#one piece reader insert



The Disadvantages Of Dating One Piece Characters P4

- Will aggressively tell you about his brothers “Have I told you about the time…” and even if you say yes he’ll come up with another.
- One of those argumentative little shits that needs to be right in an argument.
- As soon as politics are mentioned you wont be able to get a word in edge-ways, no one can.
- Often forgets things
- Will get so wrapped up in things he loses all track of time.
- Has a resting ‘I’ll murder you in your sleep face’ even though he’s sweet.

- You can never tell if he’s joking or not about inappropriate things like stealing organs.
- Corrects your spelling, always.
- Corrects you if you miss pronounce or use a word incorrectly.
- You will always be second to a polar bear.
- Most flirting goes over his head.
- “Well, actually..”
- Lawsplains
- Resting bitch face
- Does not know how to sugar coat anything

- Can’t drink out of a bottle without making a dramatic mess out of himself.
- Smokes loads and never washes his hands after.
- When you cry he cries and all your fights are just incoherent sobbing and whining sounds.
- Trips over fucking nothing
- Falls asleep on the couch and almost burns your house down
- Comes with 13 year old whose actually an 80 year old man in a 13 year olds body and who will call you a bitch to your face.
- Related to Doffy

- You will never win a fight because he will literally steal your storm off and make it more dramatic then you ever could have.
- He’ll come back just to slam the door again and louder.
- If you slam the door he’ll come back and slam the door harder [thanks wife]
- Ah just you, your husband Kid and his boyfriend Killer, perfect.
- Uses your makeup and never puts the lids back on or replaces it.
- Out of spite hides all the spoons so you have to eat rice with a fork, cunt. [rice is easier to eat with a spoon then a fork but I am aware I derped derp]

- Will always have the nicer hair
- Sometimes you have no idea if he’s even awake when your talking to him, it’s silence in there.
- I hope you like pasta cus that’s all he can or will cook.
- Wears your shirts, even better if his tiddies bust out of them, you lose more polka dot shirts that way.
- Have to talk him out of wearing the mask to bed.
- Comes with a Kid


Trade for @dusk-bun I hope you like iiiit ;-;

Law x GN Reader
Word Count: 656

Law could tell from a mile away when someone was lying to him, he could see through that shit in an instant, eyes narrowed and jaw set firm as he watched you crying on the bed, rubbing your eyes and hic upping out painful sobs.

You’d told him you were fine, that nothing was wrong the entire day and he knew you weren’t telling him the truth. He respected your privacy however, he would have hated someone to pry into his personal life too, he was hoping you would come clean and confess what had happened.

But no, you were crying your eyes out, looking at him through blurry vision as tears never ceased to run down your cheeks. No matter how many times you used the hem of your shirt to dry your eyes you just couldn’t stop the flow of misery.

He watched you with his scrutinizing gaze, eyes narrowed as he stepped into, the room, closing the heavy door, hearing it clang shut he took a breath, he knew there had been something wrong, all day. Your stubborn refusal to tell him had won out and you were squirming under his gaze as he opened his mouth, clicking his tongue against his teeth, closing the gap between himself and your sitting, trembling form.

“What’s wrong?” it was worded like a question, sounded like a demand.

“Nothing,” you huffed, eyes red and cheeks flushed from crying for so long.

“I could take out your brain and find out what’s wrong instead if you prefer?” he quirked an eyebrow and you didn’t seem keen on him finding out that way.

You watched him sit on the bed with you, his knees touching yours as his hand gripped your thigh, he watched your face, took in your expressions, trying to glean any more information from them then he could your words.

“Who did this?” he asked before you could answer his first question, you felt the hand on your leg tighten its grip, he was starting to get agitated at the prospect someone he loved had been hurt.

“What? Why do you ask that?” you spluttered through your wails and sobs.

Law let out a sigh and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him, his lips still forming a displeased sneer, just thinking about the sort of person that had dared to mess with his partner, the person he loved most in the world, it was unforgivable to him.

“I’m just saying, if it was something who’d hurt you, I am more than willing to make sure they are unable to do so again.” He said with a hum, the tone low and dangerous but you oddly appreciated his threat.

For Trafalgar Law to go out of his way for someone, that meant something, that was how you knew he was in love with you. He nuzzled his nose against your cheek, kissing you before letting out another sigh, pulling away enough so he could brush your hair back.

“I won’t ever let anyone hurt you, your mine and I can’t imagine life without you, so, if there is something the matter, if there was someone who did this to you.” He stared into your eyes, tilting your chin up, looking at the tears brimming in your eyes. “It’ll be the last thing they ever do.”

You tried to nod, unable to with the firm grip he had on your chin, his lips tugged into a smirk as he leaned forward, capturing yours with a kiss, his hand finding your hair, gripping it as he held you in place, deepening the kiss.

“So who was it?” he asked, again.

“No one, I’m just sad.. I promise Law, thank you.” You fluttered your dewy eyelashes at him and smiled.

“I feel better now, it’s nice to know you got my back.” You chuckled as he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.


[doflamingo donquixote x fem! reader]

summary: courtesy of your colleagues who neglected the task of tidying up the palace library, you ended up taking on more than expected.

warnings: 18+, nsfw, non-consensual oral, spitting, deepthroating, height difference

word count: 2,192

author’s note: huge thank you to @absolute-flaming-trash​ for fueling this madness and being an amazing beta ♡


When the Donquixote family took over Dressrosa, you had two options: live and keep your job as a maid in the palace, or refuse and die. You chose the former. Honestly, not much had changed in your daily routine aside from the people you were catering to. They needed to be fed, their linen were to be cleaned then folded and the palace must be kept tidy. 

Your coworkers didn’t adapt as easily as you. Two were slain in a fit of rage by the hands of a Donquixote family member over minor mistakes and the rest struggled with daily tasks due to anxiety and fear, which ultimately caused neglect towards important tasks. Tasks such as neatening the library of the palace, a duty that Trebol initially appointed with urgency.

A day after, when you realized your colleagues hadn’t gotten around to cleaning out the library yet, you headed to tackle the job yourself with various cleaning tools in hand. You were lucky Trebol hadn’t killed you and your workmates for not even starting the job yet and you certainly didn’t want to risk your life over it.

Bypassing the entrance of the main quarters where the Donquixote family always had their daily meetings, you continued walking down the left side of the hallway which lead you to the library door. The scent of old books already lingered in the air as your hand reached for the knob, turning it gently and stepping inside room. You leaned against the door with your eyes shut, mentally preparing yourself for the extra work when a voice cut you off.

“You’re late. This place was ordered to be cleaned yesterday.”

Your eyes shot open when you recognized the voice of Doflamingo, who sat in a chair on the far side of the room, nearest a window with the shades drawn just enough to provide light for him to read without straining his eyes in the dimmed lit room. On a table beside him, there was a bottle of wine along with an unfinished glass. Quite the relaxing set up. 

Gesturing to a ladder on the opposite side of the room far away from him, you stammered, “Sorry, I’ll get to work over here.“ 

Doflamingo lifted his head from the book he was reading and looked in your direction, letting out a low hum to himself before demanding, “No, dust those off first.” He motioned toward the area in front of his direct view. 

You bit your lip nervously as you hurried towards the bookshelf, cleaning tools rattling against the tin bucket so loudly it rung in your ears. Upon closer examination you realized that all of the books were dusty, albeit in pristine condition. You could feel his eyes on you as you moved. It felt like they were burning a hole in your back, and it made you shudder in fear. All common sense was out the window, you tried to ease the tension you felt by turning on your heels to ask, “Is there any in particular you’d like to read first?”

Doflamingo uncrossed his legs, scanning the shelves as you fiddled with the hem of your skirt. A low chuckle erupted from his throat, “Fetch the ladder. Top shelf,” he ordered confidently.

Metal scraped against the polished wooden floor as you struggled to lug the ladder across the room, the annoying noise only coming to a stop after you positioned it where you thought it should be. ‘Top shelf is so vague’, you thought to yourself, already dreading the idea of having to ask Doflamingo to elaborate exactly which books he wanted on the top shelf which spanned across the circumference of the entire room. Without question, the man would probably correct you if you chose wrong so you decided not to inquire.

You couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched as you climbed up the ladder with a duster in hand. The ladder wasn’t the original one designed specifically to accommodate the upper shelves of the library, which was was thrown out after breaking during the palace takeover. The top shelf surpassed double your height, you still struggled to reach the books and with the short skirt you were adorned in— you knew Doflamingo would see your panties if he looked in your direction. It was hard to tell what he was looking at behind those sunglasses he always wore but the thought of him catching a raunchy glimpse of you sent a chill up your spine, one that jolted your body violently enough to threaten tipping the ladder over. 

Doflamingo steadied the ladders movement by bracing his foot on the first step, stopping the metal from rattling against the floor as it teetered shakily back and forth. Before you could thank him, he sighed in annoyance and stood up from his seat. The sound of his loafers tapping closer to you was short lived. It was mere seconds before he stood right beside you, looking up with a displeased look on his face. 

“I’m sorry I—, I can’t reach and there’s no other staff here for the rest of the—,” you trembled with panic in your voice, watching his eyebrows furrow more with every word that spilled from your lips.

“Tch, quit your damn whining,” Doflamingo snarled, one of his hands effectively lifting you from behind by your ass, making you squeal. Thick fingers pressed against your clothed clit, further securing you in his hold. In a hurry, you dropped the duster out of your hand, letting it fall to the floor so you can scoop as many books as possible into your arms. Doflamingo let you down without a hitch and you immediately went straight to wiping down the several books you retrieved, trying to silence your mind from reminding you of how inappropriately he touched you.

The clock read 10:55 PM when you finally finished working on the books Doflamingo requested. You were exhausted, having worked your regular 12 hour shift beginning at 8 AM before even tending to the library. The books piled high in your arms, stacked from your hips to your chin as you sleepily ambled over to Doflamingo, who just set aside his nth glass of wine on the table beside him. 

“Set them down and go, you‘ll continue after your shift tomorrow.”

You were in no position to object, simply nodding and leaning forward to place the books on the table beside him. One of them slipped out of the pile, knocking over Doflamingo’s glass of wine which spilled all over his unbuttoned white shirt. Quickly grabbing a rag from your apron, you attempted to clean the purple liquid from his garment. When you realized your efforts were for naught, you simply froze in terror, avoiding eye contact while you offered your apologies.

“Young master, I’m terribly sorry for my clumsiness. I’ll go wash it right away, sir.”

A devious laugh was Doflamingo’s response. One that shook the bottle of wine on the table and vibrated off the walls of the library. He grabbed your forearm tightly and pulled you closer to his face.

“I’m beginning to think you’re toying with me. Am I a joke to you?” The timbre of his voice was so vile that you felt any answer would be found offensive. 

“Since you were kind enough to show me these, I’ll give you one chance to make it right.” he asserted irritably.  His free, calloused hand then slipped up your skirt and tugged against your pink lace panties. When the fabric snapped against your skin, the feeling of utter dread sunk in. 

“I’m sure you’re not that stupid, go on now.”

You hated what he so casually demanded from you while tugging you closer by your garter belt. 

“And don’t disappoint me.” he lilted with firm persistence.

Doflamingo’s words echoed in your ears agonizingly slow along with the heavy sound of a lump settling in your throat. Your feet were bolted to the floor, unwilling to proceed closer to the blonde even though you feared your life would be in worse danger if you didn’t make a move. 

“Atta girl,” he urged confidently as you stepped towards him. At the same time, he stood to his full height and looked down on you. You weren’t the slightest bit prepared.

Doflamingo’s cock twitched curiously as you unbuttoned his satin pants, releasing him from the confinement that previously served as a safety shield for you. You knew he’d be well endowed but you still grimaced over his sheer size. He didn’t grant you any mercy, slapping his length against your lips to pry them open. You hoped at any point your pleading eyes would halt him in his tracks. That poor, pathetic look across your face wasn’t enough to save you. Not from this man.

Your head was yanked back by your hair, forcing you to look up at the blonde who smoothly rolled a line of spit off his lips that fell into your mouth. With the quickness, he shoved his cock inside, leaving you no time to adjust. His bulbous tip bullied to the back of your throat, instantly triggering your gag reflex and you sputtered around his length, desperately gasping for air. The struggle didn’t disrupt his motions in the slightest. If anything, it stirred him on more.

The driving force of his thrusts were an awful punishment against your mouth. A stinging feeling grew on both corners of your lips, the soreness only being dulled by the amount of saliva that coated his cock. But after a short while, a heat pooled inside of you that only confirmed one thing: your body betrayed you by finding pleasure in this. 

It felt blissfully wrong, swallowing his cock like it would be your last meal, never neglecting the rest of his length by stroking what didn’t fit inside of your throat. Doflamingo lamented in the show you put on for him. Staring up at the man with glassy eyes, you hoped the sight would help him finish sooner so you can be on your way. He didn’t hold back any groans during your ministrations, even going as far as degrading you for being such an eager slut. 

Soon, it became hard to breathe. Doflamingo resorted to controlling the pace, swaying your mouth along his dick with a rapid force that shut out all of your senses. Your hands searched for solace near his hips, fingertips grazing the bone with wavering firmness. Apart from hearing his menacing laugh and feeling his balls slap against your chin in an erratic pattern— you were fading out. Face covered in a mixture of tears and saliva that flowed to the tip of your chin and began pooling onto the floor. From his view, your eyes rolled behind your head, vision going black. An exceptional time to make you regret being so weak.

You floated back into consciousness with a stifled, burning sensation in your throat; vision hazily coming back to full capacity at the same moment you realized your nose pressed flush against Doflamingo’s pelvis. He was impressed at the prominent bulge of his cock showing in your neck, though he knew his end was near. The walls of your throat constricted around him in a desperate attempt to search for oxygen, the pressure tightening around his length, pushing him on the cusp of an orgasm.

The air restriction he dealt resulted in a panicked fit. You clawed at his abdomen and desperately tried to push him away to inhale much needed air. Frantically attempting to jolt your head side to side was futile. Doflamingo positioned his hands on either side of your head, fingers lacing into your hair for an extra tight grip. While he drove his cock as far as it could go into your warm mouth, he caressed your cheeks with his thumbs manipulatively. You twitched, saliva bubbling out of your mouth while your face began to turn colors, the backs of your eyes feeling the intense pressure on your skull.

“Mmm, struggle on my fucking cock,” Doflamingo mocked, rigorously rolling his hips. It took less than a few more earnest pumps for his climax to course through him, shuddering as his cum shot down your throat. You muffled a sigh of relief, feeling disgusted by your arousal from this encounter.

To put it lightly, you were exhausted and way overworked. Your legs gave out the instant your lips weren’t wrapped around him anymore, causing you to sway backwards. Doflamingo contemplated letting you fall to the floor but he wasn’t done with you yet. He caught you by your shoulder, shoving you to the side where you landed face first against his chair. Before you could react, his hand was pressed against your back, forcing you into an arched position with your backside facing him. A sharp smack to your ass made your blood run cold and your body tense. He then hooked his finger under the band of your lace undies, sliding towards your cunt until the soaked fabric met his fingertip. 

“Now,” he remarked in an insatiable tone, “Time to put this weeping cunt to good use.”

[roronoa zoro x fem! reader]

summary: you sacrificed yourself to prevent Zoro from getting hurt and yet the swordsman neglected you throughout your suffering. when he finally accepted his real feelings, things got far too heated resulting in a relapsed recovery.

warnings: 18+, nsfw, blood and injury, dubious-consensual sex, oral sex, rough sex, overstimulation

word count: 4,585

author’s note: i owe a huge thanks to @absolute-flaming-trash​​ for contributing so many details that made this full of angst ♡


Zoro wasn’t a man of shame, but the shame he felt at the moment was far more than what you prevented him from experiencing. 

Small hooves clicked against the wooden floor of the Thousand Sunny while Chopper made his way back to the Strawhats to deliver the news that they’d been waiting anxiously for. The crew was huddled in front of the mast, idle conversations cut abruptly when he began.

“Good news and bad news. There won’t be any long term affects of the poison because we started treatment at the perfect time. The bad news though… They’ll have to endure the excruciating pain of the poison’s effects on the body until it leaves their system, which can take anywhere between 2-4 weeks. Bed rest is in place and that is doctor’s orders! Luffy, this is not up for debate. All contact with Y/N is done in the infirmary, one person at a time to prevent spreading germs and ensure their safety.”

Chopper inhaled deeply and let out a sigh before heading back to the infirmary. Zoro watched as everyone went back to conversing and crept away from the crew to question the doctor further.

The green haired man cleared his throat, making the doctor briefly jump out of his skin before turning to face him.

