend to mean? Is it really as bad as they’re saying or are they being a bit dramatic?

Is your OC a good liar? How easy is it for them to tell lies? What is the biggest lie they’ve ever told and did they ever get found out? On the other hand, what is the biggest lie someone has told your OC and did they believe them?

How religious is your OC? Do they pray to any god(s) or do they not believe in that kind of stuff? What is their view of religion in general? Where do they believe people go when they die? If your OC is not religious why not and what do they believe in otherwise?

What is something from your OC’s past they’re the most ashamed of and why? What is something they’re really proud of? And lastly what is something in their past that could make them shake with dread?

What does your OC do on their days off from working, school or whatever else it is they may do? Do they enjoy relaxing, shopping, hanging out with friends? What is a normal day like for them?

What was your OC like as a baby? What were they like as a child? A teenager? An adult? How do you think they’ll develop ten years into their future? Twenty years? Will they live to old age?

Does your OC have any bad habits? Does your OC have any addictions like smoking or drinking? How did they fall into these habits and why? 

What does your OC think is their best trait. What is actually their best trait? What about their flaws? Are they one to admit these flaws or do they like to pretend they’re perfect?

(feel free to skip this one if you don’t feel comfortable answering it for a particular OC!) What is your OC like in bed? Are they particularly sensitive or have anywhere they really like being touched? Are they loud, quiet, intense? What are their turn ons and turn offs?

What’s a sentence that would make your OC’s day better? One that would make them laugh? One that would make their day worse? Why? What words would you have to say to them to completely ruin their day?

How much effort does your OC put into their looks? Do they care much about how they’re dressed or what their hair looks like or are they not bothered? Could they be considered a snob or a slob?

What additions would your OC make to their body if they could? Lets say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? Wings? Horns? Do they wish they could shapeshift?


❤️ What inspired you to make this OC? How long have you had them? How have they changed in the time you’ve been developing them?

What traits of your own do you see in this OC? Are they a little bit self-inserty? Don’t be shy, we all put parts of ourselves into the creations we love!

What is your personal opinion of this OC? Do you love them or are they your trash child? Are they your baby?

Are you writing anything with this OC or planning on writing anything for them? Do you rp with them or are they just for fun to mess around with?

How important is this OC to you? Are they a character that’s helped you through some pretty tough times or could you scrap them without feeling a thing?

Do you enjoy working on your OC or are they a bit of a chore? We all have that one character who is hard to develop!

Ramble a bit about this character!

Since I finished the OTP prompts challenge, I wanna write some more! Check out my pinned post for OC’s.


