#oh the angst



Request: Hey could you do a fic where you’re really insecure about your abilities with an instrument (like keyboard or violin or something) and Dean overhears you practicing?

I sure can!!!!!! And just because I’m an asshole I made this super angsty!!! 

Go listen to this song before you read this fic. It adds to the sad. All gone (No escape)

Written By: redlittlefox

Pairing: Dean X Reader 

Sum: A night of fun turned wrong

Word count: 2.5k 

Warning: Angst. ( I don’t want to spoil anything)

People:@aprofoundbondwithdean@brokenaria@is-this-you-manning-up-sammy@latinenglishfandomblog@winchester-writes@winchesterenthusiast@spnfanficpond@but-deans-back-tho@mamapeterson@mrs-squirrel-chester@mrswhozeewhatsis@the-mrs-deanwinchester @letsgetoutalive@leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid


You had just gotten home from a hunt with the boys. It was just a simple salt and burn, nothing really all that special. You were in and out in as little as three days, but something didn’t feel right. Something was haunting you. You decided to push it to the back of your mind because the hunt went fine. Nothing went wrong, so it was probably just your nerves getting to you and nothing more.

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