#oh this is everything



i wanna see Imogen being the bubbly, best buddy, wingman bestie of Nick


Fuel to fire (Vesemir&Lambert, 1.563 words)

So, a while ago i started writing a little ficlet as a tribute to this illustrationby@ladydenkiart which gave me all the feels. I took some liberties but it’s just as angsty i believe :3c

cws: poisoning, blood (in very small amounts), mentions of minors overdosing on potions (please let me know if i missed any!)

It’s Vesemir’s fault.

He’s let Lambert mess around with highly toxic potions. He’s usually stern about this — “If there’s a recipe, it means at least one person already went ahead and died so you wouldn’t have to figure out the right proportions yourself.” But Lambert, brilliant, stubborn Lambert, who used to drive the old potions master crazy because he would only let everyone see how much potential he actually had when he was ready to put in the work — he managed to coax Vesemir into letting him tweak the Tawny Owl’s recipe (“Come on Vesemir, just trust me on this, I swear it’s safe, I’m doing this for all of us, come on Ves fucking trust me for once”).

The pup claimed he’d managed to find a way to make its energizing properties more potent, something involving stronger doses of wolfsbane and arachas venom. Vesemir had raised an eyebrow at that and Lambert had scrambled to explain that he’d found a way to counteract the harmful effects of the last two ingredients. Vesemir hadn’t caught everything; he liked knowing just enough about potions that it wouldn’t deter him from using them completely, preferring to remain not blissfully, but at least partially unaware of the many ways in which the toxic, poisonous, corrosive ingredients were destroying his body sip by sip.

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simplydrarry:all-about-rupes:peaceofseoul:The Golden Trio!This is perfect in every way possi




The Golden Trio!

This is perfect in every way possible!

This is amazing art oh my goodness

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