#off with their heads



Support for the monarchy is now a minority position in Scotland


The way the British media talks about the royal family is so fucked up it’s insane I was watching the British news the other night (it was either the BBC or Sky I cant remember) and a journalist on it described the queen as a grandmother to the nation. What the fuck. If a journalist in North Korea or China or Russia called their leader the grandfather of the nation these British journalists would be falling over themselves to call those nations and peoples brainwashed. But it’s totally normal for supposedly neutral and unbiased news shows to worship an unelected woman who defends her paedophile son and is happy for 2 billion pound to be poured down the drain on a celebration that she doesnt even show up to while millions in the UK are struggling to feed their families. Ok.

‘The royal family bring in lots of money via tourism’ - If the only thing England has going for it is some privileged twats waving from balconies and cutting ribbons then it’s a pretty sad state of affairs.

‘They have lots of great history’ - Like the colonialism?! Or are we just going to slide that one under the carpet?

‘I’m more bothered about billionaires avoiding tax’ - Yeah, me too but I’m also bothered about my taxes going to billionaires sitting on golden thrones during a cost of living crisis.
