#on monday






Thanks for the tag @emeralddoeadeer​!

Here is six sentences from Part 6 of my fic Shout Out To My Ex!

(Although this is technically more than 6 sentences, of course!)

“That’s perfect,” Nick said, “the exact right amount of playful hatred I’d like to hear from you.” He rubbed his hands together, removing his headphones and grinning wide. “It’s good to be back in the studio with the two of you. I appreciate that you needed a break, but it seriously cramped my style. You don’t want to know how many women want to get a taste of this,” he gestured to his own body here, which was – admittedly – pretty decent, “when I reveal to be the producer of Shout Out To My Ex.”

James laughed, shaking his head. His curls bounced with the movement, making her stomach swoop. She wondered if that would ever stop, the constant swooping, fluttering and thrumming. She really didn’t want it to.

I’d like to tag @blitheringmcgonagall​ and any other marvellous writers out there!

So bloody good, I’m mad about that fic!! Thanks to you and to @pottinglilies (OMG I love that snippet so much!!) for the tag. This is from the next chapter of  A Little Risk which is taking far too long to write as I am at unheard of run off our feet levels at work, but hope to finish this week. Finally, we will get to the Nazi- punching part, but first…

“I shall extract the information from Dr. Potter, wait and see, der Leiter (Leader)!” Lily said, standing to attention as Riddle strolled past her. 

“A good start,” Riddle said, looking at Lily and Snape approvingly. “Carry on. If Herr Doktor is not forthcoming, kill the duke.”

“Heil Hitler!” Lily Evans said.

“Heil Hitler!” Riddle and the other men said.

Lord Regulus looked at his brother, face devoid of expression.

“Goodbye,” Lord Regulus said.

Sirius Black spat out some blood.

“Rot in hell,” he replied.

Tagging @therealrjlupin @mollymarymarie  @signifiquint @stonecoldhedwig  @nymphadoratonqs @jamesandthedog @midnightelite @startanewdream @inthe-afterglows @alittlebitofeverything23 (I tagged 10, but anyone who wants to!!)

@therealrjlupin@mollymarymarie@stonecoldhedwig@nymphadoratonqs@midnightelite@startanewdream@inthe-afterglows@alittlebitofeverything23 why didn’t these stupid tags work?!?!

This is from my fem!jily February week 1 fic I’m working on! ❤️ Thanks for the tag love, sorry Tumblr struck again….❤️❤️

So here’s six sentence Monday

The question caught Jamie off guard. She slipped a finger between the pages of the book she was reading, and looked up to examine the inquirer.

Jamie could feel heat rush to her cheeks and hoped her honeyed complexion hid the unexpected flush. This girl was quite possibly the fittest bird she’d ever seen. Deep red hair fell past her shoulders in loose waves. Green eyes so bright it was like a light being shone through a crystal clear emerald, they glinted under the humming fluorescents with a distinctive look of mischief. The determined slant of her lips drew Jamie in like a sailor to a siren.

I tag @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-worldand@thejilyship if y'all haven’t been tagged yet! And anyone else who’d like to participate!!! ❤️