“Something up Zoro?”

“Yeah… What’d you mean by long term affects?” His tone was desperate, head hung low and eyes not making contact with the reindeer.

“Oh! That’s right, I didn’t mention them to the crew. The poison would’ve paralyzed her body if treatment didn’t begin so quickly afterwards. Good thing you got her to me in time.”

Zoro clenched his fists, fake smile on his face that didn’t reach his eye before walking away. Chopper noticed the guilt all over him, yelling quickly from across the hall, “Don’t beat yourself up Zoro!”

How was he not supposed to beat himself up? You jumped in front of a poison imbued sword to prevent him from getting sliced from behind. The result left you struck the exact way he allowed Mihawk to slice him in the past. He wanted to ask you why. Why did you jump behind his back and protect him? Sure he was fighting another pirate, but he didn’t ask you to defend him. It was stupid of you to endanger yourself.

Zoro knew it was selfish to be mad at you, all you did was protect him. It’s something you’ve all done for each other at some point, so why was he feeling enraged at the simple act? The longer he sat with his emotions, the more those moments replayed in his head. 

He remembered quickly turning around after hearing your screams and slaying the pirate who sliced you before picking you up and running around frantically until he found Chopper. The blood seeping through your ripped shirt. That look on your face as you were fading in and out of reality. How you mouthed the words ‘Thank you’ before coughing up blood. When your body went limp in his arms, rendering you completely unresponsive.

A few days had passed and you were quickly growing tired of the routine your recovery consisted of. Chopper administered medication to you throughout the day and frequently changed your bandages. He only allowed you to walk around the infirmary with the assistance of whoever visited at the moment since you were so weak. Luffy had to be dragged out after making you laugh until your wound began to hurt. Sanji stopped by multiple times in the day and insisted on spoon feeding you. Robin and Nami would chat with you and were always the gentlest with helping you walk around. Usopp told stories that you knew were made up, but took your mind out of a depressed state. Franky came by to show you the gadgets he was working on and allowed you to help him with any minor handy work that didn’t involve you getting out of bed, and Brooke’s music lulled you into a slumber every night. 

The strawhats were experts at momentarily making you feel as if nothing was out of the ordinary, and they respected your wishes to leave the room when the poison began throb at every nerve in your body. These spells of pain made blood curdling screams rip through your throat that were loud enough to be heard on the deck of the Sunny. Sometimes they’d last for hours on end, and Chopper required someone to sit outside of the infirmary at all times just in case you began to choke. Zoro agreed that this would be his, and only his, responsibility. Nobody disputed this because of how obvious it was that remorse consumed every fiber of his being.

Zoro spent the days training profusely, even more so than usual, drinking double and only sleeping outside of the infirmary door in between your screams. He heard your throat go raw from yelling and when you’d sob for hours in the dead of the night. All of this and yet he hadn’t mustered the courage to look you in the face. 

Your crew eventually ran out of excuses when you asked them why Zoro didn’t visit you. They were disappointed in him for making you worry so much, but they understood his point of view. You sacrificed yourself and were laying in pain because you protected him from getting hurt. Zoro was someone who almost never needed someone else’s aid and yet you were in this state after one of the few times that he didn’t have everything covered. The realization of this left him numb whenever he dwelled on it, which was frequently. 


A particularly long, drawn out scream that left you coughing made Zoro burst into the infirmary almost instantly. He ran to your side faster than he could process and was just as shocked to see you as you were to see him. The bandages all over your torso reminded him of a familiar experience, but your body had also become so frail since the accident. He couldn’t shake the visual in front of him. The guilt he felt only grew stronger behind his exterior facade.

He watched you with his eye blown wide as you gathered your breath and then smiled at him from ear to ear. Your voice was barely above a whisper because your throat was shot, “Zoro, I’m so glad you finally came.”

With now balled his fists at his sides, he snarled, “How could you be so stupid? I didn’t need your help.”

The grin on your face slowly fell and Zoro felt the strings of his heart tug when the look of sadness washed over you. You sniffled and let out a short lived giggle, wiping the tears that formed in your eyes away. He had a hard time maintaining eye contact with you and turned on his heel to leave now that he knew you were alright. You didn’t want him to leave but you’ve always known Zoro is a stubborn man who does what he wants. When his hand reached for the doorknob, you sat up quickly and faltered, “I did it because… A wound on one’s back is the shame of a swordsman.” 

He swung the door open and stood in the doorway, head held down facing the floor. 

“Zoro please don’t leave so soon,” you whined with tears streaming down your face but the door quickly shut behind him. He left as fast as he came, returning to sit outside the door unbeknownst to you. 

Zoro felt awful listening to you cry after he left. Eventually your sobs were replaced with pained screams that echoed in his ears and made him crazy. He pressed his palms against his ears to drown out your suffering but that wasn’t enough. He felt like a coward, crossing his arms against his knees and leaning his head down. Tears formed in his eye, quickly falling to the ground and they didn’t stop even after a few minutes. When your screams dissipated into squalls and whines, he realized one of the beeping noises of your monitors were significantly quicker than they’d ever been and decided to alert Chopper.

All that Zoro heard from outside the room could be described as chaos. It felt like forever had passed before Chopper left the infirmary with a daunting look on his face.

“They were having a panic attack. Heart beat was way too fast. If this happens when I’m not around please do some breathing exercises to calm them down.”

Zoro nodded in response, knowing he would just alert the reindeer again if it happened.


It had been 3 and a half weeks since your recovery began, which was slow and steady. The pain was less overall and you regained enough strength to walk on your own in short bursts. Since your screams were less frequent, your vocal cords finally began healing after they ripped. In the meantime, you were left with the urge to clear your throat almost constantly and a raspy, hoarse voice. You weren’t able to speak many words without feeling strained either. Chopper unhooked you from all of the monitors though, and you took advantage when nobody was around; walking small steps around the infirmary mindlessly. Unfortunately you grabbed at every nearby object to help you get by since the muscles in your legs weren’t regularly used for so long. You felt confident that soon enough you’d be let off bed rest by Chopper. To see and bond with the strawhats normally again was something you looked forward to, and that included Zoro. He still hadn’t allowed you to see him since the last time he barged in but he was always there, listening in on the endless troubles and emotions you dealt with on a daily basis.

All of the time spent training, drinking or sitting outside of the infirmary brought Zoro to the conclusion that he cared for you more than just a friend. He didn’t want to admit this to himself but there was no other liable reason why your pain did such a number on him. When you admitted the reason for putting yourself at risk, it only solidified the feelings he’d been purposely ignoring for a long time. Pathetic is how he felt. For not realizing it sooner and for letting this incident be the moment he finally decided it’s time to accept it. 

It was just another uneventful day of resting when Chopper told you that the crew would be heading out to shop on the island the Sunny was docked at. You assumed you’d be alone for a few hours and didn’t mind at all. This was the perfect opportunity for you to leave the infirmary without the possibility of being reminded by the rest of the crew that you were supposed to be on bedrest. 

You waited so long for a chance to roam the ship that you were counting down in your head until the moment you guessed it was safe to leave the infirmary. Having already grown tired of the room, you took a peek out of the window on the door and noticed the coast was clear. In your head enough time had passed and there was no point in waiting any longer. You opened the door and barely made it a few tottering steps before a voice scared the soul out of your body.

“Oi, aren’t you supposed to be resting?”

Zoro scared the hell out of you when you turned around, almost falling backwards before he grabbed a hold of your arm and kept you upright. You immediately noticed the smell of sake that he reeked of, he was clearly drunk. When you pulled your arm back from his grasp and turned to get some well needed fresh air without giving him as much as a smirk, he knew that you were upset. You had every right to be with how he stormed out when you wanted him the most. Still, Zoro understood, culpability taking over while he watched you struggle to get one foot in front of the other at a consistent pace. You were weak, your legs constantly shaking because of the limited range of motion you’ve had in the last weeks. He was accepting of your rightful frustration with him. If only he’d known that you were actually hurt and confused that he left you to suffer without his company. You initially wanted to thank him for his help from the moment you had woken up, and when you finally got the chance to— he made you feel small, abandoning you to your own devices. 

Zoro followed behind you to the deck of the Sunny, watching as you leaned your forearms on the wooden railing and took in the warmth of the sun that you missed so much. He stood with his back against the wall, examining your condition and cursing himself for not being there for you. An apology itched to leave his throat but he couldn’t muster the courage to spill it, leaving you two to bask in the silence that was short lived.

