#ohmygod a hunger games au

alinastarkou: gendrya hunger games auThe male tribute was selected first. A big, 18 year old boy namalinastarkou: gendrya hunger games auThe male tribute was selected first. A big, 18 year old boy nam


gendrya hunger games au

The male tribute was selected first. A big, 18 year old boy named Gendry, he took his place on the stage stoically. Arya knew him vaguely. It was said he was Robert Baratheon’s secret son, and while no one had ever said anything to her, Arya knew her father sent him money every month. Despite the cold weather, Gendry’s arms were bare, showing off his rippling muscles. If the boy was afraid, there was no sign of it on his face, if anything he seemed almost bored. Arya already knew he would be a favorite with the oddsmakers.

Next, the female tribute. Be brave, Arya scolded herself sternly, but she couldn’t help but hold her breath as the Capitol escort’s hand swirled around in the reaping bowl. In slow motion, Arya watched the escort select a slip of paper.

Sansa Stark!

Arya’s heart completely stopped beating. It’s not possible, she thought wildly. Robb had been reaped just three years ago, how could one family be so unlucky? This wasn’t supposed to happen, her father was the Mayor, the Capitol was supposed to protect their family…

In the crowd, Arya spotted Sansa. She was frozen in place, her face as white as the summer snow that was drifting down lazily. Jeyne was clinging to her, her loud sobs the only sound in the stillness that had fallen.

On the stage, her mother had fallen to her knees. Her father was staring blankly into the distance, his expression unfocused. What was he seeing as he stared at the crowd? Robb’s reaping? Or her Aunt Lyanna’s, twenty years ago? She had been sixteen, one year younger than Sansa, and eight months pregnant. The Capitol had brought back a baby boy, but Lyanna had died.

She thought of Sansa, singing to herself as she braided her hair. She thought of her mother, and how she hadn’t left her room for three months after Robb died.

Arya began pushing her way through the crowd. “I volunteer as tribute!

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