Send Me a Number and an OC and I’ll Answer

  1. What is their favourite food?
  2. Do they have a fear of an animal? If so, what animal?
  3. What do they wear to bed?
  4. Do they like cuddling?
  5. Do they have a secret handshake with anyone?
  6. What do they look like?
  7. Do they like chocolate?
  8. What are their good and bad traits?
  9. Do they have any artistic talent?
  10. What is their favourite room to be in, in the house they live in?
  11. Do they believe in luck?
  12. Can they do magic?
  13. Do they believe in dragons?
  14. What is a pet peeve of theirs?
  15. What was the last thing they cried about?
  16. What is their sexuality?
  17. Do they have a best friend? If so, who, and what makes them their best friend?
  18. Have they ever been in a romantic relationship?
  19. What does their relationship with their family look like? Are they close? Distant? Ect.
  20. Do they have a pet?
  21. Do they have a familiar?
  22. Are they a supernatural being?
  23. How do they usually wear their hair?
  24. Can they play an instrument? If so, what instrument and what can they play?
  25. What type a high schooler are/were they?
  26. Have they ever been in a physical fight before? If so, with who? Who won?
  27. What is their favourite holiday?
  28. If they could have one wish, what would they wish for?
  29. Do they wants kids? If they already have kids, do they want more?
  30. Do they have a job?
  31. Do they know how to drive?
  32. Do they get stressed out easily?
  33. Did they ever dye their hair before? If so, to what colour? Did they like it?
  34. Have they ever broken the law?
  35. Do they own a plant?
  36. Have they ever rode a horse before?
  37. What is their favorite gif?
  38. Do they get along with others easily?
  39. Do they have any tattoos?
  40. If I wanted to draw them, what would be distinct physical features that I would have to know to draw them correctly?
  41. What is their favourite breed of dog?
  42. Do they live with anyone? If so, who?
  43. Where is their dream vacation?
  44. Do they know more than one language?
  45. Are they a quick learner?
  46. Have they ever won a contest before? If so, what for? What did they win?
  47. If the world were to end in 24 hours, where would they be and who would they be with?
  48. What does their room look like?
  49. If they could have an extinct animal for a pet, what would they have?
  50. If they got called out by someone, what would they do?
  51. Have they ever shot a gun before?
  52. Have they ever been axe throwing?
  53. What is something that they want but can’t have?
  54. Do they know how to fish?
  55. What is something they always wanted to do but too scared?
  56. Do they own their own baby pictures?
  57. What makes them standout among others?
  58. Do they like to show off?
  59. What is their favourite song?
  60. What would be their dream vehicle?
  61. What is their favourite book?
  62. Who, in their opinion, makes the best food?
  63. Are they approachable?
  64. Did they ever change their appearance?
  65. What makes them smile?
  66. Do they like glowsticks?
  67. What is something that is simple, but always makes them smile?
  68. Are they a day or night person?
  69. Are they allergic to anything?
  70. What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them?
  71. Who is their ride or die?
  72. Do they currently have a significant other? If not, are they going to get one later one?
  73. What attracts them to another person?
  74. Who is one person that can always make them laugh?
  75. Have they ever partied too hard and their friends had to take them home?
  76. Who would be their cuddle buddy?
  77. Who would cheer them up after a long day?
  78. If they had a nightmare, who would they run to?
  79. What object to the care for the most?
  80. Do they like other people’s children?
  81. How would they react if someone broke into their home?
  82. Does anyone make them have butterflies in their stomach?
  83. What is something that they are good at?
  84. What is their neutral expression?
  85. Do they like to cook?
  86. What is something they can’t leave home without?
  87. Who is someone that they rely on?
  88. Do they liked to be tickled?
  89. Have they ever been a sword fight before?
  90. What is a joke that they would find funny?
  91. Do they have a place that can go and turn off their brain?
  92. What was their childhood like?
  93. What are they like as an adult?
  94. Do they take criticism well?
  95. Have they ever jumped out of a plane?
  96. Who do they like to make jokes with?
  97. Have you ever drawn them before? If you are comfortable with it, would you post a picture?
Askbox for Ixquic was open and these are the followed questions made to her1-STEP ON ME MOMMY2-What Askbox for Ixquic was open and these are the followed questions made to her1-STEP ON ME MOMMY2-What Askbox for Ixquic was open and these are the followed questions made to her1-STEP ON ME MOMMY2-What

Askbox for Ixquic was open and these are the followed questions made to her
2-What kind of date do you think we should go on?
You can see she’s a dom with no commitment 

Post link



I wanted to make one of these based off of ones I’ve seen before but with some more fallout centered questions since that’s my thing. There’s A LOT here, so enjoy!

smileys & people

  • BABY - what is their age / age range? do they get mistaken for another age?
  • EYE - what is their eye color? do their eyes change color?
  • ‍♀️HAIRCUT - what is their hair color / length? how do they like their hair styled?
  • FLEXED ARM - what is their build / shape?
  • ‍♂️BEARDED MAN - do they have any facial hair? (if so) do they prefer to grow it unruly or keep it trimmed / clean?
  • ‍♀️ DEAF SIGNING GIRL - do they have any disabilities? (if so) what are they?
  • ‍‍FAMILY - what is their family like? what is their relationship to their family? do they have any siblings?