“Zoro,” you trembled with a sad grimace, “Why didn’t you visit me?”

The words stung coming out, hoarseness forcing you to clear your throat repeatedly.

He didn’t know what to say, and more importantly, where to start. There were numerous reasons why he didn’t visit. None of which warranted his behavior. 

Tears welled in your eyes and you ignored the urge to turn around and head back to the infirmary. You finally had the chance to speak your mind while the others were gone, and this was the moment you’d spill it all before going back to what felt like a prison at this point.

“I’m sorry. Just tell me what I did wrong.”

Zoro stood completely still with furrowed brows, no viable answer apparent yet. His heart and mind were screaming at him to say something, to do anything to reassure you that you had done nothing wrong.

You broke, completely. The tears you’d been holding back and the calm exterior you wore cracked right in front of him. Your hands covered your face in an effort to stifle your sobs but it all came pouring out despite your efforts. Almost four weeks of yearning for him crashed down, leaving you hyperventilating and stumbling over your already strained words before finally managing a broken sentence.

“I— I needed you Zoro! I needed you and y— you weren’t there.”

Zoro had enough of watching you meltdown because of the pain he caused you on top of the injuries you bared for him. Muscled arms wrapped around your body, pulling you flush to his chest and muffling your cries. In a perfect world, this act alone would’ve fixed everything but he knew that expecting such a thing was naive. Your cries only got louder and heavier. You balled up the back of his shirt into your fists, holding him as tight as you possibly could until you felt your wound sting. Having you embrace him even in this setting was a relief but he knew that he had so much to make up to you.

Zoro unclutched your arms from around him and leaned back, tilting your chin up to look him in the face. ‘You’re so beautiful’, he thought to himself. His thumb swiped away a tear that dripped down your cheek, staring so hard into your eyes that he could’ve burned a hole in your irises if he wanted to. His mind was already fuzzy from the sake and seeing you so fucked up put him in an even worse state. 

“I was wrong, Y/N. I screwed up by not being there for you. If you hate me I completely understand.”

Zoro hated the words that left his mouth. They were true, but you deserved an actual apology that didn’t sound so passive. He just wasn’t good with words. Anyone who knew him was aware that he was more a man of action. If there was anything he learned from this, it was that he would’ve hated to lose you. The inner battle he fought with himself to come clean needed to end here. 

“I care about you differently,” he mumbled, closing his eye and taking a deep breathe before continuing, “It sucks that it took all of this for me to realize that.”

You had an idea about what differently meant when it came from Zoro but he’d never be able to describe it in words.

You glanced between his eye and lips before taunting playfully, “Differently? I don’t quite understand.”

Your coy act paired with the glimmer in your eyes changed the atmosphere from tense to lighthearted quickly. Zoro tried to hide the blush creeping up his face but he couldn’t.

“Ugh, alright, alright,” he boomed loudly. His hand found solace on the nape of your neck, pulling you forward for his lips to meet yours. To the both of you, it felt like a huge weight off of your shoulders to be able to finally embrace the other. 

Zoro’s tongue eagerly lapped at your lips, begging for entry into your mouth. The moment you’d granted him access, he devoured you like a starved man, his tongue dancing with yours like his life depended on it. Every unspoken word and emotion was poured into the kiss. His body pressed against yours too tight, making you hiss at the sting of your healing wound. You knew he was far gone because of how inattentive he was at your pained mewls, not stopping even when you tried to push his heavy body from leaning into yours. He finally broke the kiss to lean down and scoop you up, wrapping your legs around his torso before greedily pulling you in for more. The taste of your tongue against his was intoxicating, more so than the copious amounts of sake he downed regularly, and he found himself quickly addicted. Being deprived of allowing the true feelings you had for each other to take over, you ignored your body warning you of Zoro’s enthusiasm being too brutal in this delicate state. 

Zoro ushered you back to the infirmary, carrying you around his waist with one hand under your ass and the other pulling you closer to deepen the kiss. His favorite alcohol lingered on his tongue, something you once dreamed to taste. You eagerly pulled tufts of his green hair in between your fingers, moaning into his mouth when he bit down on your tongue deliciously.

Your back landed on the stiff infirmary bed too hard, you almost swore you had torn one of the stitches in your wound but decided to ignore it. Zoro removed your sweats effortlessly and didn’t bother doing the same with your underwear. Strong arms pulled you towards the edge of the bed and spread your legs wide open for him; causing you to cry out in pain. It was as if he couldn’t hear you, too caught up in the wonders of your body. He tugged your panties to the side and went straight to lapping at your cunt earnestly, letting out a sigh of pleasure against your heat at how wet you were already. It was like your mind and body were fighting against each other. Your body leaned into his touch, completely disregarding the pain shooting from your chest to every nerve in your body. Your mind knew this was going too far, too quickly. It wasn’t that you didn’t want this. Fuck, you really did, but your body couldn’t handle it and you knew that. The anticipation and yearning lasted so long that this moment was overdue, you chose to deal with the consequences later.

Zoro pushed two digits into your cunt while he circled your clit with his tongue. You were seeing stars, orgasm washing over violently when he curled his fingers upwards and began thrusting them into you at a more rapid speed once he felt you gushing.

He retreated as you laid in the aftermath of your own bliss, trying to gather a coherent thought and process what just happened. The sounds of him stripping himself of his clothing didn’t register to your ears but you felt the bed dip lower as he eased onto it. He was careful not to crush you with his body weight, yet having your legs pinned to your shoulders elicited yelps right into his ear. You were fighting through the discomfort but felt a warm liquid starting to seep through your bandaged wound. 

Zoro peeled your panties off of your waist and tossed them to the side. The sheer look of panic was written all over your features when he lined himself up with your slit, coating himself in your juices before pressing the tip inside.

With a low whine you pleaded, “It hurts, I don’t know if —“

“Shhh, I’ve got you,” he mumbled in a soothing tone, “Just relax.”

No amount of prep could’ve helped you take his cock easily. He was both girthy and packed a striking length, but at least he tried to be as mindful as he could with your body; or so he thought. You grimaced at every sensation flowing through your nerves. Him stretching you out slowly, the feeling in your chest and abdomen of your stitches ripping, and your frail body trying to brace itself against the wall of muscle which is Zoro himself.

Zoro mistaked your whimpers as a reaction to the stretch as he inched into your cunt agonizingly slow. You were teary eyed by the time he bottomed out. The pace he started off with was delicious, too bad you couldn’t focus on it. Your nails dug crescents into his shoulders, for sure breaking the skin but he didn’t pay it any attention. He was determined to fill you up and finally make you his, and soon enough his thrusts had become needy and desperate. His cock felt like heaven stroking your inner walls in a way you’ve never felt before. He was expertly rolling his hips into yours, the tip of his length kissed your cervix without knocking you into a third dimension.

It didn’t last long though— his hips soon began to slam violently into yours, each piston into you knocked the air out of your lungs. When you tried to scream out a beg for mercy, your throat betrayed you. Zoro’s forehead pressed flush to yours, watching your every reaction. He knew this was too much but you just felt so tight around his cock, sucking him right back in whenever he pulled out of your sopping heat. It took a particular bump against your cervix for you to wail out and attempt to push him away with the little strength you had.

“It’s— it’s too much!” Your eyes were blown wide, the feeling of another orgasm creeping up on you.

Overstimulated was merely an understatement. Zoro was sending your body into overdrive and it seemed like there was no end in sight, the alcohol delaying the load he so desperately wanted to spill into your womb.

A guttural groan ripped from the pit of his stomach. “Fuck, I’m sorry,” he panted. His words rung through your ears and left you confused. What was he sorry for? For leaving you to recover on your own for weeks? For battering your body even further right now? Your head was spinning even more when his thrusts became sporadic. If he was close to his end, you’d be grateful. The exhaustion you felt was starting to consume you. All you needed was some rest after this, hopefully with your hand in his. You didn’t understand why you were so willing to put aside the affliction he dealt to you, as long as it meant that he’d stick around. A thumb circling your clit knocked you out of your thoughts, and you quickly fell into another euphoric state. His other free hand palmed your bandaged breast through your shirt and tenderly kneaded it. You were as soft as he thought you’d be. How he allowed himself to wait so long to indulge in you was a mystery.

