#oh look it me



self discipline is so hard like. i know the sucker who’s in charge…a pushover who hates authority and loves hedonism


if u even BREATHE around a new yorker theyre like Well in new york da air is made outta poison. and we just suck it up because we are real men unlike those pansy tourists. our bagels are the only real bagels on the planet  and our pizza is the only pizza that exists and have you ever heard of the subway. I bet you havent. in new york we have this thinkg called a subway that takes you places. New york rats are stronger than any other rat in the world. if you put a rat from, say, boston, up against a new york rat….No chance pal ! our new york rat is kicking his ass, BAM! ya got rat pudding on da sidewalk. you havent had a coffee until youve had a new york coffee


  1. self-doubt
  2. procrastination
  3. sleep deprivation
  4. jealousy
  5. wailing (despair)
  6. notebook lust
  7. horrifying comma use


my love language is the same as a crow. if you’re nice to me i’ll bring you useless little trinkets from my travels that made me think of you


hlep, someone take the drawing tablet away from me, I can’t stop working on my repeating patterns


come closer i wont bite ( lying)


Something about violently possessive men just makes my brain short circuit.

I know it’s toxic.

I know it’s unhealthy.

I know it’s dangerous.

I don’t care.

I want it.

Need it.

Crave it.

It’s that or nothing for me.



don’t you want a pretty little fucktoy (me) to sit in your lap so that you can bounce them (me) up and down on your cock and pump them (me) full of cum over and over again?


Distance really does give you some clarity on how you feel about people


Smart girls that feel happy when you grope their tits.
