#old money new feelings


Old money, New Feelings

Chapter 10

Warnings: Talk of cheating, begging (not sexual), proving worth, trail (you’ll see), angst, fluff, swearing

Summary: You go to see Ransom after work. Was it a mistake?

Pairing: Ransom x Reader(y/n)


My day goes on as, somewhat, normal but I have a large pit in the bottom of my stomach that is all due to me agreeing to Meeting Ransom after work. What if it is a mistake? What if he decides he has more fun sleeping around than being loyal? Is he even worth giving another chance when he hurt me so badly? It’s too soon to find any of the answers I’m looking for but before I know it my work day is over and I start to clock out and gab my things. I say goodbye to my coworkers for the night and I walk to the door. I feel like I have a slug stuck in my throat and something akin to butterflies in my stomach, well if butterflies were made of lead.

When I walk out the door I see Ransom dressed better than he normally does but not so well dressed that he is out of place. It seems he is at leas trying to make an effort to salvage whatever tattered pieces there are that is our relationship. When he looks up from his watch he perks up seeing me, his surprise is written clear as day on his face. Before I can get my legs, that seem to have changed to lead, to move he walks towards me. For the first time I see the bouquet that he is holding. It’s not an already made one that you could buy at any store; instead it has a mix of all my favorite flowers.

//keep reading//

“Hi y/n.” He says in a soft voice before holding out his hand that is holding the bouquet, “I got these for you. I think I remembered a lot of you favorites. If you don’t like it you don’t have to take it!” He adds the last part in a rush showing me how nervous he truly is.

“Don’t worry Hugh, I like them.” I take the bouquet gently. I can’t help but feel an odd sense of accomplishment seeing how nervous he is. “Can we go somewhere and talk? If you say no I understand but please, I’m begging you not to say no. I know I treated you like shit and you don’t deserve that but please hear me out.” His voice is broken and scratchy. For the first time I can see just how worn down he looks. His hair is perfectly groomed and styled but his face doesn’t match. His eyes have dark and large bags under them, his lips are chapped which he never let happen, he has marks on his neck from his anxious tick of rubbing his neck. When I look down the rest of him I see his hands that have marks on the knuckles, he used to punch a punching bag when his emotions got too difficult to handle, his nails are down to nubs and broken at best, his wrists are rubbed raw and he is no longer wearing his pinky ring. I didn’t want myself to feel bad but I do.

As he keeps nervously rambling I gently cut him off by taking his hand softly. His head snaps down to look at it before looking up at me with big eyes that are full of emotions that I can’t begin to decipher. “Let’s go get a coffee at the cafe and we can sit and talk, okay?” I keep my voice soft and I can see his body relax. He nods “The one a few blocks away right?” When I nod he asks “If you want we can drive there or we can walk. Whichever you want Y/n.”

“Let’s walk.” I say softly ad he nods.


Our walk there is a bit awkward and silent. He walks just a little behind me. When we get to the coffee shop he holds the door open for me and gives me a weak smile. “Want your usual?” He asks softly. “You know it?” I ask surprised “Come on, give me a little bit of credit. With all the time we spent together of course I learnt some things about you.” He laughs softly and it’s a bit contagious making me laugh. “Should I take that as a yes?” He asks with a smile. “Yes please. Thank you Ransom.” I say softly with a little smile. “Don’t thank me y/n. It’s the least I could do.” He says softly and then gets in line.

I walk to the corner of the cafe and I sit in the booth and I take deep breath to try and calm down my rapidly beating heart. I don’t know what he could possibly say to me that will heal what he had said. Even with how fucked his mental and emotional trauma was that isn’t an excuse to treat me like I’m nothing.

I get lost in my thoughts and don’t even realize I’ve zoned out till I hear a soft “Y/n.” When I come to the real world I see Ransom in the booth bench across from me with his coffee and my own drink. “Sorry, I just didn’t want to scare you or have you think I was just watching you like some creepier.” He says softly in a caring tone. He then holds out the hand with my drink in it “Here you go madam.” He gives me a lopsided smile and I can’t help but blush and smile back. I take my drink from his hand and I mumble a soft but genuine thanks.

“So, um, I’m sure you probably just want to get this over with. I know you must hate my guts at the moment but please hear me out.” He says softly to which is just say “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t plan to hear you out.” He nods and says “Um, yeah, right. Sorry. First and foremost I want to tell you that I’m sorry. I was an ass and treated you like shit. I should have treated you like the most precious thing in the world because you are.” His voice is so soft and full of so much emotion, if he is lying he deserves whatever award is for acting. He then continues on “And I finally got a therapist, he says I’m making a lot of progress. Turns out I have some messed up shit from my childhood and I cover that with jokes. Who’d have guessed right?” He laughs and i look at him “You do realize what you just did right?” I ask due to him covering with a joke. “Yeah, sorry. Still a work in progress.” He seems to suddenly remember something and pulls out a folded piece of peer from his pocket, he unfolds it and shows me a paper from his therapist saying some of his progress “I told him that if you call and ask about my progress he could tell you anything. I don’t want you thinking I’m lying again. And I’m clean by the way, in the drug way and the STI way. I got ride of that stupid douche ring that you hated. I’ve even started working for my grandfather as his personal editor and I’m even writing my own books! You were right about how making your own money is so much more satisfying. I’m not just doing this for you either, at first I was but now I genuinely like the changes I’ve made.” He seems to relax a bit after saying that. I study his face for any lies and I can’t find any trace of a lie.

“I understand if you can’t forgive me but I really hope you can give me a chance to prove that I’ve changed.” He says softly and it tugs on my heart. I nibble on my lip nervously before I sigh and say “I’ll give you another chance but if you break my heart again I won’t forgive you and this time I’m gonna make some ground rules. That’s fair right?” He nods quickly and eagerly which makes me continue “1, you block any and all past hookups or ex’s. 2, you keep going to therapy and working. And 3, if I ever find you lying to me again we are over. Got it?” “Yes. Anything! I’ve already blocked any ex’s or anything like that so that’s not an issue, I can even show you if I need to. I was planning on still going to therapy and maybe, if you want, we can go together once in a while! Plus, if I ever lie to you again then you have every right to leave me but I’m not planning on every lying to you.” He puts his hand on my own and gently squeezes. I can’t help but smile.

I’m updating Old Money, New Feelings Chapter 10! Should be posted in a couple of day! Thank you for waiting so patiently! Also, do you guys want some smut in this?
