#offerings and altars

- Sailor Jupiter -Sailor Jupiter is the ultimate powerhouse with strong contrasts of both masculin- Sailor Jupiter -Sailor Jupiter is the ultimate powerhouse with strong contrasts of both masculin

- Sailor Jupiter -

Sailor Jupiter is the ultimate powerhouse with strong contrasts of both masculinity and femininity brewing within her. She is known as The Soldier of Protection, and The Soldier of Thunder and Courage. Her reigning powers are over the forces of nature, which include manipulating thunder and lightning as well as plant life.

Physically, she is the strongest of the Inner Soldiers and is seen as the “muscles” of the group. She often fights the enemies with just her fists if they happen to come close enough. Her sturdy body can also withstand huge amounts of weight, allowing her to throw grown men around and stop stone pillars from falling. Yet, Sailor Jupiter represents her femininity through beauty of nature with her on-going rose motif, shown in both her earrings and  her potpourri belt. Her beautiful attacks also show off everything between the sheer force of an electrical storm to the elegance of flower petals.

When working with Sailor Jupiter, you should consider the following things that she can help you with:

  • Strength - Whether you need encouragement to become physically stronger, or need someone to strengthen your spells, or someone with strong hands to support you; Sailor Jupiter is on duty!
  • Zest - I find that asking Sailor Jupiter to throw a “spark” into your life can lead to some interesting life experiences. If you’re life is feeling a bit stagnant, I’m sure she can spice it up. Be warned though, she’s a bit of a trickster, and you might not like/expect what she brings.
  • Security - Sailor Jupiter is the Soldier of Protection and she will live up to that title when needed. Whenever I connect with Sailor Jupiter I feel very safe and secure. She is very quick (like lightning haha) so if you need immediate protection (say, if you feel weird walking down a dark street)  you just have to say some quick words to her and she’ll be there with you. She’s like a security blanket to me  ;~;
  • Connecting with Nature - Sailor Jupiter can really help you connect with nature. Sit outside with her and feel the energies coming from the plants; sit on the ground with her and feel the vibrations of the earth.
  • Kitchen Witchery - Makoto Kino is Sailor Jupiter’s civilian forme and she is described as being the “perfect housewife” type. She can cook marvelous meals, take care of herself and her home, and loves gardening. I can see Makoto and Sailor Jupiter wanting to help with anything related to the home and hearth, much like I see Sailor Neptune wanting to help with those who practice Sea Witchery.

Offerings and altar pieces for Sailor Jupiter can include any pop culture references you own, such as transformation sticks, posters, or figurines. Offerings of home-made food or pink roses are  perfect for Jupiter. A favourite hobby of Sailor Jupiter’s that has carried on since the Silver Millennium is figure skating, so something representing that would be great too. A stone I relate to Jupiter is watermelon tourmaline - not only because it is green and pink, but because it is a power stone that also attracts love and balances your masculine and feminine energies. What a perfect stone for Sailor Jupiter!

For an altar, I’d either stick to one green candle or a set of one green and one pink candles. Since Sailor Jupiter is so associated with roses, rose incense is nice to burn for her, but if you’re looking for something with a bit more kick, Dragon’s Blood seems to work. I’m sure she would like anything you chose!


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- Sailor Cosmos - Sailor Cosmos seems to be a very distant future form of Sailor Moon. An ambiguous - Sailor Cosmos - Sailor Cosmos seems to be a very distant future form of Sailor Moon. An ambiguous - Sailor Cosmos - Sailor Cosmos seems to be a very distant future form of Sailor Moon. An ambiguous - Sailor Cosmos - Sailor Cosmos seems to be a very distant future form of Sailor Moon. An ambiguous - Sailor Cosmos - Sailor Cosmos seems to be a very distant future form of Sailor Moon. An ambiguous - Sailor Cosmos - Sailor Cosmos seems to be a very distant future form of Sailor Moon. An ambiguous - Sailor Cosmos - Sailor Cosmos seems to be a very distant future form of Sailor Moon. An ambiguous - Sailor Cosmos - Sailor Cosmos seems to be a very distant future form of Sailor Moon. An ambiguous - Sailor Cosmos - Sailor Cosmos seems to be a very distant future form of Sailor Moon. An ambiguous - Sailor Cosmos - Sailor Cosmos seems to be a very distant future form of Sailor Moon. An ambiguous

