#omg those taaaags




Is Seishirou half deaf on top of being half blind? Is he hearing himself? This is no longer mental gymnastic it’s Olympics level of mental acrobatics holly damn. It’s like “bitch you live like this” meme except you’re inside his mind. How his brain hasn’t caught on fire from mental acrobatics this intense however, I have no idea

“I was just taking a walk Subaru-kun, then I just happened to walk into a knife! My instinctive response when I see a knife is to walk into it! Protecting you? Nah. God forbid I did that to protect you, no way! I just selfishly spared you from getting stabbed Subaru-kun, nothing more”

Manipulate mansplain manwhore malewife and manslaughter all in one

Yes. You understand it

The longer you observe his thought pattern the funnier it gets
