#olivier mira armstrong

 Riza was supposed to be assigned to Briggs but Mustang asked her to be on his team and she accepted

Riza was supposed to be assigned to Briggs but Mustang asked her to be on his team and she accepted, much to General Armstrong’s annoyance.

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 Even though she never admits it in fort Briggs ,Olivier Armstrong has a loving relationship with on

Even though she never admits it in fort Briggs ,Olivier Armstrong has a loving relationship with one of her soldiers and years after they wed in loving bliss. Although her brother Alex tried not to flex his muscles during the wedding to comical results

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impactrueno:more fma doodles [Image description: Set of digital draws in a 3d shaded line art style.impactrueno:more fma doodles [Image description: Set of digital draws in a 3d shaded line art style.impactrueno:more fma doodles [Image description: Set of digital draws in a 3d shaded line art style.impactrueno:more fma doodles [Image description: Set of digital draws in a 3d shaded line art style.


more fma doodles

[Image description: Set of digital draws in a 3d shaded line art style.

1: Roy Mustang, face in shadow, illuminated by the fire behind him.

2: Envy crouching, smirking. Illuminated from the bottom.

3: Olivier looking haughty.

4: Greedling bending over, illuminated from the side like a sunrise or sunset.

End ID]

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rinylyn: I started watching fmab again a little while ago, but I kinda dropped it. Idk why I should


I started watching fmab again a little while ago, but I kinda dropped it. Idk why I should probably continue.

But yeah Olivier was always one of my favorites. Something about badass women my god.


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pahndah:Olivier Mira Armstrong in some SNK Survey Corps garb, anyone? :D xPlease do not repostx


Olivier Mira Armstrong in some SNK Survey Corps garb, anyone? :D

xPlease do not repostx

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Summary: Brigadier General Armstrong needs competent snipers for Fort Briggs and her eyes are set on a certain hawk. While Lieutenant Colonel Mustang knows she doesn’t stand a chance, the dispute seems too entertaining to pass. Link to AO3 (3-chapter fic).

@meridianheroine here it is! Thank you so much for your endless patience. 

Chapter 2

The blonde woman’s long hair locks danced with her every hurried step under the burning sunlight. She only had a few minutes before noon and hoped to find the Hawk’s Eye at the shooting range.

The place was quiet due to it being lunch time, Olivier assumed. The young soldier at the front desk looked busier than his surroundings seemed to demand. He informed her that Hawkeye’s time was up, thus offering to take her to the shooting booth.

Olivier saw an unfazed girl whose sharp senses were traduced in her posture as she aimed and fired. Like child’s play.

— Brigadier General Olivier Armstrong — the man announced.

Hawkeye left her rifle down and stood in attention.

— Sir!

— Ease. So you’re the famous Hawk’s Eye. It is nice to meet you.

Compared to the Lieut. Colonel, her demeanor was on the opposite side of the spectrum. Hawkeye, too, had predominantly immature features, but her wide eyes and round jawline were masked by the seriousness and professionalism that reminded Oliver of herself. So far, she was meeting all expectations.

— Honored to meet you, sir. I’ve seen Major Armstrong speak very dearly of you. Coming to shoot?

— Too bad I can’t say the same about that deserter. I’ve come to speak to you, actually. I know it’s lunch time, so I’ll be brief.

— To me?

The general indicated the way out and both of them started walking.

— Briggs is recruiting and you are the perfect candidate for our sniping team. It has been decided in this morning’s meeting that your abilities are better suited for the Northern border, and I was lucky enough to have you around, so I thought I might come personally to deliver the news.

— That’s, again, an honor, sir — she replied, and although showing mild confusion, she didn’t appear to be easily impressed.

— Now, I heard you’re already aiming at a different position.

— That is true. I plan to stay here in the East.

— Under Lieutenant Colonel Mustang, isn’t it?

Judging by the sniper’s surprised look, the general concluded she might have sounded like some creepy stalker.

— We’ve talked just a while ago — she added. — He told me I might find you here, in fact. I confess I was left curious about what led to this choice. I can see right away how different the two of you are.

— I believe we do have things in common, sir. Apparently, we’ve both made a name for ourselves during the war.

— You, however, isn’t the kind to support yourself on a title, am I correct?

— I would say my deeds in Ishval are exactly what I want to be remembered for. Yet, I hope my future contributions to Amestris can surpass my performance in the War of Extermination in some way.

Hawkeye’s fleumatic humor wasn’t easy to read, despite the fact that she was trying to hide a lot less than Mustang. She was simply being herself and there was some kind of passion, or cause, behind her impassive looks which Olivier couldn’t pinpoint.

— In that case, you could stay in the shadow of an alchemist, or you could step up to a leadership role.

— That’s another thing we have in common, sir. I’m the daughter of Berthold Hawkeye. An alchemist from the region known for discovering and developing the powers of Flame Alchemy.

Armstrong couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at that intriguing statement. They had a history, then.

