
Artist: oliverthesailor ( AO3 | Tumblr ) Author: the-awkward-egg ( AO3 | Tumblr ) Title: Otayuri For

Artist: oliverthesailor ( AO3|Tumblr )

Author: the-awkward-egg ( AO3|Tumblr)

Title: Otayuri Forever After

Wordcount: 4468 

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Trigger Warnings: Violence

Summary: Otabek Altin finds himself in an alternate universe where Yuri is the leader of a rebel organisation.

Yuri Plisetsky has no idea who this Otabek guy is.

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Artist: Altinkalpli Author: Oliverthesailor (Tumblr) and PrinceHolly (ao3) Title: Calm Yourself And


Author:Oliverthesailor (Tumblr) and PrinceHolly(ao3)

Title: Calm Yourself And Breathe


Rating:General audiences

Trigger warnings: Minor profanity, minor description of a panic attack.


Subject: Congratulations
To Mr. Yuratchka Plisetsky,
We are contacting you to congratulate the fact that you are one of the 10 who have been chosen to re-audition to collaborate with DJ Altin.


Yurio is a young man, aspiring to be a singer and struggling to pay his rent. When his favourite DJ - Otabek Altin - opens auditions for a collaboration, he decides it won’t hurt to give it a shot. What he didn’t decide was the feelings he would catch for the famous musician.

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