#one piece


Was tagged by @cyborg-franky to do the f/o’s questions a while ago and just finished it! It’s from @one-piece-fo-prompts and seemed like fun!


Who are your [F/O’s]

I have a few but I will doing only Ace today

Do you have a devil fruit? If you don’t, would you eat one given the chance?

Maybe! Would probably like Kid’s fruit best or even Enel’s would come in handy fixing things as Levi is a traveling mechanic/ odd jobs person.

What walk of life are you from? (Pirate, marine, etc.)

Levi is a normal civilian who travels on the sea looking for work and exploring (so maybe a explorer?) She is heavily associated with pirates though (Law and his crew she spent quite some time with. Also her aunt is Whitey Bay of the WB pirates/alliance)

What walk of life is your f/o from?

A pirate and a notorious one at that.

How did your paths cross?

Levi was in the East Blue and came across Deuce trying to pull Ace out of a riverbank. It was quite a comical sight.

If you’re wanted, how does your f/o feel about it?

Levi only gets a bounty after the time skip and Ace is actually shocked by it at first but things happen. He thinks it’s cool but also feels bad about it because now she will be even more in danger because of him.

Who has the higher bounty?

Ace does.

What’s your favorite type of island?

A spring one.

Where is your favorite place you have been with your f/o?

Sabody it was where Ace first confessed also where he said goodbye to Levi before Marineford. That’s more an emotional level but Levi’s favorite place is an island in WB territory it’s covered in meadows of flowers.

Where else do you want to go with your f/o?

Zou, Baterilla and Dawn Island Ace often talks about his home island often.

Did your crew help you get together with your f/o?

Not really it sort of just happened on its own plus Levi came to see Ace after she found out he joined WB.

Do your crew tease you and your f/o?

They do and it’s all in good fun until Levi gets annoyed and punches someone.

Does your f/o have pet names for you?

Levi: Bear, My moon (when drunk), Grease Monkey, Love, Bae.

Ace: Firefly, Sunshine, Babe, Love, Freckles.

Five words to describe your ship dynamic.

Night/Day, Protective, Boundless, Hot heads, troublemakers.

Whose the more dominate one in the relationship?

Equal balance (though Ace won’t admit it but he loves being taken care of and Levi loves giving it to him)

Do you or your f/o ever misuse your devil fruit in the bedroom?

Sometimes got to love temperature play plus Ace just loves rubbing his warm hands all over Levi.

Ever been caught by your crew?

One time Levi was bending Ace over and—

How spontaneous in bed is your f/o?

Ace is very adventurous and Levi isn’t opposed to trying things with Ace even it’s to only satisfy Ace sometimes. She gets more out of pleasing him a lot of the time.

Ever had dirty dreams about your f/o before you got together?

It happened a few times she knew he was attractive but nothing really stuck out until he confessed to her and after that he was all she could think about.

Do you have a name for your selfship?

Fire-Star Dust I guess? It’s mostly Fire and Mechanic lol.

Do you sleep in the same bed?

They do yes.

Who’s the little spoon and who’s the big spoon?

They take turns but a lot of the time Levi doesn’t likes her space so she shoves Ace away a lot of the time.

What position does your f/o sleep in?

On his stomach/side or if he passes out on his back. He likes to cuddle so they have to compromise with sometimes just holding hands or sleeping back to back touching.

What’s does your f/o wear to bed?

Levi gets cold easily so she likes to sleep in actual pjs even if they are mismatched or sometimes just a T-shirt and underwear. Ace sleeps in boxers or nothing at all. He’s a nudist at heart.

Which of you wakes you first?

Depends Ace has narcolepsy so his sleeping habits are awful he can be up at all hours or sleep until noon. Usually it’s Levi though she lets Ace sleep in.

Does your f/o wake you up or let you sleep in?

Levi wakes Ace up not the other way around.

Do you take naps together?

They do can mostly be napping basically anywhere.

What to do you when your f/o can’t sleep?

A lot of the time Levi doesn’t know Ace is awake but when she does they just sit in the dark and say nothing. Other times she will make them some tea or talk softly about nothing.

What does your f/o do when you can’t sleep?

Most the same as above but sometimes Ace isn’t good with words so he grabs Levi into his arms and just holds her.

Do you or your f/o cook? Both? Neither?

Both cook to varying degrees but Levi has had more practice after the time skip.

Does your f/o remember to eat or do you have to

Ace never forgets to eat.

Does your f/o have to remind you to eat?

Sometimes yes.


Happy Birthday 05/05:Monkey D. Luffy

I have nothing new this year but happy birthday Luffy I love you



Here’s a short something I wrote for my favorite Ghost Girl’s birthday.

Summary :  It was her birthday and she realized now more than ever that she missed Thriller Bark. She missed home.

warning = angst (with a bit of fluff towards the end)

length = 1K words

characters = Perona, Mihawk and Zoro

AN : This is my very first post here on tumblr but you can find me on AO3 under the same name.

I hope you’ll like it ! :)


Perona sighed for what felt like the fiftieth time in the last hour. She had been sulking in the library since morning, even going as far as skipping breakfast and lunch.

