#one last gift



Steter Secret Santa 2021

Tabula Rasa by Shey

Summary:Stiles was surprisingly calm, perched on the exam table in Deaton’s back room, his sneaker-clad feet swinging carelessly as the pack argued over his fate. Though maybe the calm wasn’t that surprising. After all, what did a boy with no memories have to worry about?

Tags: temporary amnesia, enemies to lovers, good Peter Hale, pining, magic Stiles, Spark Stiles, light angst, cuddling, getting together, humor, fluff, steter secret santa 2021

Happy Steter Secret Santa @michicant123!! I saw your request for “amnesia au” and “enemies to lovers” snatched it up instead of assigning a pinch-hitter. I’ve had this plot bunny bouncing around for ages and I just couldn’t help myself! Thank you for being so incredibly kind and patient. I hope it’s worth the wait!
