#on the seashore of worlds

sealestialswords:This particular young star, known as IRAS 14568-6304, is cloaked in a haze of gol


This particular young star, known as IRAS 14568-6304, is cloaked in a haze of golden gas and dust. It appears to be embedded within an intriguing swoosh of dark sky, which curves through the image and obscures the sky behind. This dark region is known as the Circinus molecular cloud. This cloud has a mass around 250 000 times that of the Sun, and it is filled with gas, dust and young stars. IRAS 14568-6304 is driving a protostellar jet, which appears here as the “tail” below the star. This jet is the leftover gas and dust that the star took from its parent cloud in order to form.

ESA / Hubble & NASA

R. Sahai, Serge Meunier

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