She had sent a couple of ghost roaming the island in search of Zoro and Mihawk. The two had been training, like they always do.

She had sent one back to her room, just to make sure. It had checked the calendar by her bed, the one on which she crossed each passing day to keep track of time. The other was sent to the living room to check the date on the newspaper Mihawk received everyday. There was no mistake.

She usually didn’t mind solitude, but today she felt lonely. Even more than when she had first landed on the island and found herself alone for the first time in years. For the first time since Moria-sama had taken her in.

Damn… She missed Kumashi…

She wasn’t sure what time it was when she finally left the library to go to the kitchen. She wasn’t feeling hungry but she knew that if she didn’t bake she’d regret it later.

She was not a great cook, she knew that, but she could handle herself in a kitchen. Mihawk was the one who cooked for both Zoro and her on a daily basis. Zoro only knew how to make onigiris and she usually cooked vegetables, but that was it. Baking was new.

She walked slowly, missing the usual spring in her steps as if just moving from her place on the armchair was a chore.

Once in the kitchen, she sighed again.

She had to search through too many drawers to find whatever she’d need to bake. She was actually surprised that Mihawk owned everything needed for such a task. She could definitely not picture him baking anything in the gloomy castle. He didn’t seem to be the type who likes cakes anyway. So why did he have each and every ingredient and utensil for it ?

She gathered everything she’d need on the table and tied her hair into her usual ponytail. She was trying this new hairstyle and really liked it at the moment. She slipped the dark apron on too, she’d hate to have her beautiful dress covered in flour or something.

At first, her movements were sluggish and hesitant. She had seen Absalom do it many times and tried to remembered each step, imitating what she remembered he did.

She groaned when she wiped a small drop of sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand when she realized it had been covered in flour. However, she didn’t find the energy to clean herself just yet.

Thirty minutes later, she put it in the oven. She looked back at the table, eyeing the mess she had made and pouted. She really didn’t want to clean but knew Mihawk would be a real pain if she left everything like that.

It took her the entire forty minutes the cake needed to spend in the oven to clean the kitchen and get rid of the stains she had left on the table and do the dishes.

She checked on the cake from time to time, watching as it turned a little bit golden and fluffy and the warm smell filled the room. She smiled. For the first time of the day, she smiled.

It smelled just like Absalom’s. It smelled like… home. She missed home. Thriller Bark. Her Family.

She gulped loudly as she took the cake out of the oven, trying not to cry. Her hands were shaking, the cake almost slipping from her grasp and her vision blurry.

She didn’t want to cry. She wanted to be strong. She wasstrong.

She wiped the tears from her face and forced herself to take deep, calming breaths.

With trembling hands, she took the pink and black icing she had prepared and started covering the cake. She wanted it to look cute. She deserved cute. But she knew it’d never be as beautiful as Absalom’s and it broke her heart a little bit more.

Slowly, she tried to write something on the cake, trying to copy his writing and the loops in his letters. She did her best but her vision was still blurry and she couldn’t see half of what she was doing.

She was so focused that she didn’t hear the two men coming back from their training. The two of them had stopped at the door, unsure of what to do when they saw her sobbing quietly above a cake.

Slowly, Mihawk stepped forward, his tall body looming over her and he frowned.

He was strangely hesitant when he put his large hand on her shoulder. He startled her and she spill icing on the kitchen table but he didn’t comment.

“You’re back.” Even if she clearly tried, her voice was lacking its usual enthusiasm.

He did not answer her, instead he frowned at the cake.

“You didn’t tell us.” She cringed, feeling as if he was scolding her like a kid.

“It doesn’t really matter.” She shrugged, rubbing the back of her hand against her eyes to make sure they were dry.

“Doesn’t seem like it.” Mihawk’s deep voice shook her. “Zoro.” He called but didn’t turn to look at his green-haired apprentice. “Set the table. Use the silverware in the bottom drawer. Tonight’s dinner is special.”

The man raised an eyebrow but did not comment and left quickly.

“Get changed, wear something nice.” The warlord told her, his eyes boring into hers. “Tonight we’re celebrating.”

He didn’t wait for an answer, pushing her out of the room with haste.

He rolled his sleeves up to his elbow and took a look around him, trying to decide what to cook for this special occasion.

He settled on one of her favourite meals : curry. The dessert was ready. He looked at it with a frown.

There, the sloppy black icing read Happy Birthday Perona.

this is so wholesome lmao and luffy keeping up the nami mermaid thing is too funny

Gomu Gomu no Mi Mythical Zoan Fruit, Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika. Gomu Gomu no Mi Mythical Zoan Fruit, Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika. Gomu Gomu no Mi Mythical Zoan Fruit, Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika. Gomu Gomu no Mi Mythical Zoan Fruit, Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika. 

Gomu Gomu no Mi Mythical Zoan Fruit, Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika. 

Post link

what if the one piece is actually the “one piece” of something missing to solve the puzzle/mystery of the void century

kaido when he sees his next opponent in the coming chapters

Yalllllll could it be that joyboy’s apology letter in fishman island is for……zunesha?????“

one pieceone piece

40-year-old Ace again
