#omega power rangers


Here’s how I’d go about it. Featuring the Omega Rangers.


Part 1

- Jason reconnects with Zack Taylor, the Black Ranger. They discuss the circumstances behind the demise of the Yellow Ranger, Zack’s wife and Jason’s old flame, Trini Kwan-Taylor.

- The U.N. Peace Conference they attended was actually them going off-world in a secret mission approved by the U.N. as Omega Rangers. Zack is now a single dad with a daughter named Naomi. Apparently, Trini died during the time they got their Omega powers. They were betrayed by the first Blue Omega Ranger, Kiya.

- Multiple incidents and events involving the MMPR going rogue have been reported in Angel Grove, prompting the original MMPR team to return and investigate. These rumors have resulted in law enforcement going after the rangers themselves, labeling them lawless vigilantes.

- Jason, Zack, and Billy had become teachers in Angel Grove High. Jason is the P.E. teacher and coach of the football team. Zack is a dance instructor and history teacher. Billy is the science teacher. Aisha, Adam, and Rocky were doing volunteer work nearby.  

- Even Kimberly ended up getting transferred to Angel Grove Police to keep the guys updated on anything that’s amiss. Tommy was a communicator call away himself, with him busy assembling a new team or considering getting the Zeo Rangers, Turbo Rangers, or Dino Thunder Rangers involved.


- The trio see old friends return. The original Evil or Dark Rangers, to be exact. Justin, Zane, Bobby, Tina, and Kirsten return as lawyers who could morph into improved versions of Lord Zedd’s evil Ranger clones, this time with a direct link to the Morphin Grid. Kiya from Khoodjah also returns, somehow getting the Omega Ranger powers from Yale of Saard the alien cat.

Part 2

- Kiya is the one responsible for bringing the Evil Rangers back and giving them Morphin Grid powers. They’ve been giving the Power Rangers a bad name. So the MMPR and the Dark Rangers fight pretty evenly, which allows Kiya to attack them with her trident to get the advantage.

- Tommy saves the rangers with his White Ranger powers, driving a manic and panicking Omega Blue Ranger back. Kiya screeches at him, saying he’ll lead the Morphin Grid to ruin.

- The MMPR defeats the Dark Rangers but before they could get rid of their mind control, Kiya summons Lord Zedd and a second set of Dark Rangers who are actual criminals (Farai Jukwa, Osamu Tezuka, Stanford Winner, Nelida Valensis, and Marie Claire le Monde) and aren’t brainwashed.

- The combined forces of two sets of Dark Rangers plus Lord Zedd and Kiya double-teaming the White Ranger drives the rangers back into a retreat.

- Fortunately, Tommy called his old team, the Zeo Rangers, to help. Zeo Ranger Blue, Zeo Ranger Pink, Zeo Ranger Yellow, and Zeo Ranger Green joins Zeo Ranger Red to defeat the second set of Dark Rangers.

- However, while they were busy,  the first set of Dark Rangers shockingly were able to summon the Dinozords to form the Megazord. In turn, the Power Rangers summon the Thunderzords and form the Thunder Megazord to combat the Dino Megazord.

Part 3

- Before the Zeo Rangers can summon their own zords to help, Lord Zedd zaps them off of their powers then overwhelms them with Z-Putties. Kiya then summons her zord to help the hijacked Dino Megazord defeat the Thunder Megazord.

- Jason and Zack are forced to face their former comrade, changing to their Omega Ranger forms and summoning their zords. They hold the Blue Omega Ranger zord down and enter its cockpit to fight Kiya herself, but Lord Zedd intercepts them.

- The Yellow Omega Ranger appears to even the odds, which makes Zack and Jason think that Trini’s ghost has returned from the dead once again. Omega Yellow distracts Omega Blue long enough for Omega Red to slash at her and make her transform back to her normal form.

- The Red, Yellow, and Black Omega Rangers drive Lord Zedd to escape with an unconscious Kiya. Meanwhile, the Thunder Megazord defeats the Dino Megazord and the Dark Rangers inside are apprehended.  

- The Yellow Omega Ranger is later revealed to be Naomi, Zack’s daughter. She inherited her mother’s powers. The three are later seen visiting the grave of the dearly departed Trini before getting the Omega Ranger powers back to Yale the Alien Cat.


Here’s how I would envision it. Guest-starring the Beetleborgs.


- Jason Lee Scott had been getting visions of an impending great enemy that threatens to destroy all rangers. This is why, with the help of Billy Cranston, he became one with the power grid and got into contact with Zordon before he sacrificed himself to destroy their enemies. This was before he was summoned by Devon Daniels and has his team-up with the Beast Morphers.

- It was also through the Morphin Grid that he fixed the damaged Tyrannosaurus Power Coin. His flashbacks were him remembering the events of The Shattering. Now armed with the knowledge Lord Drakken’s return after being zapped by Bandora, he started looking into ways to get a better ranger form to combat the overlord. One of these ways was him and Billy getting Tommy the Master Morpher.

- He got into contact with Ninjor and was curious to learn that no two people can use the same Power Ranger suit at the same time. This prompted him to contact Rocky DeSantos and try out using their Red Rangers powers at the same time. They soon find out during a mission that their power is halved.

- They were tasked to hunt down the remnants of the Machine Empire, which had them end up having a team-up with the grown-up versions of Big Bad Beetleborgs Metallix, who end up fighting their old Big Bad Beetleborg forms that had been “freed” by Prince Gasket and Archerina. The original Beetleborg suits were actually invading Machine Empire mercenaries turned into armor by the magic of Flabber and the House Monsters.


- Prince Gasket divides and conquers the combined forces of two Red Rangers and three Beetleborgs by siccing the Beetleborgs against the rangers and fighting the Metallix himself with Archerina.

- In the climax of the fight, the Beetleborgs gang up on the Blue Zeo Ranger, forcing Jason to share his power with Rocky. Jason then borrows the Dragon Shield from Tommy to increase his defense while Billy manages to get Rocky a morpher from another dimension that turns him into his movie version suit.

- Gasket and Archerina combine together to form the Gasket Archer and beats up both Red Rangers. This forces Jason to use his long-forgotten Omega powers for the first time in a long while and separates Gasket Archer apart. Archerina hits Jason from behind, which prompts Rocky to use the new powers referenced by the Super Megaforce Rangers.

- The Beetleborgs defeat their weakened old selves and combine with them, thus allowing them to force Prince Sprocket to make his retreat by using both forms at will. Jason then tells Rocky to explore his new powers more, with Billy saying it has links to the ranger’s Thunder Zords and the White Ranger power.
