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Another film high on my list of surprises is Bryan Singer‘sX-Men: Days Of Future Past. It absolutely took Singer to right the ship that was pretty much destroyed from the debacle that was X-Men3. Everything released has looked great including this Japanese Trailer that was just released. It has a bit more footage but not too much.

Check it out below.

Fox will release Bryan Singer’s X-Men: Days of Future Past everywhere starting on May 23rd this summer

About The Film
X-Men: Days of Future Past is directed by Bryan Singer and written by Matthew Vaughn and Simon Kinberg. The sequel features cast members from the original X-Men franchise like Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore and Daniel Cudmore along with X-Men: First Class cast members like James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, and Michael Fassbender. The present day X-Men are in danger from a mistake in the past, and Wolverine is sent back in time to fix it in order to avoid a dark, terrifying future timeline.

Original Article http://bit.ly/QizmkW

Lupin: Augenzwinkernde Neuinterpretation eines Klassikers

Lupin: Augenzwinkernde Neuinterpretation eines Klassikers

Mit Lupin hat Netflix einmal mehr einen echten Serienhit gelandet: Der französische Mehrteiler ist eine eigenwillige Neuinterpretation der Romanfigur Arsène Lupin, den Maurice Leblanc 1905 erdacht hat. Ich muss zugeben, dass ich den französischen Klassiker zuvor nicht kannte, der in Frankreich zumindest zeitweise wohl recht populär gewesen sein soll und angeblich in jede gut sortierte frankophile…

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