#omg pls



I don’t go here but I have been seized by the idea for an obikin au

OK so imagine: Obi-Wan and Anakin are celebrity actors. They run in totally different circles; Obi-Wan acts in dramas and arthouse films and keeps getting snubbed by awards ceremonies, but he’s got a dedicated fanbase of cinephiles raving about his acting techniques and how he masterfully embodies every character etc. etc. He doesn’t make a whole lot of money, but he’s an ✨️artiste✨️

Anakin, meanwhile, is an action hero blockbuster star. He’s the type who has a toxic and devoted Twitter standom, a cult of cringe nerdbros worshipping him a la Elon Musk or Keanu, a fuckton of RPF, the works.

Their fanbases HATE each other. They’re convinced from the bottom of their hearts that the 2 are bitter rivals. They pore over interviews and tabloids for the slightest HINT of animosity. Obi-Wan had to private his Twitter account because of the barrage of hate from the Stanakins. Anakin has never been cast in anything artsy because all the auteurs are on Obi-Wan’s side, so he’s stuck doing Marvel movies and action franchises while Palpatine, Disney’s greedy CEO, uses him as a dancing monkey.

The thing is, Obi-Wan barely knows the guy?? They were both discovered by Director Qui-Gon Jinn and acted in one film together (Anakin’s debut as a child star), after which Obi-Wan got dropped from the mainstream like a hot potato, but he’s not bitter about it. Sure, it would be cool to have a star on the Hollywood walk of fame and a mansion in Beverly Hills, but he’s proud of his career (even if Palpatine’s bought off everyone to ensure he NEVER gets an Oscar. Or a Golden Globe. Or a kid’s choice award.)

Unbeknownst to him, Anakin’s actually his biggest fan. Obi-Wan’s the one who inspired him to get into acting, Anakin’s seen all his films, he may or may not have posters from Obi-Wan’s short-lived teen heartthrob phase, and Obi-Wan was so nice to him in the one family film they co-starred in when Anakin was a tot.

He’s also stupid, and he’s got Palpatine and Jinn in his ear, so he genuinely believes the tabloids and gossip blogs when they say Obi-Wan hates his guts. He’s heartbroken, but he’s sure not gonna SHOW it, so he lets people believe he hates Obi-Wan and does nothing to stop his fans from being awful to him. (He might even want to punish his favorite actor for not liking him back, because Obi-Wan said in an interview that he’s never even watched Anakin’s movies! EVERYONE’S seen Anakin’s movies!! That’s obviously a snub!!!)

(Obi-Wan hasn’t even seen his own movies. Screens give him migraines.)

But everything comes to a head when ambitious young director Padmé Amidala casts them alongside each other, 10 years after their last film together…


a mommy domme and daddy dom couple that adores exhibitionism and watching each other fuck, so they keep taking turns fucking their submissive pet to show off to each other. the pet being woken up in the middle of the night by Daddy’s cock inside them, only looking up to see Mommy watching in the corner with her hands between her legs. the sub being guided to bed by Mommy, only to end up with her tongue in their mouth and roaming hands in their own bed while Daddy watches from the doorway. date nights where they trade off on who’s fucking their toy, taking turns complimenting each other on how hot they look fucking their baby and how turned on they are watching it. making sex tapes with one dom while the others away, just to send to the other dom to make them miss home. the sub being nothing but a toy to the doms’ relationship, and loving every second of it

(inc3st blogs DNI - this is roleplay between consensual rational adults only)
