#ok but honestly


So there have been a couple “Les Mis copycat” musicals adapting 19th century novels about French rebellions– bUT they adapt more conservative novels, ones where the heroes are aristocrats and the rebels are inherently evil/depraved. And the BEST thing about these diet Les Mis musicals is that they have their own versions of “Do You Hear the People Sing?”

 except they’re VILLAIN SONGS!

EVIL “Do You Hear the People Sing?”

And they’re so fun to listen to.

 The moment you hear them you’re like “why are the main heroes the aristocrats whose biggest problems are their marriages when the people singing the Rebel Songs have so much more intense compelling drama going on??????” 

I’m thinking specifically about the A Tale of Two Cities Musical and the Scarlet Pimpernel musical! (Though I will say the Scarlet Pimpernel musical stands on its own as a fun goofy romp that definitely has its own identity, while the A Tale of Two Cities musical is unable to feel like anything more than a sorry imitation of Les Mis. And before anyone comes after me – yes, I’m aware these musicals take place during the French Rev while Les Mis happens during the June Rebellion and that probably affects why Les Mis is able to get away with portraying its rebellion more sympathetically.)

But yes! Madame Guillotine is the best song in the Scarlet Pimpernel:

and Out of Sight Out of Mind is the best song/only good song in the A Tale of Two Cities musical:

I love how they’re both trying to create an evil version of “Do You Hear the People Sing”  but it sorta just completely fails to sound evil. I love it.
