#on page optimization



Bounce rate is a very important website statistic, though it’s not exactly self-explanatory. If you’ve taken a look at bounce rate in your Google Analytics and still didn’t understand what it referred to, this article is for you. We’ll explore what does bounce rate mean? And how can you reduce your website bounce rate?


1. Update your previous content
2. Check the ‘Double Meaning’ keywords
3. Translate your website for international traffic
4. Create your website search for more outstanding
5. Create your 404 pages more helpful
6. Find your broken links
7. Open all external links in an exceedingly new window
8. Improve your page loading speed
9. Add additional internal links
10. Improve the readability
11. Invest in an exceedingly nice style
12. Improve your copyright
13. Create your web site mobile responsive
14. Use an intelligent content suggestion plugin
15. Focus on a Great Design
