#on him





This is the thing with politics. You can say “I hate Hillary!” But you still have to vote for her. The only other option is trump.

Politics isn’t like tv shows where if a detail grates on you, you can stop watching and find something better. Politics isn’t like shopping for shoes where you have 8000 options and you can find find the perfect one of you look hard enough. You have LIMITED. OPTIONS. You have to pick the best person available. And guess what! It’s extremely likely that every person on offer is bad in some way. There is no perfect cinnamon roll waiting to run your country.

This is how I feel about jezza C. I like corbyn, I really do, I was so so so excited to finally have a real left winger leading the Labour Party and yes! I would love this country’s government to be left wing! But it’s become abundantly clear that he cannot lead the Labour Party! His entire shadow cabinet resigned except for like 2 people! And comes a time when you have to say “jez, I like you and I respect you and I’m sorry but YOU CANNOT LEAD THIS PARTICULAR GROUP OF PEOPLE”. We have to pick a candidate who can win an election and do things better and behind whom a lot of people can unite, not a candidate who is a Cinnamon Roll who could make everything perfect if only the heavens would align and everyone would give them a chance!

I’m sick of young people, in particular, being so doggedly devoted to their ideals that they drive the actual outcome further away from those ideals. Bernie should have stepped aside sooner. Corbyn should step aside now. And you still have to vote for Hillary Clinton.

shit post all round tbh

I’m writing a letter to the royal academy of sciences petitioning to have liberals reclassified as invertebrates because I’ve yet to meet a single one who possesses an actual spine