- Sailor Cosmos -

Sailor Cosmos seems to be a very distant future form of Sailor Moon. An ambiguous lady, she appeared as ChibiChibi; the small Sailor Soldier that fell from the sky, to help Sailor Moon during the war against Sailor Galaxia. Sailor Cosmos only appeared briefly in her true form after Eternal Sailor Moon jumped into the Galaxy Cauldron to save the Star Seeds of the Sailor Scouts.

After Eternal Sailor Moon jumped into the Galaxy Cauldron, Sailor Cosmos transforms from being Sailor Chibichibi in front of Sailor Chibimoon and the Sailor Asteroids. They ask if Sailor Moon has sacrificed herself to return the Sailor Crystals back to their original forms, but Sailor Cosmos reassures them that Sailor Moon will return with everyone due to the Lambda Power. This is explained to be the ultimate static power of the universe, created in this case by everyone’s Star Seeds being inside of the Galaxy Cauldron at once, forming The Cosmos Crystal. The Cosmos Crystal, the Galaxy Cauldron, and the Galaxy itself use this Lambda power to restore everyone’s original forms back on Earth, or wherever the Soldier originated from.

The images above also tell the story of Sailor Cosmos and why she came back in time. When asked if she is a distant future form of Sailor Moon, she did not deny it, but only said that she was a coward from the future and was no match for Eternal Sailor Moon. After losing the distant future war against Sailor Chaos, she decided to come back and help Sailor Moon choose the correct path. However, Sailor Cosmos had forgotten about Eternal Sailor Moon’s unrivaled power of courage and strength, and this alone inspired her to continue down her original path. Sailor Cosmos knows that she must fight against Chaos, for you cannot completely destroy it. Light and darkness coexist eternally. Sailor Cosmos ends her story by saying that Eternal Sailor Moon is the true “Sailor Cosmos” figure, and Sailor Cosmos will only regain this title when she finds the courage to stand and fight on her own.

If you would like to work with Sailor Cosmos, you should stop and consider what she really represents to you. As she is such an unknown character, interpretation varies by person. In my practice, she is the opposite of Chaos, and also the Sailor Soldier of the Galaxy Cauldron itself (I’ll talk about this more in a future post about Guardian Cosmos). The only altar piece I have for Sailor Cosmos is a vial of small opals. They shine like her skirt and I fell that she likes them. I would assume that rainbow moonstone would have the same effect. I am still learning myself, afterall.


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- Sailor Chibi Moon - Sailor Chibi Moon is the daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion in t- Sailor Chibi Moon - Sailor Chibi Moon is the daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion in t

- Sailor Chibi Moon -

Sailor Chibi Moon is the daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion in the 30th century. She is known as The Princess Soldier,The Sailor Soldier of the Future, and unofficially, The Soldier of Courage.

While she is only a Sailor Soldier in-training, her powers are much like Sailor Moon’s, either healing or emitting damaging energy at her enemies. Many of Sailor Chibi Moon’s attacks are performed with Sailor Moon to increase the energy of the attack. These are called Double Moon attacks. Sailor Chibi Moon possesses her own powerful crystal named The Pink Moon Crystal.

