#ohhh boy all my badwrong kinks



Faust Route Trailer Translation

[[[Please do remember that this is merely a fan translation and a combination work between my maa-maa Japanese and my nowhere-to-be-found English literacy skill, so… forgive me for all the lackness of poetic words on this translation (>.<)]]]


God will forever snatch away
people’s life, anything, and everything
Even if you called it ‘destiny’,
Forever I will never admit it

I will change his destiny

—- even if it means to defy God Himself.

This is the beginning of the love which turns against destiny

I met you, that day, at the city church.

Although unintentionally, I’m working as a priest at this church
So, God’s protection is nowhere within you as well

A virtuous priest who serves at the church…

And yet his true self which is hidden beneath the virtue is–

You’re such a prey worth to enjoy
I’ve decided. I will include you as my guinea pig.

Being captured by you, my daily life was snatched away from me so suddenly.

And yet, when I thought of you as a cruel, heartless person–

So, you’ve awakened?
Remember that you belong to me
I won’t forgive you if you were to die easily

Surely you will never abandon me.

I don’t understand, what caused you to be like this–

But I know for sure.

About the rage and desperation from the past… dwelling inside those eyes

No matter how hard I pray, God won’t save me
If He will take away everything in the name of destiny
Until the moment I continue to fight against it

And then, I was dragged into this illogical destiny–

As I won’t accept such a determined conclusion like this

I’ll show the world that I will change his destiny

Even if it means I’m about to go against God’s will–

Whether it is destiny, or God Himself
I won’t hand you over to anyone else
I will take them away
Your body, heart, and your destiny