
Today’s character was originally assigned to 18th, but I decided to make a last minute swap be

Today’s character was originally assigned to 18th, but I decided to make a last minute swap between the two characters for personal preferences. As much as I like Vario, Sparrow is a lot more important even though he is not quite at the very top of my favourite characters list. He has been with me for quite some time, and has gone through several names. While Sparrow is an alias he has taken upon himself, the true reason I am not calling him by his real name is that I’m still trying to come up with one that suits my tastes better than the two previous names he has had.
Sparrow was the second born of a litter of three cubs, two males and one female. It had long been tradition in the royal family to select the heir if they bore the purple markings the pride associated with royalty. As Sparrow was the only one of his siblings to have such markings, he was selected to become the Crown Prince. This reflected on his upbringing, and all his young life he was groomed to become the next king. He enjoyed his lessons in diplomacy and tactics, yet always seemed to find time to spend time with Hope, his older sister from the royal family’s previous litter. During his mid adolescent years his sister brought about an accident that put the whole pride in danger. As the punishment for her crime would have been death, Sparrow chose to take the blame for it, knowing they would not kill the one with whom the royal family line would carry on. Sparrow was exiled, and Hope chose to come with him. He chose the name Sparrow for himself, refusing to use his old name for as long as he would have to live in exile. During their travels they came across Flare, a young lion who had recently began his own travels, and the three of them chose to team up and travel together. Sparrow has never told their new travelling companion about his true heritage, believing such things do not matter anymore.
traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober20th #Sparrow #lion #traditionalart

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After yesterday’s character, the logical choice for today was Xoren, a character tightly conne

After yesterday’s character, the logical choice for today was Xoren, a character tightly connected to Vario’s backstory. While Vario is a relatively new character, Xoren has existed for quite a while. I think Xoren’s creation was spurred by late night inspirations just before bed, as the earliest sketches I have of her are made with a ballpoint pen, my favoured medium around ten or so years ago for making quick sketches before bed.
Xoren was the Queen of her pride, elevated into the position at a relatively young age after the death of the previous King and Queen. She was a gentle ruler, if somewhat naive at times, and she relied heavily on her advisers when making decisions. Her most trusted was Vario, her military advisor, whom she even ventured to call her friend. Perhaps because of her personal feelings towards him, she was not prepared for when Vario turned on her and overthrew her. She was driven into exile, fading into obscurity for quite some time. However, when she re-emerged she had changed. No one knows what happened to her during her exile, but she now calls herself the High Priestess of the God Who Slumbers, and seems to believe she is the reincarnation of Atarya, the long lost spirit of the one that fell in love with a God.
traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober19th #Xoren #lion #lioness #traditionalart


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I was supposed to draw another character today, but I decided to change him into a later date and dr

I was supposed to draw another character today, but I decided to change him into a later date and draw Vario instead. Vario is a bit of an oddity compared to most of my other characters. He is, currently, more an idea rather than a fully fledged character. I have the basics for his looks, behaviour and background, but I haven’t connected all the dots yet in regards to how he fits in with everyone else. Despite this, I love the idea of him that I have, even though his final design may still change when I actually get around to finishing him up.
Vario is a large barbary lion, and the King of his pride. He rules his subjects with an iron control. Militaristic by nature, he was not happy with the way the Queen that ruled before him led the pride, and so he overthrew and exiled her. Upon taking the throne for himself Vario steered the pride to suit his ideals. Their territory is vast and their numbers are great, having taken over smaller prides in order to incorporate them into their constantly growing numbers. Vario does not approve of insubordination, and he relentlessly hunts down those that go against his orders and desert the pride. He is constantly flanked by two leopard bodyguards who despite not being lions are entirely loyal to him.
traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober18th #Vario #lion #barbarylion #traditionalart


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Lumiar is much like Bleak from yesterday in that I cannot exactly remember the thought process that

Lumiar is much like Bleak from yesterday in that I cannot exactly remember the thought process that went into her creation. She was made at a time when fantasy and supernatural inspired characters were a common theme for me. The major feature in her design (though you cannot see them here) are her wings that consist almost entirely of light. They are still one of the most fun type of wings to draw out of all the winged characters I have, though I don’t think I’ve ever actually drawn them on paper.
Lumiar is the younger sister of Inari, though she often behaves like she is the older and more mature of the two. She is a somewhat solitary creature, often distancing herself from others. Together with her sister she is responsible for binding one of the three Gods of the Major Pantheon, turning him into the God Who Slumbers. The price they paid for such impudence was great, and neither of the two sisters seems capable of aging until the seals binding the God have been broken. No one is quite sure how exactly it happened, but it seems Lumiar suffered a secondary punishment for acting against a God when she lost her tongue, rendering her incapable of speech via normal means. Despite this, Lumiar has developed telepathic capabilities, allowing her to communicate with others directly into their minds, though most often she chooses to do so only with those few she trusts completely.
traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober17th #Lumiar #lion #lioness #traditionalart

