#oc cameron

[ID: fullbody drawings of three korean characters. on the left is jihwan, a slim man with choppy black hair and round glasses. he is dressed in a green and magenta button up tied at the waist, matching boots, and black jeans. in the middle is woobin, a man with short dyed grey hair and blocky glasses. he is wearing a black tshirt and a cropped jacket, striped pants, and boots in orange. on the right is cameron, who has short brown hair and tan skin. they are wearing a dark tshirt with a holographic jacket, pants, and knee length boots. END ID.]ALT
[ID: on the right is a headshot drawing of woobin, smiling at a 3/4 angle. he is wearing a blue and tan jacket with a white stained bandanna around his neck. on the left is a two panel comic with chibis of cameron and woobin. the top panel is labelled "10 years ago" and shows cameron saying "yum" as they eat a worm. woobin is saying "don't eat that" in the background. there are arrows pointing to them saying "enjoying a nice worm" and "not enjoying cameron eating worm" respectively. below is another panel labelled "present day", where cameron is saying "ooo pretty" as they chase after a butterfly and woobin repeats "don't eat it" in the bg. END ID.]ALT

more oc doodles while i think of what to draw next :-) outfit meme from first pic here (x)
