#off brand

El Camino prompted me to renew my vows at the altar of Vince Gilligan, so I’m catching up on Better El Camino prompted me to renew my vows at the altar of Vince Gilligan, so I’m catching up on Better

El Camino prompted me to renew my vows at the altar of Vince Gilligan, so I’m catching up on Better Call Saul, and this tribute just made my heart soar.

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Omfg♠️♥️♠️♥️⚫️♥️♣️♥️♥️EDIT: I suspect this isn’t actually American Apparel #MatildaPlaid after all.


EDIT: I suspect this isn’t actually American Apparel #MatildaPlaid after all. I think it’s a totally different company who happens to have a similar tennis skirt. You can tell because the pleats’ plaid pattern get so narrow on the upper fitted 1/3 part. If you look at my related posts below (or the Matilda hashtags) you’ll see the plaid stays relatively parallel (evenly spaced) from top to bottom.

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I see no difference here

I see no difference here

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#the avengers    #the hulk    #marvel    #bootleg    #knock off    #off brand    
Why Mr T got an axe tho???

Why Mr T got an axe tho???

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#the a-team    #bootleg    #knock off    #off brand    
I’m not sure which is worse, the outlandish sword and shield, or that globbed on paint job tha

I’m not sure which is worse, the outlandish sword and shield, or that globbed on paint job that gives him THE CREEPIEST SMILE EVER

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#engrish    #bootleg    #knock off    #off brand    
“You want a milkshake to go with them fries, boy?”

“You want a milkshake to go with them fries, boy?”

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#mcdonalds    #fast food    #ronald mcdonald    #bootleg    #knock off    #off brand    
When did batman have a gun?

When did batman have a gun?

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#batman    #superhero    #bootleg    #knock off    #off brand    


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#bootleg    #knock off    #off brand    #engrish    



Would you rather:

1. Go apple picking V.S. Go on a hay ride

2. Scary V.S. Sweet

3 Sweaters V.S. Boots

4. Socks V.S. Mittens

5. Bonfires V.S. Football

6. Trick or Treating V.S. Watch Scary movies

7. Apple Pie V.S. Pumpkin Pie

8. Halloween V.S. Thanksgiving

9. Bake Pie V.S. Bake Cookies

10. Rain V.S. Fog

11. Black Cats V.S. Owls

12. Ghosts V.S. Wizards

13. Harry Potter V.S. Halloweentown

14. Go Hiking V.S. Sleep in

15. Cinnamon V.S. Nutmeg

16. Reading V.S. Writing

17. Hot Chocolate V.S. Tea

18. Live in a Cabin In a Forest V.S. Have it be fall 24/7

19. Candy Apples V.S. Caramel Apples

20. Blankets V.S. Pillows

21. Roasted marshmallows V.S. Roasted Chestnuts

22. Coffee V.S. Apple Cider

23. Red Leaves V.S. Orange Leaves

24. Braids V.S. Bows

25. Scented Candles V.S. The Smell of Fresh Baked Goods

26. Carve Pumpkins V.S. Make Pumpkin Pie

27. Pumpkin Spice Lattes V.S. Chai Tea Lattes

28. Coats V.S. Oversized Sweaters

29. Beanies V.S. Berets

30. Candy Corn V.S. Peanut Butter Cups

31. S'mores V.S. Apple Crisp

32. Jump In a Pile of Leaves V.S. Swing on a Tire Swing

33. Corn Maze V.S. Haunted House

34. Bob For Apples V.S. Visit a Pumpkin Patch

35. Whipped Cream on Hot Chocolate V.S. Marshmallows on Hot Chocolate

Drop me a couple numbers and then reblog so you can play too!

Let’s play

This is a little off brand for me. It really doesn’t have anything to do with bimbos per'se. But Autumn is one of my top four favorite seasons and all of these are great conversation starters. So if you follow my blog and want to know more about me feel free to ask any of these, my only request is that included with your ask, you give your take on that number too.