It didn’t take much for him to ease another orgasm out of you, but this time around his length while he grinned against you leisurely. Your walls spasmed around his cock and you both were in heaven at the sensation. The frustration and urgency that built from his need to cum was evident, quickly switching back to fucking you with brute force. You grinned and bared it. The small mewls encouraged him to continue using you to his hearts extent. His body tensed up and you knew it had finally come to an end when his cock twitched aggressively and squirted hot ropes of cum inside your plush walls. Zoro was a sight to see. His forehead was dripping sweat, chest rising and falling while he gathered his breathe without taking the time to pull out yet.

The swordsman gently pulled up your shirt in an attempt to place a kiss over your wound, but he instantly froze up when he realized you were in fact bleeding through your bandages.

“What the?! So you were just not going to tell me about this? What the hell is the matter with you?!”

His normal attitude took over and you were too tired to bicker back with him like you normally did in the past. Maybe he had finally sobered up when you milked him dry or perhaps once he noticed how battered you were, who knows. He pulled out completely, ignoring the image of his seed spilling out of you to prevent another raging boner. The damage was done anyway so dwelling on it wouldn’t benefit either of you. You pushed the hair out of your face and you gave him a gentle smile before offering him some reassurance, “I just missed you. Don’t worry, I’ll be better in no time.”


Chopper was furious when he seen the state you were in. He couldn’t imagine what happened while the crew was gone, nor did he really want to. You held your head down and answered his questions short and sweet, “I hurt myself after getting air on the deck.” The reindeer didn’t believe you at all but left the room after restitching and patching you up. He couldn’t bother further interrogating anyway since Zoro was giving him a death stare. 

You slept peacefully while Zoro watched. The hum of your throat rattling was the only noise heard in the room and it drove him insane just how much he missed your presence while you rested. Finally sober, he shamefully processed what he did earlier and felt awful. The very moment he got a taste of you he allowed himself to go too far at the expense of your already mutilated, impotent body. It made him sick to his stomach how a twisted part of him thoroughly got off by having an advantage over your feeble state.

Eventually you woke from your sleep and noticed a troubled look on Zoro’s face. He quickly ended the silence. “Chopper said you’ll be here for a couple more days ‘cause of the stitches he had to replace .”

You reached over and grabbed a hold of his hand. Zoro couldn’t hide the tinted red blush on his face that only deepened at your next words, “I’m fine with that as long as you’re right here.”

♥ the happiestbirthday: Kid & gn!reader (no pronouns)

a/n: happy, happy birthday my beloved lemon @eustasssimp<3
hoping you’ll have the sweetest of all days today and that you’ll feel so, so loved because you are! you’re a sweet and kind soul and i’m so happy we got to know each other. since i can’t give you a warm hug in person, i tried it with words, i hope you enjoy. love you dearly <3

word count: 2.5k

“One more song, please, I promise it will be the last…”

Wire and Heat were looking at you with pleading eyes, basically pressing the microphone into your hand. You rub your eyes until you see stars, trying to get rid of the sleepiness that came with staring at the TV for the whole night. It was both the evening before your birthday and karaoke night on the Victoria Punk, and without doubt you’ve been killing it. Not a single song hasn’t been sung, from all the pop punk bangers to the instrumentals of the crew’s favorite death metal songs – the mic has been passed around until it now landed in your hands again. Everyone seemed very eager to make you sing some more, despite your voice almost being hoarse and your loud yawns between each song.

You’re sitting on the floor and leaning against Killer’s legs, resting your head against his knees as he occasionally gives you a few head scratches or holds a drink with a straw in your face so you can stay hydrated between two songs. Ever since you and Kid made it official (as in: when he stopped yeeting you across the room so no one would see him holding your hand), your bond with Killer also got a lot stronger than it already was. You knew the captain and the first mate shared a long history together and at first you felt like an intruder when you started catching feelings for Kid, but Killer was nothing but supportive from the start; sitting down with you and listening, giving you helpful advice (like “yeah, just bite back in that case”) and now often hangs out with you and Kid. Sometimes it made you wonder how it would feel being with both of them, but for now you got your hands full with one alone. Speaking of…

“Has anyone seen Kid? He’s been gone for at least two hours now, didn’t he only want to use the bathroom real quick? Or in his words – taking a piss and don’t we fucking dare follow him?”

You were tired but not tired enough to not notice the glances Killer, Heat and Wire exchanged. Something definitely was up and you weren’t sure if it was a good sign. Last time you left Kid unsupervised for a longer time span he built glitter grenades in the shade of his enemies blood that unfortunately exploded in his workroom, leaving everyone on the ship coughing up glitter for a week straight. 

All your attempts to press any information out of them failed and when you tried to get up and search for Kid yourself, several pairs of hands pushed you back down; so all you could do was grab the microphone again and sing a power ballad, one that you spared till the very end for dramatic effect. The boys cheered and helped you out as background choir when your voice cracked at the high-pitched notes, gesturing with all they got when it came to the final crescendo, someone lit a whole pack of sparklers and in the end all of you slumped down on the sofa and the pillow covered floor, the end of a perfect encore.

Just when the last line flickered across the TV screen, the door to the living room swung wide open, a feisty looking Kid appearing in the doorframe. Your heart still skipped a beat whenever he was around, his presence filling every room with an intense energy like a storm, pulling at your heartstrings as if it was merely a wind chime.

“Oi, babe. Come here.”

He gestures with his good hand and stomps towards you when you take a second too long to get up, holding out his hand for you to grab it as he pulls you up. You notice how Kid and the others exchange a few nods and thumb ups but before you could ask anything, your captain was already walking towards the door again, dragging you behind him. One last glance over your shoulder to the grinning boys and you’re out, trying to keep up with Kid as he struts through the hallway. He seems to vibrate in excitement for something and all you could do was hope it wasn’t another handmade explosive.

“Kid, where the hell have you been and why are we ru–”

A surprised shriek escapes your throat when you stumble and almost fall; luckily Kid was quick to catch you, his mechanical arm wrapped around your waist as he yells at you for not being able to keep up with him and you arguing back that ten seconds ago you were on the edge of falling asleep and he got much longer legs than you anyway. He puts you back on your feet again, finally not running anymore and giving you time to muster him up and down for the first time as he still barks out some mild insults.

“What do you have in your hair…?”

You stand on tiptoes to reach for his red hair, some white powder in it. Now that you have a closer look, there was also some across his cheek and over his torso, some speckles of something brown too which almost made him look as if he had freckles. Cute. You leaned in to kiss him on the cheek which made the angry tulip shut up for a brief second, rolling his eyes but cheeks slightly flushed. 

“That’s… flour and chocolate?” 
– “Okay, fucking little detective, just come, it’s almost midnight.”
“What, are you gonna turn into a pumpkin or something?”

Followed by some more huffing and puffing from his side the two of you continue making your way through the hallway; Kid liberally slowed down his steps a bit so you can keep up with him, his warm hand in a tight grip around yours. You can’t help but smile; his love was rough but it burned so brightly, making you feel so safe and warm.

“Don’t look yet.”

Kid covers your eyes before he pushes the door leading outside on deck open, pulling you close to him as he guides you forwards, grumbling that you better don’t slip and fall again because he won’t catch you a second time (of course he would, but he would complain even more than the first time). The air was warm, one of those summer nights that held some kind of magic as they just seemed to never end. You can feel your limbs tingling in anticipation.

Your lips curl into a smile when Kid kisses you, mumbling out a half-hearted apology about cussing you out before he finally takes his hand off your eyes, stepping aside so you can see what he prepared.

A large blanket lies in front of you, lots of pillows on top. Candles surrounded the whole scene with fairy lights hanging from the mast, two glasses with fruity cocktails are standing on a small tablet next to a small cake. As you walk closer you notice that your name and ‘happy birthday’ are written in a wonky handwriting on the frosting, surrounded by a handful of small flowers and a candle in the middle. In all fairness it looked like a toddler was allowed to decorate a cake for the very first time, but you can tell that Kid made everything from scratch and for someone who worked with metal only, he sure did well. It was made with love, without a doubt.

You spin around to him, smiling from ear to ear as he pulls you into a hug, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You also wrap your arms around him, slipping underneath his big fur coat so you can feel him close, his muscles softening under your touch. With eyes closed you breathe him in, the familiar scent of sweat and oil, this time paired with a soft note of freshly baked cake, a faint lemon aroma lingering on his skin.