When working with Sailor Chibi Moon, you should consider the following things that she can help you with:

  • Amplifying your energies - Sailor Chibi Moon plays a key role in amplifying Sailor Moon’s attacks in critical times. She can be seen as the “quarts crystal” of the Sailor Team, adding that extra oomph to anything you are doing. Say you are asking Sailor Moon to help you heal a broken heart, you can also ask Chibi Moon to send her energies as well and make it a “double moon” spell.
  • Courage - Sailor Chibi Moon is referenced as the Soldier of courage because everything she does takes guts. Sailor Chibi Moon never backs out of a fight even though she knows she is not as strong as the other Scouts, and shows up to a fight even when the others tell her to stay behind.
  • Dream-work - Although Helios is the official keeper of dreams, Sailor Chibi Moon can be used as a dream worker as well. Their relationship is strong and they both strive to protect everyone’s beautiful dreams. If you ever have trouble contacting Helios (which is not likely, he is a very warm entity, but anything can happen) Sailor Chibi Moon can act as a medium between you and Helios.
  • Growth and Learning - Sailor Chibi Moon was sent from the 30th century to learn and train to be both a proper princess and a great Sailor Soldier. If you desire to train to be the best you can be and grow in a certain aspect of your life, Sailor Chibi Moon will be there to encourage you!

Offerings and altar pieces that would suit Sailor Chibi Moon can include any pop culture items you may have, such as her Pink Moon Stick or Transformation brooch. Light pink candles and rose quarts are great for her as well. Other things Sailor Chibi Moon likes include pudding and pancakes! Candy, sugar, honey, anything sweet to satisfy this little Soldier. For incense, I usually use the same sweet-smelling incense I use when working with Sailor Moon.


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- Sailor Saturn - Sailor Saturn is the Messiah of Silence and Sailor Soldier of planet Saturn. Also - Sailor Saturn - Sailor Saturn is the Messiah of Silence and Sailor Soldier of planet Saturn. Also

- Sailor Saturn -

Sailor Saturn is the Messiah of Silence and Sailor Soldier of planet Saturn. Also known as The Soldier of Ruin and BirthandThe Soldier of Destruction, Sailor Saturn can bring about the end of a planet or entire star system with the drop of her weapon, The Silence Glaive. Unlike the other Outer Sailor Soldiers, Sailor Saturn’s Glaive is not a talisman, but an ultimate weapon which she uses to channel her reigning powers of destruction and rebirththrough.

Sailor Saturn is mostly seen as the darker side of the Sailor Soldiers. She is the Grim Reaper of the Solar System, and only awakens when the Universe is in critical condition and/or near evil domination. If the situation is too dire, Sailor Saturn will drop her Glaive without a word and all things will cease to exist. This includes Sailor Saturn herself, for that amount of power must come with a price. After this, there is gradual rebirth and natural evolution process, which differs from The Silver Crystal’s near-instantaneous revival powers. Sailor Uranus also mentions at one point that it was actually Sailor Saturn that destroyed the remnants of The Silver Millennium after the fall of the Moon Kingdom and before they were all reborn on Earth. Despite being the Goddess of Death, Sailor Saturn is a kind and gentle spirit, who also possesses the power to heal wounds.

When working with Sailor Saturn, you should consider the following things that she can help you with:

  • Closure - whether you want you tie up old relationships or finally be at peace after someone’s death, Sailor Saturn can really help begin the healing process needed to feel closure. There is a Closure related ritual I really need to write-up set around her Death Reborn Revolution attack.
  • Barriers - Related to her attack Silence Wall, Sailor Saturn is very skilled with barriers. This can be very useful to you if you are an empath, or sensitive to aura colours or other-worldly sights and sounds. You can ask Saturn to help you set up a bubble or barrier of Silence around you. Also can act as a protection barrier.
  • Renewal/Rebirth - working with Sailor Saturn can help you find new paths in your life that you may not have noticed before. You may find that a tie you have broken or bridge you have burned may renew into something you may want to look back on. Learn from your mistakes and rise from the ashes.
  • Curses - Although I do not really practice them myself, I can see where Sailor Saturn’s ties to death and destruction could wreck havoc in someones life if used in a curse. Please be warned, the Glaive is a double edged blade and may turn back on you - much like how Sailor Saturn must die when she unleashes her full power.

