


12 Aug 2019

I was rummaging through a graphics folder today at work, and stumbled across two images that caught my eye back in 2015.

The first is a tweet from 24 November of that year:

[DESCRIPTION: A screenshot of a tweet by “Javi”/@OKBJGM, dated 24 Nov 2015, which reads “life becomes more tolerable when you come to the inevitable conclusion that sisyphus was covertly using the rock to wear down the mountain.”]

The second is a screen shot from the Doctor Who episode “Heaven Sent,” which aired four days later, on 28 November 2015:

[DESCRIPTION: An image of The Doctor, as played by Peter Capaldi, standing in start silhouette in front of a brightly-glowing wall of a glassy material.]

The tweet was still fresh in my mind when the episode aired – I had already saved the screen shot. I had always intended to do something with them, and now, almost four years later, I finally have.

[DESCRIPTION:  The Doctor Who screenshot with the text from the tweet cited above added in a flowing script, and a credit line for both text and image in a smaller font.]

I saved this at 1280 x 720, and I do hope that Tumblr preserves that resolution for those who might wish to save it.

Roll away the stone, Sisyhpus,
Roll away the stone
If you could just move yours
I could get working on my own

Rush, “Carve Away the Stone,” Test for Echo (1996)
