#oc atli


replaying arr and hanging out with minfilia again has just got me thinking about how losing her at the banquet was probably the real catalyst for fiver’s terrible mental health. of course the crystal tower, moenbryda, and midgardsormr came first and started that downward spiral, but through arr minfilia is always the one that made sure he was taking care of himself. the amount of times she tells him to rest is insane

so it’s kind of funny that the start of his climb out of the pit he falls into during hw and sb coincides with meeting the exarch who also goes to great pains to make sure he’s taking care of himself and resting

obsessed with ultima still getting to do all his mechanics despite having literally no hp

obsessed with ultima still getting to do all his mechanics despite having literally no hp

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fiver putting on an imperial coat and coming into castrum centri and playing at being a soldier is so funny because he still stands out quite a bit and he’s been recognized as The Eikon-Slayer before so it’s clear his face is known among empire soldiers

which just all makes me think that all of these soldiers are just side-eyeing him as he goes around saluting people and they know exactly who he is but have collectively decided they don’t get paid enough for this

he looks so sad, someone let him take this stupid coat off

he looks so sad, someone let him take this stupid coat off

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god i forgot alphinaud told the goldsmiths guild fiver was his manservant. alphinaud you better not be visible when fiver gets back to mor dhona

cid: here, i need you to go do some science

fiver, staring directly at alphinaud, still mad about being called stupid: great. i love science i’m great at it.

fiver, five seconds later out in the field staring at the equipment cid gave him: what the fuck is this