“Don’t think I’ll do something stupid like that for every birthday that will follow, okay? Happy birthday, babe.”, he mumbles, placing a trail of kisses on the side of your neck before biting your ear slightly. You tilt your head back into your neck, looking at him with pleading eyes until he kisses you roughly on the lips, humming softly.
“So are you implying that we’ll celebrate many, many more birthdays together?”, you ask, giggling at the sight of his blushing cheeks as he huffs out another insult.
“Are you dumb? Of course we will, do you think I’ll ever let you go? Now go make a wish or else…”

He grabs you by the shoulders and pushes you into the pillows, taking a seat cross legged opposite of you. As you get adjusted he takes the cake in his mechanic hand where it looks ridiculously tiny in it; he lights the candle and holds the cake up in front of your face, glaring at you from behind it, his face shimmering golden from the candles surrounding you. A wish, huh? 

You think for a few heartbeats and then close your eyes as you take a deep breath and blow out the birthday candle, a slight breeze finding you in just this moment, almost as if the wind and the sea worked together to carry your wish to the stars.

“What did you wish for?”, Kid asks and puts the cake down at the tablet, handing you a fork.
– “I can’t tell you, Kid, otherwise it won’t come true!”, you snicker and laugh as he rolls his eyes but grins anyway, his excitement about you trying what he baked for the first time was too big to grumble about some fake rules about wishes.

Kid digs in with his fork first but holds it up for you, generously offering to feed you (“you’re so clumsy, you’ll drop it otherwise”). It’s a big bite and you struggle to fit it in your mouth, resulting in buttercream being smeared all over your face and you almost choke from laughing as Kid keeps on yelling at you to chew properly. In the end you have to wash it down with a drink, trying to catch your breath again before Kid leans in for another kiss, licking up the crumbs and cream in such a cheeky way it makes your heart jump in your chest.

“Delicious.”, he grins, not talking about his creation. The cake tasted amazing though, the flavors were perfectly balanced and you couldn’t help but wonder how much practice it took for him to master it, knowing you have never seen him in the kitchen before (except to go see Killer when they’ve been apart for longer than five minutes and he started missing him). He really did all of this for you, making you feel so loved.

It’s your turn to feed Kid with your fork and praise him for how amazing the birthday cake tastes, saying it’s the best one you ever had, and watch him grow an inch taller under your compliments. Kid was convinced he was the best at everything, but actually hearing someone else say it always made him feel superior – especially coming from you. Throughout your dating history he made you many gifts, like matching earrings, bracelets, a cup holder for your nightstand (“because how much more tea do you want to spill on our sheets, babe”), the list goes on; but you can tell this cake was special since it was outside of his comfort zone, trading his workshop for the kitchen.

After a few more bites the two of you lay down on your backs, Kid holding you in his arms. You snuggle closer onto him, enjoying the warmth he was radiating. He holds you tight as he takes a deep breath, maybe slightly relieved that his surprise was successful. Above you was the starlit sky, hundreds of tiny dots gleaming there like a fresco. You wouldn’t have thought that Kid was such a romantic but you keep the thought to yourself, knowing damn well he would grunt something back at you how every star once was an enemy of his that now rested in peace. 

Nestled into his arms you can’t help but let out a dreamy sigh. It was the first time someone did something this nice for your birthday and it felt a bit like a dream. Everything felt like such ever since you two met for the very first time, your heart calling out his name as if you knew him from another life. You were drawn to him like the moon to the tides, feeling safe only when he had his arms wrapped around you, just like he did now. He was your home, your safe haven, the love of your life. What he didn’t know was that your wish already came true the moment he kissed you for the first time, one hand around your neck, growling “you’re mine”; you didn’t shy away back then, it only drew you closer to him, as if to challenge him. 

Love me. Love me. Love me.

Just when you’re about to close your eyes, slumber being only a few heartbeats away, Kid shoots up into a seating position, almost throwing you around like he did in old days, only that this time he held you close. Your eyes follow his hand pointing towards the starry sky.

“Shooting stars! Quick, make a wish!”

The two of you glance upon the sky with sparkling eyes, Kid for once speechless as he watches a whole tirade of shooting stars crossing the night sky above you, his arm wrapped tight around your waist. You have your arms around his neck, leaning against him with the biggest smile on your face. So many wishes in one night, you sure felt very lucky. Only when the shooting stars faded away did you face each other, still at loss for words about what just happened. 

“What did you wish for?”, you whisper, leaning your forehead against his, your fingers tracing down from his jar to his neck.

“Can’t tell you, dummy. Don’t you know it won’t come true when I do?”, he huffs, pulling you closer in this lap, wrapping his coat around you. “But I can show you…”

And just like that Kid lies back down again, dragging you with him. You can feel his heart drumming fast under your fingertips when he buries one hand in your hair, pulling you closer until his lips crash on yours. He kisses you with hunger, as if he was praying for salvation, offering you his love on the edge of a knife, mumbling out your name over and over again, but all you could hear were three words.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

RafflePrize:Undercoverw/Law & fem!reader

a/n:1st prize of my raffle with @mamma-marimo being the lucky winner!! congrats again, my dearest. she requested:

An idea I had in mind is maybe Law and an F!reader (can be Gn if you prefer) are at some sort of costume party or are undercover where they have to go together as partners so it creates that sort of sexual tension with lots of stolen glances? It’s totally up to you of course so feel free to go wild and do what you’d like! I’ll also happily leave it up to you to decide either it’s sfw or nsfw :)

i was SO excited to write for this because the prompt was so fun and it’s been a while since i wrote Law. also what can i say? when you said “feel free to go wild”, i did and now it’s a whole lot longer than the promised 1.5k ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ i don’t think you mind though. hope you enjoy this piece, i had fun writing this!

contains:fem!reader (no pronouns used but terms like “girl” and “queen”, reader wears a dress, mention of lace underwear, “cunt” used to describe gentials), ns.fw under the cut, dirty talk, vaginal penetration, breath play, handjobs (reader giving & receiving), oral (reader receiving), rough sex, unprotected sex (no breeding or pregnancy implied), exhibitionism (they’re not being caught though), hints of misuse of devil fruit at the very end but nothing descriptive. please let me know if i missed anything!

word count:5.3k

“So, what do we look like?”

You do a little twirl in your dress, letting the feather coat slip slightly off your shoulders as you strut up and down the lounge in your heels, the half veil covering your nose and mouth fluttering slightly. Law leaned in the door frame behind you, also dressed up from head to toe, wearing his finest suit and a feather coat matching yours and a fake beard you couldn’t talk him out of. Both of you went extra on the golden accessories, including two small crowns, making you king and queen.
You also spent a whole hour on your makeup, trying to draw the perfect winged eyeliner until Law lent you the steady hand of a surgeon, mastering it at his very first try. Needless to say that the way he tilted your head in his hands and his golden eyes lingering on you made your heart drum in your chest…

Bepo was on the edge of his seat, holding up his imaginary 10 points sign, his eyes sparkling. Shachi and Penguin didn’t seem to be very impressed, sitting cross legged on the sofa, chins resting on their palms, their eyes following you across the room.

“Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopper, spectacular–”
“Party theme must be ‘bird farm’.”
“You look rich but in a ‘killed my rich ex-husband because he didn’t pay alimonies’ way.”
“Starting a petition to get rid of our overalls and get whatever you two have going on here.”

Your captain shuts them all up with a little tsk, taking a step forward so he stands next to you, your shoulders almost touching. As he was twirling his fake beard between his fingers, you noticed there was a determined sparkle in his eyes; you could tell he was excited about the upcoming mission. Your heart skips another beat when your glances meet and he gives you a slight smile – thankfully half of your face was veiled, hiding your blushing cheeks.

“We’ll get that treasure map in no time and will be far gone already when they notice they’ve been robbed. Right, y/n-ya?”

Right. In a room full of high-ranking marines hosting a costume ball, what could go wrong for two wanted pirates, one of them head over heels in love with their captain? Still, you slap hands with him in agreement which is when you notice a detail both of you have overlooked.

“We still need some gloves for you, Law.” Your fingers brush over the back of his hand, tracing the tattoo of his jolly roger and the letters spelling out DEATH. “Can’t risk someone recognizing you by those.”

Bepo rushes off to get him some gloves while Law’s hand lingers a second too long in yours for it to be an accident, hesitant when he pulls back to smoothen down his suit, coughing slightly. Suddenly your own coat is very interesting, your fingers playing with the hem of it to keep them occupied as if they weren’t tingling from being skin on skin with your captain a few seconds ago.

