#old interview



There’s been a really fun chemistry between Barry Allen and Caitlin. Would you like to explore that more deeply?

PANABAKER: I think life is long and they clearly have a chemistry together. We’ll see where it goes. They have a lot to explore. They’re co-workers. That can get a little sticky. So, we’ll see what happens.

GUSTIN: I love Danielle Panabaker, and working with Danielle Panabaker. She’s the best. I love that storyline. The karaoke scene was one of my favorite scenes to shoot, and one of the funniest things that’s been on the show. That’s really fun, and I hope we do more of that, in the future. But things really do buckle down, in the later half of the season, and get really serious. They interact plenty, but there’s less of that fun separate storyline stuff.  (x)