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Bleak is one of those characters I remember creating, but can’t remember the reasons or source

Bleak is one of those characters I remember creating, but can’t remember the reasons or sources of inspiration for the creation process itself, but I do remember coming up with his name by flipping through an English-Finnish dictionary and finding a word that both sounded cool to me and fit his character. The last time I drew him was around 2006, but after that’s he’s just been sitting around in obscurity. I also recall using him in some role plays, as I did with most of my characters at the time, though I also believe his life was cut pretty short for one reason or another. Since I drifted away from that hobby after starting my studies at university, Bleak has been pretty much pushed to the sidelines for the time being.
Bleak is a compulsive liar who rarely lets any truths pass his lips. He likes fleshing out his lies with partial truths, and he seems to have a relatively good memory for keeping all his lies straight. He doesn’t take threatening situations very seriously, and often laughs at the face of danger. Laughter seems to be his way of looking at life, as he seems far too easily amused by even the smallest of things. He doesn’t remember his childhood, where he came from or even what his parents looked like. The only memories he has are of the barren lands surrounding the inactive volcano where his mentor has made her home. His mentor often sends him away to act as her eyes and ears in the surrounding lands. He never questions her orders, and is always happy to comply to her wishes.
traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober15th #Bleak #lion #traditionalart


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Me, two weeks ago: I’ll draw my feline characters this month. Also me: HERE, HAVE A MEERKAT.

Me, two weeks ago: I’ll draw my feline characters this month.
I couldn’t not draw my boi Tevoi. He’s a fun character and a refreshing change from all the felines in my Tales Through the Time universe. He’s always had a bit of a rock star vibe, and he’s always such a joy to draw in all sorts of sassy poses.
Tevoi is a happy meerkat, taking each situation with a hefty dose of optimism. He’s a bit of a diva sometimes, though mostly he does so jokingly at his own expense. He is a somewhat smooth talker, which often leads him successfully persuading any lion he might come across with to allow him to travel with them for a time. He often braids their manes for them, and uses any loose fur from his travelling companions to make himself a new bracelet whenever the old one wears down.
traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober15th #Tevoi #meerkat #traditionalart


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Today’s character was Knishra, one of the very few cub characters that I have. I recall basing

Today’s character was Knishra, one of the very few cub characters that I have. I recall basing her on a plushie lion I bought years and years ago (and still have), though her markings and colours aren’t exactly like those on the plushie. Only very rarely do I draw Knishra as an adult, though I must admit that drawing her as a cub is always a challenge for me. I don’t draw cubs often enough at all, but the practice is always welcome despite the challenge.
Knishra is one of the three Gods of the Major Pantheon. She is the Creator, the First, the Eldest, She-Who-Breathed-Life-Into-Being. She is, technically, the queen of all the Gods, though she has left the duty of ruling over the Minor Pantheon to the Twin Gods. In the Tale of Creation, she was the First that came into being in the great abyss. She slept in the darkness for eons, growing and dreaming of what might come into being. She created the world with a wish, but the world she had created was empty. Saddened by the emptiness of her world she cried out her anguish, and from her tears came into being the two entities that are known as the Twin Gods. She gave to them the power to fill the world with their creations, and in doing so she reverted into the form of a cub. She is now rarely seen in the world and she avoids influencing the choices the beings in her world make, but she is always watching, always curious to see the events from her dreams fulfilled.
traditional art, pencils, metallic pencils and white gel pen on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober14th #Knishra #lion #lioness #deity #goddess #MajorPantheon #CreatorGod #traditionalart


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Mwezi was originally created for the same role play where Auri made his brief appearance. I based th

