#omg wow



Have some messy art-

(Instagram: BijouDeja)

Time: Unavailable

• The pumpkin is random—I was bored that day.


shiny star


good morning geneco how are we went out the other day and got some cute pics… my discord server saw them first though

uwaahh 700+ followers on this art blog!!! ٩(๑´0`๑)۶




Classical philosophy wasn’t any less complex or was in any way more primative but was constructed out of a smaller/slower symbolic economy

from the end of the Parmenides: “Then the one which is not, if it is to maintain itself, must have the being of not-being as the bond of not-being, just as being must have as a bond the not-being of not-being in order to perfect its own being; for the truest assertion of the being of being and of the not-being of not being is when being partakes of the being of being, and not of the being of not-being-that is, the perfection of being; and when not-being does not partake of the not-being of not-being but of the being of not-being-that is the perfection of not-being.”

fast enough to whizz by me!

Are you familiar with chapter 2 of Zhuangzhi “Equalizing assessments of things ?” It uses a similar rhetorical style

Ziporyn translation


nights in the southern water tribe
