#oc darth calumnia

When Darth Ravage says literally anything in a Council meeting.

When Darth Ravage says literally anything in a Council meeting.

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thinking about calumnia going, okay, so revan is on rishi, apparently, so who wants to go investigate what revan’s planning while also fucking it up? all while undercover as…. well, its a pirate town, so pirates

and then she looks up and every single cipher has their hand in the air so she’s like, okay, i’m sending no more than 5 so y’all gotta work it out without death or permanent injury.

thinking about calumnia, my spymaster, my dark lord who took her sister’s forcewalking and made it worse, ripping the dread masters’ souls out of their bodies to consume, my ruthless and cold-hearted “i’ll do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of my sisters” ice queen, my lord who knows right and wrong and ignores morality in favor of power and pragmatism

thinking about how she looks at aliya and says, “i won’t be the reason you fall.”

thinking about how she looks at aliya and chooses to banish the Dark

the galaxy has been here before, with revan, with her infinite fleets and her endless armies, poised to conquer it all, and reshape the stars in her image. the empire is shattering, cracking, fragmenting, and the republic is frozen by scared politicians.

the world (as they know it) is ending.

it is the end of an age.

but, in small places, hidden places, in whispers and lips on bare skin, it is a new beginning. red and green, light and dark, sith and jedi: there is a choice to be made here, to stand defiant as the universe turns to ash, to make the choice to stand on their pyre together.

it is calumnia who reaches first, her lips meeting aliya’s forehead in the prayer of a sinner seeking refuge. it is aliya who reaches second, her fingers cradling a monster while her eyes see only hope.

the galaxy has been here before. stars have burned out, and armies have destroyed worlds. families are shattered and hope starves and withers

the empire gives a last gasp. the republic falters.

fingers intertwine in the dark. sith-gold eyes turn brown. a spark becomes an inferno.

the stars re-ignite.

[art by @inspiderwiht​] [tag]


Birth Name: Miyala Caliga

Title: Watcher 51 (Pre-Sith), Darth Calumnia, Lord of Lies, Head of Sith Intelligence, Master of Dread(Post-Oricon)

Affiliation: Tulvoh the Hutt (Pre-Imperial), Imperial Intelligence, Sphere of Justice, Ancient House of Kallig, Sphere of Sith Intelligence, Coalition Intelligence (Opposing Darth Revan)

Love Interest: Aliya Vydari, Barsen’thor of the Jedi Order

Favored Force Powers: Force Stealth, Force Leech, Force Drain, Drain Knowledge, Death Field, Dark Ward, Wither, Force Hallucination

Skills: Slicing, Investigation, Cybertech, Scavenging, Analysis, Personnel Management

Tropes:Consummate Professional,The Chessmaster,Master of Illusion,Lady of Black Magic

In-Game Appearance


Born 17 BTC on Nar Shaddaa, Miyala Caliga was a nosy child who wanted to be involved in everything. She fussed over her younger twin sisters, Xiann and Tyma, when they were born 3 years after her, and she washed dishes in the restaurant her mother worked as a waitress in. It was rough, but happy, until a war between two Hutts saw her parents killed when she was 14.

Miyala took up slicing and learned how to build small listening devices. She sold information and made contacts with other forgotten and unnoticed people on the streets, and when she was 17, she got herself hired by Tulvoh the Hutt. Knowing how capricious Hutts could be, she worked even harder, making herself invaluable to Tulvoh, who was a minor Hutt attempting to make a name for themself. She knew everything that happened in Tulvoh’s territory within the Duros Sector, but when the Imperials came, seeking to set up an outpost, Tulvoh handed her over to the Imperials with all her knowledge of the sector in exchange for Imperial protection and influence.

Many would have been upset over this, but the pay was better, and Miyala never forgot it was Hutts who killed her family, so she became Watcher 51 without a single protest. Her only concern was Tyma: who had been a member of the SIS since 3 years prior. Xiann had no such concerns: she was a bounty hunter, and with her sister working as Watcher 51, she began to take Imperial contracts as well as ones from the underworld.

When Tyma was captured on Bamorra, the Empire only thinking the SIS Agent was a Balmorran insurgent, Xiann, tipped off by Watcher 51, tried to break her out, but the plan went wrong, and in a burst of panic and fear, the twins were discovered to be Force Sensitive instead, and sent to the Sith Academy. Watcher 51 kept her eyes on them from afar, but their new roles as Zash’s apprentices would damn her.

When Xiann arrived on Nar Shaddaa, Paladius discovered her connection to Watcher 51, and knowing Force sensitivity often ran in families, ordered 51 tested for Force Sensitivity. 51 was forced out of Intelligence and sent to the Academy within 3 weeks, where she was chosen by Darth Scyllani. However, when Darth Scyllani plotted against his superior, Darth Mortis, Miyala killed Scyllani and informed Mortis.

Mortis made her a Lord, and she eventually stepped into a role as his spymaster. Miyala had little ambition for herself, seeking only the protection of her sisters, and Mortis played on that, coming to believe the twins could take out Thanaton, a rival of his on the Council. Having secured the loyalty of his spymaster, Mortis gave her the title Darth Calumnia, and later sent her to investigate the Sphere of Sith Intelligence as an agent of the Sphere of Laws and Justice.

Calumnia thrived after returning to Intelligence, and since Zhorrid had purged Intelligence of other Sith in fits of paranoia, Calumnia had no rivals as she slowly undermined Zhorrid while carrying out her investigation. Things came to a head 2 weeks after the Emperor’s death, and Calumnia, who no one believed was a truly capable fighter, murdered Darth Zhorrid on Nar Shaddaa after declaring Kaggath, rising to power as the new Head of Sith Intelligence.