Mwezi was originally created for the same role play where Auri made his brief appearance. I based the idea of her around a character that could turn into mist and could generally move around both by day and night without notice. Dark shades of blue have always been my favourite colour, so when I decided she would be almost completely black it wasn’t very difficult to also decide to give her fur a bluish tint when she is in any kind of light. She is an imaginary offspring of a lioness and a cheetah, which I dubbed chion. . Mwezi is a proud member of a medium sized nomadic pride of lions. She has very little recollection of her father, and does not know the circumstances that led to her parents meeting in the first place. The only clear memory she has of her father is that he was a proud king cheetah capable of bending the element of air to his will. It came as no surprise when Mwezi began to show signs of having inherited the same power. Determined to master the skill, Mwezi trained persistently until she could not only create winds but also seemingly turn the very air solid around her and even use it to propel herself through air. What she did not anticipate were the side effects her vigorous training would have on her, as she one day realised when her whole body began to shift into a cloud of mist. She has since learned to control her shifting, though sometimes her body tends to revert into mist form on its own if she is not actively focusing on keeping herself corporeal. . Media: traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper . #SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober13th #Mwezi #lion #chion #cheetah #hybrid #traditionalart https://www.instagram.com/p/B3kYlvQJtm7/?igshid=4ujtc7kjmdjm

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Today’s character is Acha, who was created at a time when I scribbled a lot of random lions on

Today’s character is Acha, who was created at a time when I scribbled a lot of random lions on pretty much any paper I could get my hands on. I coloured him with some cheap markers and then promptly forgot about him for a few years until I flipped through the sketchbook he was in. Something in his colour palette appealed to me and I decided to make him a proper character. . Acha, also known as the Lord of Deserts, is the eldest God of the Minor Pantheon. Despite his colouration, he is associated with droughts, dry seasons and deserts. Together with his counterpart Osea, Goddess of Rains, he reigns over the never ending cycle of rains and droughts that are vital in making sure all life flourishes in the world. As a Lesser God he is answerable to the Twin Gods of the Major Pantheon. Rumour has it that he was once a mortal whom the Twin Gods elevated into a deity, while another rumour says he has sired a mortal daughter who shares with him the colouration of her fur. However, no one knows if either one of these rumours is true. . Media: traditional art, Sharpies, pencils, metallic pencils, white gel pen and white correction ink on brown paper . #SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober10th #Acha #lion #deity #god #MinorPantheon #LesserGod #traditionalart https://www.instagram.com/p/B3h1iOxpGIF/?igshid=1c3mt5of56iyj

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Nightflame is yet another one of those characters I’ve had for ages, yet never really got arou

Nightflame is yet another one of those characters I’ve had for ages, yet never really got around to drawing that much despite how much I like him. He was created at roughly the same time as Solara. I’ve been meaning to give him a slight redesign and change his name, but despite my best attempts I haven’t gotten around to doing so yet. (It also doesn’t help that every other time I talk about him I write his name with and without space, oops?)
Nightflame was born to a pride that made its home at the edges of a great jungle. As a barbary lion he quickly outgrew the other cubs his age. Despite his sometimes intimidating size and somewhat cryptic demeanour he is actually pretty friendly when one gets to know him better. He was somewhat misunderstood in his pride and only really had one true friend among them. Her name was Solara, and eventually the two of them had two cubs together. Shortly after their cubs were born, both Nightflame and Solara vanished, and their pride never saw either of them again. Rumour has it though that a gargantuan dark coloured lion has been seen aimlessly wandering the savannah, but the pride has never dared venture out and confirm if the lion from these rumours is Nightflame.
traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober10th #Finja #lion #lioness #traditionalart


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Finja is a bit of an odd character of mine. Her creation was spurred on by a friend of mine who enco

Finja is a bit of an odd character of mine. Her creation was spurred on by a friend of mine who encouraged me to design a black and white character, who could only have colour in their eyes. I took some design elements for her from Kirsui, which later on turned out to be a good decision when I decided to make the two characters half sisters. I haven’t really used Finja for anything major yet, but I quite like how she looks like and how she has potential to become pretty important in the story line where she would appear.
The major aspect in Finja’s personality is her neutrality. She does not seem to sway towards good or evil, but rather treads the line between the two according what her personal moral compass tells her. Her loyalty and respect lie with those who have earned them, though she always seems to hold a certain amount of respect towards authority. However, she is not afraid to open her mouth if she feels she needs to voice her opinion. In battle she tends to plan her movements beforehand, evaluating her opponent and adjusting her course of action accordingly. She is pleasant company, not overly talkative yet not truly a quiet type either. Trained from a young age to be a part of her pride’s more militaristic group, she quickly rose to the rank of assassin and spy. Though she is not always fond of what she does, she always completes her tasks without failure.
traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober10th #Finja #lion #lioness #traditionalart


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Auri’s creation was more pure chance than an actual need or inspiration to create a character.