— The Lieut. Colonel may be laid-back, but he does his job — the sniper continued. — He mastered Flame Alchemy on his own after my father passed. A power like the one he carries must be protected, especially when it offers little defense. I am certain I’ll be serving my country by serving under the Flame Alchemist, sir. And I am certain First Sergeant Dorovan can provide you other outstanding names for Briggs.

— Very well. This brief conversation only further proved your potential. Tell me you will at least give it a thought. And perhaps seek advice from someone experienced like the First Sergeant, even though you’re a rank higher than her now.

— I wouldn’t refuse your offer so quickly. I appreciate it.

Courtesy. That was the moment Olivier realized why Mustang had been so smug.



Olivier returned to the building reflecting about what else she could do before her departure to Briggs the next day. It wasn’t as if she had to add the Hawk’s Eye to the team. Undoubtedly, General Solon was an ambitious man who strived for the best he could have, and she was no different. The Armstrong family was determined, hardworking and always ready to reach their goals. Those were values passed down their line from generations! Thus, if her mission was to gather the most competent soldiers to Briggs, she would do her part.

— Brigadier General, sir. How did it go?

Not again.

— What a tiny place the Eastern headquarters is, that we keep crossing paths… — she mentioned, allowing suspicion to fill her voice, but didn’t wait for a reply. — I managed to talk to her. Thanks.

— That’s great, sir — he replied, but his eyes were shining to gather further information.

— Who wouldn’t want a sharp soldier working for them, isn’t that right, Lieut. Colonel? Sometimes a good team takes us further than our own individual efforts.

— Our efforts start with good choices, indeed, sir.

— However, you should be able to let go of an officer more needed in a different position.

— General Armstrong, sir. I would never stay in Hawkeye’s way. Especially when there are several aspiring soldiers seeking to work under the Flame Alchemist. However, not every man is eager to climb the ladder like you and I. I’m afraid all I can do is advise her to consider if I see her around.

If he was shaking behind that confidence, she wouldn’t know, but Olivier was more aware of their strong bond by the second. From childhood friends to war comrades wasn’t something to underestimate.

— I wouldn’t ask nothing else. Till next time, Mustang.

— Sir. Have a safe trip back.

As she continued to walk by the endless hallways of the headquarters, the future ruler of Briggs settled for playing with the cards she had. She wouldn’t say Riza Hawkeye was devoid of ambition, in fact, the officer knew exactly what she wanted and, although reserved, her loyalty to her father and admiration for the Flame Alchemist showed. Olivier could hardly fight that, but she could take advantage of it, in order to at least deliver the hawk to Solon.

Well, it wouldn’t hurt to spend the rest of her free time trying to coincidently stumble across her target.



That might have been a mistake. She would have preferred to have lunch on a quieter time, instead, decided to try her luck and search for Hawkeye there. In the crowded cafeteria. Olivier had been the smallest of the family for the majority of her life, but never the most subtle one. That short trip was revealing itself more demanding than she expected and the meeting had been the easiest part so far.

She stretched her neck and started to look around discreetly for a blonde soldier with short hair and prominent bang while waiting in line. The two men beside her seemed to notice, but as long as she wasn’t spotted first by the Warrant Officer, she didn’t care. The general turned her attention to all the food on her track. It was time to move to a table and no sign of Hawkeye around.

She took a few steps towards the wall, behind a group of soldiers chatting with their empty tracks in hand, and continued her search. Soon, she spotted a table on the corner where the Warrant Officer ate by herself. All she had to do was walk a straight line and…

— Oh, Warrant Officer. I see you’re almost done, can I sit here?

The woman returned her fork and knife to the plate and replied:

— Sir, of course — Couldn’t find who you were looking for?


— Yeah, you saw me? — she asked casually while taking a sit across from her and placing her track on the table. — At least this table is free in case he still shows up. And you? Giving my proposal any thought?

— I said I would, sir. However, please, don’t keep your hopes up.

Despite all respect Olivier had gathered for Hawkeye, the woman’s stillness was starting to get to her nerves. She needed to shake her up and see what was in there.

— Hawkeye, I believe you aren’t seeing this opportunity for what it is.

— What do you mean, sir?

— Perhaps you see it purely in terms of getting a position, but there’s a lot more you can gain from trying. The North is out of your comfort zone. Nothing like boot camp or the desert night cold, just another kind of challenge. It is for the few and that’s why we go through a period of adaptation, but I don’t think that scares you.

— Some training process?

Finally, there was a sparkle of curiosity in her eyes.

— It could be seen that way. Practical tests to evaluate who’s physically ready for Briggs. I don’t simply bring people to the fort, Hawkeye. I prepare them so that, wherever they go in the future, they’re better. Grab this chance — the general said gazing at her with purpose — and only then decide if you’ll wave it off.

Olivier Armstrong was now betting on the extent of Riza Hawkeye’s loyalty.

[read chapter 3 on AO3]
