#oh oh god this makes too much sense



So, anyone’s who’s watched the show know that Skulker loves to proclaim that he’s the Ghost Zone’s greatest hunter at the top of his lungs.  Most takes I see of him have him as a poacher when he was alive.

I prefer the idea that he only hunted legally and is just as big a conservationist as Sam is.  After all, he can’t hunt if his prey’s habitat is destroyed or goes extinct.  And it pisses Sam off to no end.

Like, Sam has a booth set up outside the school where she’s trying to get people to sign a petition or donate to save one of the less cute endangered species.  Skulker shows up, but instead of coming to take Danny’s pelt, he’s there to sign the petition.  He’ll hunt the whelp later. 

None of them can believe it, but he refuses to leave until he signs it.  Sam argues that he can’t support the endangered animals if he hunts them, but After all, personal donations only make up a small percentage of the funding that conservation efforts rely on; the majority comes from hunting fees.  Legal trophy hunts have a target selected that’s either old or problematic.  The fees and money for guides help support the local economy.  In return, the animals are seen as an asset and source of income, so locals will help protect their habitat and go after poachers.  Where Sam has always used an emotional appeal to make her arguments, Skulker uses facts, and it drives her nuts that she can’t argue against him. 

Tucker: See?  I’m saving the earth by eating the cows!

Skulker: You are aware the beef industry is the leading cause of deforestation in the Amazon?

Sam: Yes!  Thank you!

Skulker: That’s why I hunt for my food!

Sam: NO!!!

Every time Sam starts losing her argument, she yells at Danny to just shove him in the thermos already, but Danny refuses because 1) it’s actually super informative, 2) he’s using this stuff to help him pass some classes, and 3) if Skulker’s arguing with Sam, it means he’s not hunting him.

It also explains why he’ll take jobs from Vlad.  Tags and licenses are expensive, and he needs human money for those.