After discussing the plan one more time (infiltrate the castle where the ball is held, find out which room they keep the treasure map, steal it, run off, success), you’re all settled and Law gives the command to emerge the Polar Tang. 

“Nervous?” He glances over to you, waiting to open the door for you both to step out into the night. You take a deep breath in.
“About a few marines? Never.”, you laugh, checking yourself out one last time in a tiny pocket mirror. Marines didn’t scare you. Pretending to be a couple with Law as if you weren’t thinking day in, day out, about what his lips would feel like on yours? Yeah, about that…
“Good. I’ll watch out for you anyway. You’re safe with me.” Law smirks as he adjusts your crown, leaning down so you could fix his, too. 

It was a rare sight, him without his signature hat, and you quite enjoyed it. Usually the only times you would see him without it were when he came out of the bathroom late at night, a towel draped around his neck and you would be quick to lower your gaze, trying not to check him out but of course you did anyway – and he knew. He’d mumble your name and you’d stutter out his as you passed each other in the hallway; you peeking over your shoulder to catch a glimpse of his broad back, him turning around before he entered his captain quarters, watching you tiptoe around the corner.

You roll your shoulders before you step out into the warm summer night, waving your comrades goodbye before Law uses his devil fruit powers to teleport you both to the shore where your act begins. He holds out his arms for you to link with his and both of you slide effortlessly into the crowd walking towards the brightly lit castle. Despite their costumes you recognize some familiar admirals and for a moment you get nervous, asking yourself if you’re both disguised well enough which is when Law puts his hand on yours, calming you down. He must have noticed your grip tightening around his arm. You exchange quick glances and somehow it’s enough to reassure you that you got this; that you’ll walk out of this together whole and will sail many, many more seas together.

If it wasn’t for all the marines around you, walking up the stairs with Law would feel like a fairy tale coming to life. You did feel very rich and elegant in your evening dress, even more flattered since Law was the one who picked it out when he prepared your mission. Usually he wasn’t the best at disguises but this time he really outdid himself and so far everything went smoothly. Everyone was so busy with themselves that you were barely drawing anybody’s attention, except when you were in the way at the buffet line.

Law and you had decided to wander around between the other guests for a while, trying to overhear conversations of a person bragging about some treasures hidden in this castle. Since the egos of the higher marines were bigger than life it was very likely you would be successful in no time – even though that would also mean that your couple mission would come to an end sooner than you wanted it to be, because admittedly, feeling him this close and acting like lovers felt like a dream coming true.

A live band is playing, guests are talking and laughing loudly, the atmosphere was very loose and lively; everyone here tonight came for a good time. You could see some whispering in secret behind their masquerades, glasses of champagne clinking together, people swaying on the dancefloor with hands wandering sinful places when they thought no one was watching. Meanwhile Law had put his arm around your waist as you wandered around, making sure the two of you didn’t get seperated in the crowd, but also to give you discreet tapping signals when something caught his attention. 

Two taps and you search for his eyes, following them across the room to a group of important looking men huddled together. Another tap and you look over your shoulder, keeping an eye on what was going on behind you. For an outsider the two of you just looked like lovers, clinging to each other, exchanging glances and looking away shyly. You could feel your heart drumming in your chest, his tight grip on your hips making it hard for you to focus. Every now and then Law would lean down to you to whisper his observations in your ear, sending shivers down your spine and making it extra hard to focus on anything he was saying. In fact, you started to feel dizzy from the noise, the stuffy air and your crush holding you in his arms. It was all a bit too much at once.

“You look like you could need some air, y/n-ya.”

Law looks at you slightly worried, using his teeth to take off one of his gloves despite you hissing at him not to – even though he looked very enticing doing so. He does it anyway, placing his hand in the back of your exposed neck to feel your temperature. Your eyes flutter wide open, startled from his bare skin on yours and a small gasp escapes your throat, only audible for Law. His golden eyes linger on you for a second and it feels as if he’s reading you like an open book; then he takes your hand without a word in his, guiding you across the room. He grabs a water bottle from the buffet as you’re passing it by and shortly after you step out through the huge open back doors into the garden.

The garden is as opulent as the castle but far quieter than the busy ball room, the music only muffled and only a few other people being outside, smoking, kissing, crying – some everything at once. Law doesn’t let go of your hand until you’re both in the shadows of an old tree, hidden from the eyes of others. You pull down your veil and take a deep breath in relief, leaning against the trunk while your captain hands you the water after opening the bottle for you. He musters you up and down and you’re unable to hold his gaze, still flustered from earlier where his lips almost touched your ear and his whispered words set your insides on fire. 

“What’s your diagnosis, doctor? Bad-nerves-syndrome?”, you ask jokingly between two sips, trying to gloss over the fact that your crush on him might be thatoblivious. 
“Luckily we found a cure for that.”, Law smirks, loosening up a bit now that you’re back to your old self again. Without ever admitting it, he was really worried about you earlier, feeling slightly regretful about dragging you on a mission like that.

He leans next to you against the tree, your shoulders touching and you find yourself scooting slightly closer, the back of your hands brushing. You take another glimpse at him in the safety of the dimly lit garden, admiring his side profile. If only he would lean in for a…

You freeze when he turns his head, looking at you with a grin. Could he read minds? Was this a function of his devil fruit powers you didn’t know about? Wait, was he hearing all of these thoughts now, too? 

“Change of plans, y/n-ya. We’re not going back in there.” You raise an eyebrow, looking at him quizzically. “We got a few clues about the whereabouts of the treasure map, let’s just search every room until we find it.”

And just like that Law takes your hand once again, guiding you deeper into the garden from where you got a good view of the whole building. His hands without the gloves on feel very warm, almost as if they were made for yours only, a perfect fit. Law pulls out a building plan and with all the clues you overheard during the evening you’re able to narrow down the vague whereabouts of the treasure map, giving you a dozen rooms in the upper stories to search. Just like two black cats the two of you blend in with night, sneaking inside the castle again, making your way through the crowd and into the long empty corridors. 

You couldn’t let your guards down just yet. Chances were high that you weren’t the only ones snooping around, it was a marines party after all. Some poor subordinates of the higher ranks would possibly be guarding the door, if not even the whole wing. But still… with Law’s hand in yours nothing felt impossible. You find yourself staring at his back again as you walk behind him, thinking once again what was underneath his big coat as you recall him coming out of the shower. Focus, you command yourself, but granted, it was hard, his close presence making your heart drum so loud in your chest.

Just when you’re about to walk around a corner, Law gestures to you with his index finger pressed to his lips to stay quiet. You could think of another way of how he could shut you up, though…

A few more seconds pass and the voices in the distance are getting quieter again, your sign to start moving as you both steal yourselves into the very first room. The door locks behind you silently. No light was burning, only the bright moonlight flooding through the high-ceiling windows.

“Whatis this room?”, you whisper, following Law on tiptoes as he walks in the center of it. “Why would one person own this many mirrors and then all store them in one room only? Who needs their private mirror cabinet?”

You both looked around, there were dozens of mirrors in all shapes and sizes arranged across the room, most of them seemed to be very antique and have probably seen various decades of people dancing, crying and falling in love in front of them. And now it was you and him; his golden eyes watching you from every corner, his gaze soft, lovingly almost. Somehow you felt exposed, as if he cut your heart out of your chest and inspected it from every angle, his name written all over it. 

His name falls out of your mouth like a prayer when he stands behind you, his hands slipping the feather coat off your shoulders, revealing the tattooed jolly roger on your back. You remembered the day you got the tattoo, how he cornered you in the morning, asking you if you were really sure about this and how you took his face in your hands and just nodded, your stern eyes leaving no room for doubt. Just like the ink under your skin the feelings for him wouldn’t go anywhere and if you couldn’t love him as a lover, you would love him as your captain, devoting everything you had to him, just to be by his side till the very end.

When he kisses the side of your neck, lips trailing down your shoulders, you hold your breath. If this was a dream, you never wished to never wake up from it. Your coat falls down to the floor with a thud, one of Law’s hands around your neck, tilting your head slightly to give him better access to your exposed skin, while his other hand brushes over your arm, giving you shivers. Every inch his lips touch feels like it’s burning, his breath hot on your skin. Thousand kisses plaster your skin through the mirrors, thousand hands wander over your body, thousand hearts drumming in your chest.

“Forgive me, y/n-ya…”, Law mumbles in the crook of your neck as he wraps his arms around you from behind. You sink into his hug, watching your figures through the mirrors; a king and a queen dipped in moonlight, love and desire painting their faces. 

