#on today

                                    S    E    X    Y    P   I   N    KBorn 1963, Edward Bowen studie                                    S    E    X    Y    P   I   N    KBorn 1963, Edward Bowen studie

                                    S    E    X    Y    P   I   N    K

Born 1963, Edward Bowen studied at Croydon College, UK from 1981-1985. He has since been living and working in Trinidad. San Souci has played a major part in his work’s evolution, allowing escape from urban life in POS Trinidad, as well as a cross-pollination between the physical environment and painting/ drawing.Edward Bowen has exhibited a notable confidence in a variety of media, often intermingling on the same canvas or paper. In 1987, he started The Architect of Impossible Physics a series of meticulously detailed drawings executed with surgical precision. Being in San Souci also fostered Edward Bowen’s interest in Permaculture, which has informed his practice in that manner of cultivating a balance between chaos and order. He’s confidently ventured into larger paintings, often employing acrylic paint, ball point pen, paint, marker, graphite, charcoal etc on canvas to articulate complex ideas and emotions. Bowen has participated in many Solo and Group Exhibitions in the Caribbean and Sao Paulo.

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rules: list the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all!) from oldest first. see if there are any patterns. choose your favourite opening line.

@hiuythn tagged me in this a million years ago!! and i’m just getting to it now as a way to procrastinate/ease into writing for the day!! but ty much love! 

starting with - 1. fly me to the moon

Some people say that Bakugou has no filter.

2. Sympathy Flowers

The hardest part, for Eijirou, is that he had to hear it from the news.

3. Middle School Nickname

It’s a miracle that the diner hasn’t banned them by now.

4. Navillera

Kyouka always claimed her car was a junker, mostly citing the engine that never stopped rattling, but Mina doesn’t truly believe her until she sees a cassette player where the radio should be.

5. it’s really good to hear your voice

Every night when they go to sleep, the bedroom is dark.

6. the after

Tsubomi doesn’t remember how many times she died, but her bones do.

7. once for me

Everything that’s happening is happening in the middle of the room - the talking, the laughing, the exchanging of gifts and singing of Christmas carols.

8. lightning in a bottle

Eijirou hears the host call out his name and for half a second he mistakes the ringing in his ears for his morning alarm.

9. every little bit (helps the fire burn) 

Katsuki has a problem, and it’s not that a man with bulls’ horns tried to pick him up from kindergarten the other day.

10. and then he kissed me! 

i. “You got a change of clothes?” 

ii. “Don layf.”

iii. In Katsuki’s mind, most things are black and white. 

iv.  “Katsuki.” 

v. The thought’s been rolling around in Eijirou’s mind for weeks, maybe months, but it’s Kaminari who first says, “Man, Bakugou’s really opened up, huh?” 

vi. There are, and Eijirou has counted, a grand total of only so many times a guy can watch the same four action movie reruns on cable before it gets to you. 

16. Easy as 1-2-3

If you were to ask Izuku what sets his kindergarten class apart from the rest of the elementary schoolers, even the first-graders, his answer would be simple, but sure: their unpredictability. 

and to bring us up to 20, a few opening sentences from wips that have not (yet) seen the light! 

17. Above the couch hangs Katsuki’s least favorite picture.

18. Long before they start dating, Katsuki knows Kirishima is weird.

19. Suzuko knew that Kirishima kid last year, but this year, he’s in her class.

20. Eijirou drives the whole way. 

patterns:i love a simple statement opener!! i feel like 9 times out of 10 when i go to start a story or chapter (or even a scene after a break) i default to “simple statement or two, and then dialogue.” i just like the rhythm of it! funnily enough when i was younger i think i started every single thing i wrote with dialogue, which i think can be really effective if you want the scene to hit the ground running, but i think it reminds me of my old writing too much to usually go for it 

favorite(s):probably 6, 8, and 19!! (19 i like for how it sets up the tone of the scene. i swear it’s better with context) 

this was fun so if you want to try it out consider yourself tagged :)