Offerings and Altar pieces for Sailor Saturn can include any pop culture references you have of her; a prop Glaive, figurines, etc. I personally have the Death card from my old tarot deck on my altar for her, since they both represent death and rebirth. Sailor Saturn does not like bright light and her civilian forme Hotaru Tomoe collects lamps, so any small source of light would be kind (tealight candles are my go-to, usually in a purple colour). Some form of blade or knife to represent her Glaive, violet flowers, and Hematite for a stone for healing ,grounding and calming. Buck-wheat noodles are listed as her favourite food.

Dark Purple candles are best for Sailor Saturn, and any choice of incense you feel suits her (I’m still working on that aspect myself, but I use floral or vanilla for the time being.)


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- Sailor Neptune - Sailor Neptune is the elegant Sailor Soldier of planet Neptune. She is known as t- Sailor Neptune - Sailor Neptune is the elegant Sailor Soldier of planet Neptune. She is known as t

- Sailor Neptune -

Sailor Neptune is the elegant Sailor Soldier of planet Neptune. She is known as the Soldier of Deep Waters, the Soldier of the Sea, and the Soldier of Embrace. Her reigning power is over the oceans.

Sailor Neptune also possesses amazing intuition, such as to sense when danger is stirring and see through enemy illusions. Some speculate that this power could be given or influenced by her talisman, The Deep Aqua Mirror, which reflects only truth. It is said that Sailor Neptune awoke as a Sailor Soldier on her own through visions in her dreams, earning her another, unofficial, title of Self-Awakener. The majority of the Sailor Soldiers were awakened by Luna; or by other Sailor Scouts such in the case of Uranus and Saturn.

Sailor Neptune is very true in nature to her reigning element of the Sea, for she is calm and breathtakingly gorgeous, but also dangerously powerful and cold at times. She is fully dedicated to her missions as a Sailor Soldier and will risk anything and everything to accomplish them. Paired with her main partner and lover, Sailor Uranus, they become an unstoppable duo.

When working with Sailor Neptune, you should consider the following things that she can help you with:

  • Seekng the truth - using divination tools (tarot or pendulum are my go-to’s) Sailor Neptune will respond and help guide you to see the truth in whatever situation you have. Her mirror sees all.
  • Inner awakening - Sailor Neptune can help you find and awaken parts of yourself that you may not even know you have. Meditating to ocean sounds usually brings out mental clarity piece by piece.
  • LGBTQA+ Relationships - As I’ve said in my post about Michiru, I see Sailor Neptune as a Love Goddess for all those who don’t really connect to Sailor Venus. Sailor Neptune is the Soldier of Embrace, and being in a gay relationship herself really shouts “I am here for all love”. This can be so comforting to those who are not heterosexual.
  • Water/Mirror Scrying - Scrying with water or a mirror is simply a good way to communicate with Sailor Neptune. Sometimes I pray to a mirror and can just sense it going through her aqua mirror, it makes me feel so much closer to her. It’s a good way to work on your scrying skills!
  • Sea Witchery - If you are a Sea Witch, Sailor Neptune would be the perfect Soldier to work with to boost your craft :)

Offerings and altar pieces for Sailor Neptune are quite numerous! Anything you’ve collected from a beach, like seashells and sea glass, a vial of sand, or even some nice beach stones. Like I mentioned having a mirror on hand is always a great idea to either represent her and her mirror, or as a communication device. Of course any pop culture items you may have collected over the years. Predictably enough, the stone Aquamarine is a stone I relate to Sailor Neptune because it helps you get in touch with your inner spirituality and with deep meditation.

If your usual shop sells teal candles, you could use those for Sailor Neptune like I do. If not, just use any candle you associate with her. I actually have another candle that is white but in a teal glass holder that is sea salt & vanilla scented! I use this as my “incense” for Sailor Neptune as well since it works so well, but any incense you associate with the sea would be appropriate.


