#og ​ppg was gold










Powerpuff Girls was actually a show about a group of small children crushing the patriarchy and no one will convince me otherwise

Anyone who tries to convince you otherwise obviously wasn’t watching the same show.

reasons why i love this show so much 

I love that the most tiny feminine delicate sweetheart of the three does the traditionaly masculine chores. Kinda makes me wanna see a teen Bubbles change a tire in a pretty dress and hair bow.

honestly i think my fav part of this gifset is the fact that those last two are probably supposed to be Their Chores but only Bubbles is doing them like that is peak sibling energy, flawless execution

Didn’t PPG have a villain that was specifically meant to mock feminists as man haters that use feminism to harm others?

They did and if you watch the whole episode you see the PPG get tricked into letting the villain committ crime out of female solidarity.

Then several women step in to talk to the PPG about how the villain is using feminism as a scapegoat to get away with toxic and criminal behavior. And how what the villain is doing isnt actually feminist at all.

Like that episode was very good about addressing toxic behaivor from people who are supposedly woke or whatever.

An episode a lot of Tumblr should watch given the rampant radfem and terf ideology that gets spread on here.

in conclusion

stan powerpuff girls for clear skin

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