#oh my god im having such a craving for this again



writers need to stop being cowards and just sell the whumpee already!!

like? the “sold” trope gives me life!! and i keep getting teased with it where the main character is valuable in some way (they’re related to someone important, they are someone important, they have a valuable special skill, ability, power, gene, etc, a lot of people want revenge on them and are willing to pay for it, etc etc etc the list goes on) and we get that delicious moment that sends chills in to my soul where the whumpee shouts, “what do you want from me?/why don’t you just kill me and get it over with?” and the villain replies, “Oh no, no, no. I don’t want to kill you. What a waste of money that would be. Why would I kill you when there are so many people out there who are just dying to get their hands on you?” I’m not necessarily looking for like anything kinky or like extended captivity or slavery whump but the character always gets rescued before they can even get sold and it breaks my heart. is this so much to ask? 
