


Hi all! A small announcement with more expansion below but:

In the next public update, Oisein will be locked to nonbinary he/they.

That’s really all, but if you’d like to know more, a bit of rambling under the cut. Thank you for your support! ❤️

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Hi all! A small announcement with more expansion below but:

In the next public update, Oisein will be locked to nonbinary he/they.

That’s really all, but if you’d like to know more, a bit of rambling under the cut. Thank you for your support! ❤️

This has been a long time coming, and recently started rattling around my brain again with those author asks and after playing in the D&D campaign with the character that inspired Oisein. The nail in the coffin was writing some recent shorts for Patreon - when it came to she/her Oisein, it just felt… Off.

I’ve mentioned before that the D&D character (nb he/they) that inspired Oisein was a way for me to explore my own gender and helped me realize that I’m nonbinary. The best way I can describe them is comfortable and happy to flaunt their amab body, but with a general nonchalance toward gender. I thought I could separate Oisein from him and for the most part it worked - but drawing or writing Oisein as a cisgender woman has always taken a bit more effort and left me feeling uncomfortable.

So going forward, I’ll be harmonizing the two characters, and Oisein will be the same/have the same outlook. I definitely fell into the trap of feeling they had to be gender-selectable, but I’m happy to be true to their character now!

I hope that you’ll still enjoy him and the friendship or romance that may develop with them, and thank you for understanding! ❤️


A little afternoon sketch as a thank you for all the support for canon he/they nb!Oisein It means so much to see the excitement for them!

(design from this shirt I’ve been at aksjsks)


Hi all! A small announcement with more expansion below but:

In the next public update, Oisein will be locked to nonbinary he/they.

That’s really all, but if you’d like to know more, a bit of rambling under the cut. Thank you for your support! ❤️

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