#og cobras


began as “how can I make Johnny into a cobra like mersnake” and became butchered little mermaid-esque but in… reverse? I know it’s weird

but johnny having to go be a mer for nebulous sid or kreese rated reasons, i know i know i dont know either. the cobras hanging out with Johnny when they can? considering giving up theirhair karate so that johnny can be human again? Daniel striking a deal with sea witchFinnfolk Terry Silver to help Johnny maybe

Does it make sense? Not at all. Will I inflict it on you all? Very much so. Also shoutout to @desolateice who let me steal and butcher her finnfolk idea. rounding off with the og bb lawrusso mermay, apologies for repeats

so this started as a mermay with daniel as an otter. but then grew to include royalty!cobras with kreese as master at arms, and also daniel is a spy and a rogue nowand general intrigue involving life debts