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- Ami Mizuno -Ami Mizuno is the civilian forme of Sailor Mercury and known as the genius of her sc

- Ami Mizuno -

Ami Mizuno is the civilian forme of Sailor Mercury and known as the genius of her school, rumored to have an IQ of 300. She is incredibly intelligent and is always seen reading and studying. Ami schedules all of the study groups for her and her friends to make sure everyone (especially Usagi and Minako) passes their exams. Her name is often translated to Friend of the Water.

Other than studying, Ami loves to swim and play chess. These are the things help her relax most. She really loves working with computers and technology as well. Surprisingly enough, Ami loves reading romance novels even though she has little interest in love and has the most difficulty with love letters.Her dream is to one day be a doctor like her mother.

If you would like to work with Ami, here are somethings she can help you with:

  • Dowsing Skills - Ami has been known to be able to locate water sources while in civilian form, most likely attributed to her powers as Sailor Mercury.
  • Studying Skills - Ami loves to help her friends do well in school and wants nothing more than for them all to pass their exams. Asking Ami for help memorizing math or science formulas would be smart.
  • Taking first steps towards love - Ami started out getting rashes every time she received a love letter, claiming to be allergic, but slowly becomes more open to love. Very slowly, but surely, much like her almost-relationship with Ryo Urawa and crush on Taiki Kou. Ami could give you advice on how to open up like she did. Alternatively, if you believe you are asexual, Ami will be there to assure you that you are not broken and do not need to be in love to be a “real” human being.

If you would like to leave an offering for Ami, her favorite food is sandwiches, she loves the colour blue and aquamarine, her favourite flowers are water lilies, and her favourite gemstone is sapphire.


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- Sailor Mars vs. Ares - Sailor Mars is the Soldier of War who shares a name with her Greek deity co- Sailor Mars vs. Ares - Sailor Mars is the Soldier of War who shares a name with her Greek deity co- Sailor Mars vs. Ares - Sailor Mars is the Soldier of War who shares a name with her Greek deity co- Sailor Mars vs. Ares - Sailor Mars is the Soldier of War who shares a name with her Greek deity co

- Sailor Mars vs. Ares -

Sailor Mars is the Soldier of War who shares a name with her Greek deity counterpart, Ares (Mars in Roman). Ares is known as the great Olympian God of War who represents the violent and untamed aspect of war. Our fiery Sailor Soldier is no exception to this trait, with all offensive flame attacks and a powerful weapon at her side.

Sailor Mars and Ares share more than one might expect at first glance. Their planet, Mars, has two main moons orbiting about it, named Phobos and Demios. In the Roman Culture, an official bird of the god Mars was the Crow. This is where Sailor Mars’s faithful guardian crows tie in with real ancient history. You see, Ares once loved the goddess Aphrodite, and with her, had two children. These two children were Phobos and Deimos (translated to “Terror” and “Dread”) and served as his companions in war. In the original Sailormoon storyline, the crows Phobos and Deimos also have human bodies and are actually guardians of Princess Mars from planet Coronis. They play a key role in giving Sailor Mars her Mars Crystal which enable her to transform into Super Sailor Mars. This is crucial, because this transformation allows Sailor Mars to use her Mars Flame Sniperattack.

Mars Flame Sniper is actually another tie to Ares in itself. Whereas Ares was commonly associated with the spear, he was occasionally depicted wielding a bow and arrow. In addition, his son Eros (Cupid) was always depicted using a bow and arrow. It’s also worth noting that miko (shrine maidens, like her civilian forme, Rei Hino) are well known for their archery skills, and occasionally exorcised demons with arrows.

It is said that a prominent symbol of Ares is in fact a flaming torch; this along with the scorched red planet itself leaves no question as to why Sailor Mars has reigning powers over fire. While Ares was a more bloodthirsty and violent God of War than Sailor Mars, you cannot deny the wild and untamed passion within them both.

Possible Offerings for Sailor Mars: Frankincense, crow feathers, ashes.
Possible Altar Pieces: handmade miniature arrow, red candles, small fire scrying bowl.

Sources: [x], [x], [x], [x]

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