#oh my god i love these



Because I rarely see anybody talk about them, a look at Gem & Pearl’s camera accounts because they are super cool and very underappreciated.


AriesEva, the cam account of one GeminiTay. And initially the cause of much confusion when she started logging in and people didn’t know who she was.

Her skin follows the nature theming of her counterpart to the nether. The colour scheme closely resembles that of a fungus, with its bright greens and oranges. She keeps her trademarked floral headdress and antlers (despite this being based off her non-HC skin) and on the back of her shirt has her crescent moon ensigna seen in Season Eight!


Pearlescentmoo, somehow more of a gremlin than her counterpart. Literally. She sports pointed ears, bright green eyes, and very noticeably: a tail. Her clothes appear more ragged than Pearl’s usual wear, but she almost seems to be sporting a pair of golden earrings, or possibly an ear cuff.

For two such interesting designs, I’ve seen them get very little love. So this is me holding them up and saying look at them.


Experimenting with some Geraskier inspired patches