Auri’s creation was more pure chance than an actual need or inspiration to create a character. At the time of his creation I took part in a role play named Great Battle, which was a supernatural story of two prides in war with one another. One pride attacked the other during the events of the role play, and Auri was one of the two “npc” guards stationed at one of the other pride’s outposts. His sole purpose was to be a quick character who would die within one or two posts from when he was introduced. Several years later, I decided I’d bring him back as a proper character, and though I rarely draw him he is one of the dearest characters I now have.
Auri is a peaceful lion who often chooses diplomacy over action. He strongly dislikes any form of fighting, though he is known to lash out at the first sight of injustice and oppression. He is ready to defend the weak, often aligning himself with the losing side, especially if the odds are against them. He was born with the ability to bend the winds to his will, though he is no expert in the area and it requires a considerable amount of focus from him. He has little recollection of his past, other than his name and the vivid images of a battle that left him critically injured. He is haunted by the terrors he experienced during that battle, and he now wanders aimlessly, wondering where he came from and who he was before the battle.
traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober9th #Auri #lion #traditionalart


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Solara is another one of those characters who was designed for me years and years ago, but who I nev

Solara is another one of those characters who was designed for me years and years ago, but who I never truly got around to drawing all that much. It took me a couple of years to figure out what to do with her, and even more time to actually get around to altering her original design to suit my tastes better. Her colour palette was toned down and I got rid of some extra accessories she had for some reason. Her original name was Sunspot, but I didn’t really want her to sound like a My Little Pony so I changed her name into something that still hinted at the original name but wasn’t quite as out of place.
Solara is an adventurous, cheerful young lioness. She grew up in a pride that made its home at the edges of a great jungle, though she much preferred the open savannah to the closely clustered trees. She grew up together with her childhood friend Night Flame, and she was always well liked by the whole pride. Night Flame and Solara eventually had two cubs, a male and a female, whom they named Bleak and Meri. Shortly after their birth both Solara and Night Flame vanished, and her pride has not seen her since.
traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober8th #Solara #lion #lioness #traditionalart


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(I noticed a minor cropping issue in the first upload of this so I had to edit that and reupload. So

(I noticed a minor cropping issue in the first upload of this so I had to edit that and reupload. Sorry about that! :’))
Today’s character is Meri, whose creation was inspired by me listening to Ocean Soul from Nightwish and having it stuck in my head for the better part of a week. Her name means ocean in Finnish, a choice also reflected in the colour of her hair. Her original backstory mostly developed during a role play I took part in at the time, though she has since evolved beyond what I imagined for her back then. At first when I created her she did not have a family, but later on I decided she would be related to Bleak, another character of mine that I used in a different role play roughly at the same time I created Meri. .
Meri is a shy and quiet lioness. She is generally afraid of other lions and rarely speaks with others willingly. Because of this others often think her to be mute. Her fear and self chosen muteness are results of a childhood trauma, the very same one from which she received the scar on her face and lost sight on her right eye. She travels alone, having deserted her pride as soon as she was able to travel and take care of herself. .
traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober7th #Meri #lion #lioness #traditionalart

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The 6th character this month is Inari. I have to admit I can’t remember the exact thought proc

The 6th character this month is Inari. I have to admit I can’t remember the exact thought process that went into creating her, but I do recall wanting to name her after the place I grew up in.


Inari is always very polite and very slow to anger. She remains calm in most situations, though she also has a playful side that occasionally rears its head. Together with her sister she is responsible for binding one of the three Gods of the Major Pantheon, turning him into the God Who Slumbers. The price the both of them paid for such impudence was great, and it seems that neither of the two is capable of aging until the seals binding the God have been broken. Whether it is a side effect of what she did or if she was born that way, Inari has shown aptitude in telekinesis and premonitions, though for the most part she tries to keep her talents hidden as she apprehensively awaits for the eventual possibility that the God Who Slumbers might break free.



traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper


#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober6th #Inari #lion #lioness #traditionalart

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Today’s character was chosen solely because of yesterday’s character. Hope is just as im

Today’s character was chosen solely because of yesterday’s character. Hope is just as important as Flare and nowadays to me one cannot exist without the other. Hope’s design was gifted to me a long time ago, and she has remained largely the same with only minor changes to the style of her fringe.