  • GLASSES - do they wear glasses?
  • HAT - do they have designated / prominent headwear?
  • JEANS - what is their most iconic outfit?
  • PURSE - what other accessories do they wear (jewelry, backpacks, belts, etc)?

animals & nature

  • DOG - do they have any pets?
  • MAPLE LEAF - do they have a favorite season? what is it and why?
  • OWL - are they an early riser or a night owl?
  • SPARKLES - do they have any prominent features (freckles, moles, dimples, etc)?
  • ROCK - do they make friends easily? (if not) why?
  • FIRE - what angers them easily? how do they handle their anger?
  • ☀️SUN - what can easily make them happy or brighten their day?
  • ☁️CLOUD - what is their biggest dream / wish?
  • CACTUS - what is a sore subject for them?
  • SPIDER - what is / are their biggest fear(s)?
  • CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?

food & drink

  • ICE CREAM - what is their favorite treat?
  • BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like to celebrate it?
  • CHEESE - do they have a favorite joke? (if so) what is it?
  • CHAMPAGNE - how do they like to celebrate after a big accomplishment?
  • POPCORN - do they like being the center of attention or more in the shadows?
  • SOUP - do they like to cook? are they good at it?
  • BEER - do they drink / use chems?


  • BOXING GLOVE - what is their go-to fighting style (hand-to-hand, short range, long range, etc)?
  • BASKETBALL - do they know any pre-war sports? do they like to play any?
  • ‍♂️SWIMMING - do they know how to swim? are they afraid of water?
  • DANCING - do they know how to dance? do they like to dance?
  • MICROPHONE - do they like to sing? are they good at it?
  • ACTING - are they a good liar? what are giveaways when they are lying?
  • GUITAR - do they know how to play any instruments?
  • ✏️ PENCIL - do they like writing / drawing? do they write / draw often?

travel & places

  • STATUE OF LIBERY - do they travel? have they traveled? would they ever travel?
  • ROLLER COASTER - what types of entertainment do they like?
  • TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
  • HOME - where are they originally from? do they live there now?
  • ISLAND - if they could go anywhere, where would they go and why?


  • RULER - what is their height / height range?
  • FILM - what is their greatest / happiest memory?
  • MAGNET - do people find them attractive?
  • AXE - what is their go-to weapon?
  • BANDAID - do they have any prominent scars? (if so) how did they get them? do they try to keep them covered?
  • PEN - do they have tattoos? (if so) what and where are they?
  • BROOM - how clean or messy are they usually? do their cleaning habits (or the opposite) annoy the people around them?
  • TEDDY BEAR - what are their thoughts on children? do they have any / would they ever have any and home many?
  • MIRROR - do they like the person that they are? do they have any regrets?
  • BOOKS - do they know any other languages? (if so) what are they?
  • OPEN BOOK - do they open up easily to others? (if not) why?

symbols & hearts

  • ☢️ RADIOACTIVE - are they ghoulified?
  • ✝️ CROSS - are they religious?
  • ♍️ VIRGO - what is their zodiac?
  • ️‍ PRIDE FLAG - what is their sexuality?
  • RING - are they in a relationship? (if so) with who?
  • ❤️ RED HEART- are they easy to love? (if not) what makes them so difficult?
  • YELLOW HEART - what do they seek in a relationship?
  • GREEN HEART - how do they know they love someone? what usually are the signs for them?
  • BLUE HEART - what is / are their love language(s)?
  • ❤️‍ INJURED HEART - what could their partner do that would hurt them?
  • BROKEN HEART - do they have any past relationships?
  • ❤️‍ FLAMING HEART - what are their turn-ons / turn-offs?
  • BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?


  • TOOTH - do they have straight or crooked teeth? do they like to keep them well-maintained?
  • YARN - do they know how to sew? can they patch clothes?
  • TREX - what is the biggest creature they have ever seen?
  • SNAKE - have they ever been stabbed in the back or stabbed anyone else in the back?
  • CHERRIES - a random sweet headcanon.
  • SOAP - are they clean? do they try to shower often?
  • DIAMOND - are they rich?
  • CIGARETTE - do they smoke?
  • DYNAMITE - a random angsty headcanon.