#oc talks


ok kinda long and also mostly just like world stuff of bitten off not specific character stuff…yet. (okay maybe some character stuff lol)

ok lets start with color palettes :)

using colors to group my characters is one of my fav things to do! i love it so much but lets go over what im even talking about here


1. Dark Green: dark green is used for characters that arent actually from the universe (in melodys case her father is the same species as ion but her mother is just human)

2. Light Pink: very simple. cupid and vivi are siblings

3. Bright Red: also simple. cosmo and lauren are also related (they have different shades of red tho since they are Not siblings. cosmo is laurens grandfather, hes just been a siren for A While.)

4. Blue: also p simple. blue is for witches!

5. Neon Pink: neon pink with green means their from earth! neon pink Without green means they are from earth But have never been to the planet itself!

6. Gold: gold means high status-someone thats really well known across the galaxy

7. Dark Red(Waistbands): waistbands means they either were or still are in the military (different colors mean different things and those things change depending on which part of the galaxy your in)

the different colors of the waistbands are these


Purple and Yellow usually mean theyre not fighters and used mostly for intelligence. Green usually means healers (except where cosmo is from. its red there) Light blue are universally bounty hunters that will work with military (not all bounty hunters will) Dark blue always means magic user of some sort. ANd Red usually means thats the person in charge.

the darker the hue the lower the rank. and everyone starts with black where theyll learn all the different ‘career paths’ before they decide which one they want to do

speaking of different parts of the galaxy! theres 3 main ruling…’unions’ (theres actually thousands) but theyre all under 3 main ones (havent thot of names for these yet)


red is humans

green is who davey works for

and blue is where cosmo and lauren are from

the yellow however, is the areas that agate has taken control over! the parts were her control and the other unions overlap are usually the worst parts of the galaxy to live in :/ since that were the unions are still trying to take back control in those areas (her control in the green used to be a lot more but davey was able to take it back from her(shes not happy about that))

Next up is Deadspots in the galaxy, Why cartographers like ferris are even needed, and whats up with space sirens :)

first up is deadspots!


deadspots are parts of the galaxy you just cant see! when space sirens gather in large enough groups for an unknown reason is creates these deadspots that cant be viewed from the outside.

the only way to map whats inside of them in to go in and chart it that way. its generally regarded as a horrible but important job to have since sirens are. like all undead species, hunted. and therefor tend to attack anything that comes into theyre territory

ferris’ job was to map all the stars and planets in these spots and to make maps of the planets. (he was in a deadspot that overlapped agates and daveys territories when agate n co kidnapped him)

as for sirens in specific, they like vampires(zyra) and zombies(technically vivi lol) are considered undead and not ‘real species’ so theyre hunted and killed off regularly.

theres a much higher density of space sirens in agates territory since she has a ban on killing them in return they dont hunt anyone who works for her. she also uses the space sirens as a way of gaining control of more territory in the galaxy since they can communicate with each other regardless of distance.

thers also subtypes within the undead species. certain vampires can go into sunlight (not zyra tho lol), some zombies are actually mindless and will attack everything and some are not (vivi is a bit dumb but she was like that before dying) and sirens are different depending on if they died in saltwater, freashwater, or space.

the space variety is the least known of all three and is what cosmo studies specifically (tho he and lauren are the freashwater variety)

ok im to lazy to draw it but lets talk about agate n melodys ship a lil bit


(just the basic shape of the ship cause im tired lol)

the ship is about the size of a planet. it started out a lot smaller but over the last 200 years theyve built onto it to accommodate a Much larger crew as they took control of more space.

the ship also stays in a solar system located in a deadspace in agates territory and has an artificial atmosphere, it also has large ‘holes’ that go thru the ship to allow sunlight to reach all levels of the ship (not drawn)

it also originally belonged to the queen of the planet agate and melody are from (theres multiple countries on the planet but like. the queen of the specific country they were from). but when agate got exiled they just decided to steal it cause like. why not.

anyways im tired now, so this is all you get. for now. goodnight