Hope is the last born of her litter and sadly the only one that survived. She was born a princess, though it became clear very soon that the headstrong cub would not easily become a queen. A year later her parents had another litter of cubs, and one of them bore the markings that had long been considered the mark of royalty in her family. As Hope herself lacked these markings, she was allowed to pursue other goals in her life while her younger brother Crown Prince and Heir to the throne. During her late adolescent years, Hope unwittingly brought about an accident that put her whole pride in danger. Her crime was so great that no matter her heritage she would have had to answer with her life. Her younger brother came to her rescue and took full blame of the events, knowing his life would be spared because only with him would the royal family line carry on. He was exiled and took the name Sparrow for himself, and as he left the pride Hope came with him, too ashamed to stay behind and knowing what her brother did to save her. Upon their travels they came across Flare, a young lion that recently departed from his home pride, and the three of them now travel together.



traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper


#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober5th #Hope #lion #lioness #traditionalart


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Today’s character on my list is Flare. When I originally created him he was just meant to be a

Today’s character on my list is Flare. When I originally created him he was just meant to be a cub, but he has since grown into an adult lion. His name originally came from a white lightning bolt marking on his shoulder (I can’t even remember which shoulder it was on), but a few years ago when I gave him a redesign I chose to abandon that and instead give him some more facial markings.
Flare is a calm, quiet yet playful young lion. He was born into a small, secluded pride, often choosing to watch over the younger cubs rather than joining those more of his age in their games. Upon the death of his aunt he became an older brother figure to his younger cousin, spending a lot of his time with her. When he reached adolescence he left his pride behind, looking for new adventures and a place to call his own. After some time alone he came across two siblings, Hope and Sparrow, and the three of them now travel together. He misses his cousin sometimes, and hopes that perhaps one day their paths might cross again.
traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober2nd #Flare #lion #traditionalart


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The third character this month is Artica. She, too, is a rather old character, also originating from

The third character this month is Artica. She, too, is a rather old character, also originating from 2006. Her original design was gifted to me by a friend, though I have since changed her markings and altered her colours from what they were back then.
Artica is one of the three Gods of the Major Pantheon. She is one of the Twin Gods, sister of the God of Death and daughter of the Creator. She is known as the Goddess of Life and Stars, and she reigns over those that have passed on to her domain of Everspace, also known as the Great Starlit Halls of Artica, or the Afterlife. Together with her brother she rules over the Minor Pantheon, making sure the Lesser Gods obey the Rules set by the Creator. She is regarded as a benevolent and kind mistress, and as a being who values all life, no matter how big or small.

traditional art, Sharpies, pencils, metallic pencils, white gel pen and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober2nd #Artica #God #Goddess #lion #lioness #traditionalart


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The second character on my OCtober list is Atarya, also one of the older characters I have. She was

The second character on my OCtober list is Atarya, also one of the older characters I have. She was created much later than Scout, some time around 2006 when I began to really want to learn how to draw lions and big cats in general.
Atarya is the ghostly spirit of a long departed princess, unable to pass on due to her bond to a God she fell in love with. Before her death she gave birth to a daughter, a demi-god and the future Goddess of the Moon. Unfortunately, the God whom she loved did not have time to bestow her with the gift of immortality, and He arrived too late to save her from her fate. She now roams the land, unseen by all but the most perceptive, sometimes appearing as a spirit that guides those that are lost back home.
traditional art, Sharpies, pencils and white correction ink on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober2nd #Atarya #TheGhost #lion #lioness #traditionalart


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I thought I’d try another October challenge this year and tempt my artistic muses into actuall

I thought I’d try another October challenge this year and tempt my artistic muses into actually finishing it by only drawing my characters. As it happens, I have so many of them that I could fill several months with daily character drawings, I chose to focus on my 31 favourite felines from my Tales Through the Time universe.
We begin this challenge with Scout, the oldest character I remember creating an astonishing 21 years ago. Scout is a title she begun to use as her name after deserting her pride over a disagreement of a task she was given. She now travels alone, and prefers the solitary life to what she had before.
Media: traditional art, Sharpies and pencils on brown paper
#SuiActuallyDrawsSomething #OCtober #OCtober2019 #drawingchallenge #mycharacter #myoriginalcharacter #myOC #OCtober1st #Scout #Kiruu #lion #lioness #traditionalart


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