#ohhhh im excited to read this holy balls



it’s Maya’s ( @calumsash​ ) Birthday!!!! 
and I love her very very much.

Summary — Ashton Irwin is a geography teacher with a massive crush on the band teacher, Michael Clifford. When cutbacks threaten the school’s music program and Michael, Ashton springs into action. He dusts off his long-unused wrestling skills from college and earns money for the program by moonlighting as a mixed martial arts fighter, trained by ex-fighter Calum Hood. Though the school nurse, Luke Hemmings, thinks he’s crazy, Ashton gains something he never expected (*cough* two boyfriends *cough*), and finds a semblance of safety in the chaos. 

or, the slutty Here Comes the Boom AU that none of you knew you needed.

Warnings —None!

Word Count —25,542

Rating —Explicit

Read on AO3
