#ok done now


((AAAAAAAAaack. Ok. Idea about ep.38 and ep.37 after having too much champagne. So yes. Spoilers for Orange Grove under the cut))Ok. So. We obviously have a problem with impostors/doubles, that I think started back with the whole funky reading of Joseph Fink’s thing at the beginning of the show several eps back. LAST ep we had someone buy Cecil as lot 37. When we had the whole weird thing happen with impostor!John Peters in the radio booth, I kind of wonder if we got the real Cecil back after the scuffle. Despite all the adorable Cecilos things we had going on before and after that. (the cuteness factor is unbearable here by the way. Ugh. Too.Cute.)

SO. What if whoever bought Cecil is actually keeping the real Cecil safe somehow through this whole thing?

Also Strex ordering the sheriff’s secret police around? Do not like. If they make a cannon mention of Strex owning anything GNVMC related my ‘noooooooooooooo!!!’ will be heard half way through the state.

But yeah. I don’t think we’ve heard the last of whoever bought Cecil in ep.37. Or trouble with impostors we don’t even know are currently impostors. Maybe it won’t actually end up being a bad thing?
