#oh my how queued of you

shinonart: Old Gods: Day 11 - FrogThis fella is a toad but in Finnish mythology frogs and toads we


Old Gods: Day 11 - Frog

This fella is a toad but in Finnish mythology frogs and toads were basically the same thing. They were creatures of the underworld. Because toads have toxin in their skin they were associated with pain and disease. It was believed that frogs and toads are the reason why wounds inflicted by iron weapons caused so much pain.

Toads and frogs were associated with witchcraft, disease and even hurtful words. However, much like snakes they were also believed to be able to absorb poison and were kept near settlements for the same reason as people kept snakes. According to some beliefs the frog was a healer and a protector. A frog that was kept in the household was the protector of cattle and other animals and shielded them from harm and disease.

There are even mentions that frogs were related to humans. They were believed to be the descendants of people who had drowned in a great flood.

You can follow along and use my prompt list if you like! If you want you can tag yours as #oldgodsinktober or #shinonart on all platforms so I can see your works, too!

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toad chunk

He’s doing a little toad dance!

frogsandcranberriesitmustbefall: cardboardlamb:oolongearlgrey:bike-path:Frog and cranberries i





Frog and cranberries it must be fall.

Frog and cranberries it must be fall.

Frog and cranberries it must be fall.

Frogs and cranberries it must be fall.

frog and cranberries it must be fall

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fuhgedda bottit. light em up vinny he’s gonna be sleepin with da fishes



toad chunk

He’s doing a little toad dance!

yokairider:Art by Ami James


Art by Ami James

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I had a dream that unless the teacher told us class was over, we were forbidden from going out the door. Our teacher was very forgetful, and maybe even malicious. After being forced to stay past sunset many days, my class decided we were going to break out every night. Eventually our attempts led us to discovering rifts in space-time where we could warp. So we never used the door. Checkmate.

the window

what? you going to critique my dreams? my subconscious creations, that I did by accident, while asleep? the chemicals in my brain? are you going to use your foul eyes and dissect all of the plotholes in my dreams? you going to critique the weather? harass the clouds? make fun of thunder for being off key? remind me to come to your house and shred your shoes

That response is fucking Shakespearean.

grebcomics:I’m so glad he got the one he wanted! 


I’m so glad he got the one he wanted! 

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My new favorite genre of cats: frog hat



(Turn on the sound!!)

kiwibyrd: Like overwatering a plant, sometimes paying too much attention to a small problem only mak


Like overwatering a plant, sometimes paying too much attention to a small problem only makes it worse. It’s best to tend to the rest of your garden for a while.

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