#off german



So guys..

this is the time where I should share the download-link with you and hold an inspirational speech how this was a dream of mine for years … but the truth is, there isn’t going to be a release today.

I lied to you.

I did this whole thing just to get clicks and likes on tumblr and I didn’t actually translate OFF. I couldn’t sleep the past few days because I didn’t know how I should explain this to you. I am deeply embarassed and sorry.

I am a disgrace for the OFF fandom.

Forgive me.





Just kidding, here’s the link:  https://www.fat-matt.net/

Go ahead and have fun

If you speak, read or are learning German please give this individual some support for their efforts! Amazing to see such a dedicated fan in 2020! Thank you for helping the spread of this game!


So guys..

this is the time where I should share the download-link with you and hold an inspirational speech how this was a dream of mine for years … but the truth is, there isn’t going to be a release today.

I lied to you.

I did this whole thing just to get clicks and likes on tumblr and I didn’t actually translate OFF. I couldn’t sleep the past few days because I didn’t know how I should explain this to you. I am deeply embarassed and sorry.

I am a disgrace for the OFF fandom.

Forgive me.





Just kidding, here’s the link:  https://www.fat-matt.net/

Go ahead and have fun

If you speak, read or are learning German please give this individual some support for their efforts! Amazing to see such a dedicated fan in 2020! Thank you for helping the spread of this game!


Hi, Im Fat Matt.

I am currently translating this nice game for cute children called OFF, one of the best rpg-games of all time, to German. Join me if you want to get updates on my progress. Let me tell you this: It will be finished very soon… Ah Ah!


See you soon and have a nice day!
