#oh this is stunning



photo study from a pic here, that i can no longer find



- inspired by the incredible witcher comic cover art by jeremy wilson

tip jar


Hope everyones having a great prideee monthhhh


A black-and-white two-page spread illustration depicting a quote from Watership Down, with the text overlaid on top of the drawing. Quote reads as follows: "All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed." The drawing depicts a large swarm of rabbits encroaching on one rabbit in the center of the left page, which is silhouetted against a white circle with rays of light emanating off of it. All the rabbits are drawn in white line against the black background. The swarming rabbits have feral, snarling expressions and are all staring at the rabbit in the center. The rabbit in the center is in an alert pose and has wide eyes staring at the reader.
Same image as the first, cropped to the left page.
Same image as the first, cropped to the right page.

school assignment, making a storybook illustration for a quote. i chose watership down.
