#one mans opinion

Several people told me to read The Folded Clock, so I did. It’s both immensely pleasurable and also

Several people told me to read The Folded Clock, so I did. It’s both immensely pleasurable and also really interesting when read as a companion to the author’s previous book, The Vanishers. While I also admired that book a lot– and enjoyed it in a certain way– I found it to be immensely UNpleasurable to read. The Vanishers is a work of fiction (of the mostly fantastical type) and The Folded Clock is a supposedly non-fictional diary but both are convincing portraits of the type of person prone to supernatural episodes and, more importantly, PSYCHIC ATTACK.

(Many people probably find this type of person to be very obnoxious but I don’t, at least not to read about.)

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