“Forgive you for what?” Your voice is merely a whisper. It’s when your eyes meet through the reflections of the mirrors that you know.

Forgive me for falling for you. 

You turn around on tiptoes without leaving his embrace, your faces almost touching. Law’s eyelids flutter when you take his face into your hands, just like you did back then, his skin feeling soft and warm under your fingertips. Both of you knew what was about to happen. It was the crescendo of an intense night, almost as if it had been written in the stars for a very long time before this moment, only the moon and a thousand reflections being your witnesses. 

Your lips find his and you melt into a deep kiss, one that spoke louder than any words could ever have; it’s as if your whole body just sighs in relief, all the tension from before falling off your shoulders and being replaced with an unknown warmth, with the feeling of coming home, with hunger

Law has one hand buried in your hair, your bodies pressed together, neither of you daring to pull away. When he gives your hair a slight pull, a hoarse moan escapes your throat, making him chuckle softly before he kisses you again, his tongue slipping in your mouth. Whenever you opened your eyes a bit you could see your sinful reflection, your flushed cheeks, your eyes full of lust, your fingernails digging into his back when he pushes his leg between your thighs for you to grind on it.

You gasp when Law lifts you up with ease and carries you over to a dresser where he sits you down, pushing your legs wide open and you surrender, pulling your dress further up to reveal your soaked panties. He doesn’t touch you, but his eyes alone eat you up from every mirror.

“Such a naughty girl. How long have you been this wet for me?” His hands brush over your knees, fingertips drawing small circles on the inside of your thighs. “Since I took off your coat? Or in the garden already?” 

You whine softly when his grip around your thighs tighten, just as the knot in your stomach does, a familiar feeling begging for sweet release. Your head was spinning but you loved this; the way he ate you up with his gaze alone and the outlines of his cock throbbing in his pants, getting harder with every inch he explored of your body. You buck your hips against his touch, biting your lip when he firmly holds you in place, his strength out of this world. 

“Those desperate mewls coming from your cabin late at night… Are you thinking about me when you hump your pillow?”, he asks with a smirk, leaning over to kiss you hard once more, a thin thread of drool connecting you both when he pulls away. 

You grin as you place a hand on his chest, letting it slide down towards his waistband where your fingers linger for a few heartbeats, just like his hands do dangerously close to your dripping wet core.

“I sure do. Do you think of me too when you use my worn panties to masturbate?” Law’s eyes widened for a second. “It’s not like I leave them in the bath by accident when I know you’re going in there after me…”

And just like that Law leans in for another kiss, his lips clashing on yours as he takes your hand and places it on the fat bulge in his pants, grinding it against your palm. At the same time his other hand cups the aching arousal between your thighs, a hum escaping his throat when he finally feels how dripping wet you are for him, rubbing your cunt over the soaked fabric. Tiny shock waves shoot through your body when he starts circling your clit with his thumb, the tease almost being unbearable. 

Even though you wished this high would last forever, you were getting impatient, craving to feel him inside of you, to become one with him. You hastily unzip his pants, wasting no time when you slide them off his hips and watch his hard length bounce free, precum leaking from its tip. You couldn’t wait to be fucked into higher spheres by him. But first…

You slide to the edge of the dresser, lifting your hips to pull off your panties, black lace drenched in your juices. With your legs still spread, revealing your throbbing core, you pull Law in for another kiss, his golden eyes watching every single movement of yours. His soft moans fall broken out of his mouth when you wrap his cock in your panties, rubbing his tip through the lace, stroking him slowly but with a firm grip. 

“Is this how you do it when you’re alone?” You smile against his lips, enjoying how he melted under your touch, his breaths sharp. He nods slowly, seeking your gaze while you continue to squeeze him, speeding up the tempo of your pumps, your fingers brushing his pubic hair whenever your fist strokes down his whole length. You could tell he was about to cum any second, a king on the edge of his own universe; his cum spluttering over the lace and your hands like the milky way. Law leans against your shoulder, breathing heavily when you give his cock a few more slow pumps. 

“Oh my, so messy…”

Almost as if he was in for revenge his fingers touch your folds, spreading them wide open before they dip inside of you, making you moan quietly into his ear. You let go of your soaked panties, dropping them carelessly to the ground so you can wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for a deep kiss. While he fingers you slowly, taking his time to explore you from the inside, you whisper his name over and over and it sounds like a confession, a broken record. 

“More…”, you whine and gasp when he adds a third finger, curling them up slightly and rubbing your g-spot so delicately it makes you want to cum on the spot. Instead you dig your nails deeper into his shoulders, leaning your head in the back of your neck, offering him all of you with your legs spread wide open. He kisses down your jaw and your neck, his tongue swirling over your skin, making you wish he would get on his knees for you. He will, eventually…

It’s when he wraps his other hand around your neck, waiting for you to nod slowly in agreement and then chokes you softly, that your orgasm rushes over you with an unknown intensity; your walls clenching hard around his fingers and tears pricking in the corner of your eyes as you laugh out loud, surprised by how fast the waves crashed down over you. Your whole body feels like it’s on fire as he fingerfucks you through your high, making you cry and chuckle at the same time until your legs slowly stop trembling and you catch your breath again. 

Law lets go of your throat and wipes away your tears, kissing your face before he licks your juices off his fingers with delight, grinning when you take his hand and pull it towards you, your tongue swirling around his fingers. He was hard again, his cock rubbing teasingly between your folds, your hot core aching for him. It still felt very much like a fever dream and you weren’t planning to wake up anytime soon. You slide off the dresser, your bodies pressed against each other. With a hand on his chest you’re pushing him back down gently, making him sit where your coat fell to the floor earlier, then you crawl into his lap, your dress still pulled up to your hips as you start grinding on his hard length.

Soft moans of yours fall into his open mouth, your foreheads pressed against each other as you exchange more deep glances, just like you did hours before; all leading to this moment. You feel like you could get drunk in his eyes, the brown speckle in his gold, your very own sun, soaking you up. You can feel his tip rubbing at your core, asking you for permission with his eyes.

“It’s fine, it’s safe”, you mumble and smile when Law grabs you by your hips, guiding you down slowly onto his cock. His fingers were nothing compared to the sensation of him stretching your tight entrance open little by little; you’re both taking your time, breathing heavily between a dozen kisses until you’ve taken him all in, thankful you were sitting down or else your legs would have probably given in from the intense feeling of him filling you up. Then he starts moving and through the mirrors you can see him fucking you from every angle, his cock thrusting relentlessly inside of you.

Being on top gives you the upper hand, commanding the tempo you’re bouncing up and down him, supported by his hands digging into the flesh of your ass. You’ve dreamt about this moment countless times and nothing could have prepared you for how amazing it felt becoming one with the one you loved the most. When Law starts circling your nipples with his tongue over the thin fabric of your dress, you can feel another orgasm building up inside of you, his stern gaze on you making you feel feral. You slide down the straps of your dress, letting him greedily pull it down so he can suck on your nippels in all their glory, his tongue fluttering over them, making them stand up under his touch.

Just when you were about to wail out Law’s name as you fell apart under his cock, you could hear footsteps and voices from the other side of the door. Fear shoots through your veins and it only takes a quick glance between Law and you for him to know what to do. The massive door gets pushed open the same second he uses his devil fruit powers to teleport you into the darkest corner of the room, where no moonlight touched the ground and massive mirrors blocked the view. Heavy boots step into the room, flashlights being pointed at the mirrors and sending beams of light against every wall.

Your captain is covering your mouth with one hand, his cock still buried deep inside of you, in the same position you were before he used his abilities to escape the marine guards doing their inspection round. It were at least three of them, discussing if they heard voices coming from inside and joking about how useless this room was, that only fucking in front of the mirrors would give it a real purpose. Your heart was beating heavy in your chest, the adrenaline rush making your head feel dizzy. You can’t make out Law’s face in the dark but you can feel his cock throbbing inside of you, even more than before. Without thinking you start moving your hips again, slowly, the risk of getting caught fucking making you so dripping wet, your juices running down the insides of your thighs. 

Law was holding his breath, unable to resist your greedy movements and he bites down your neck, trying to muffle his own moans. When you hear the footsteps coming closer in your direction, your walls clench hard around his cock, more tears pricking in the corner of your eyes as Law still holds your mouth shut, your drool dripping down his fingers. The thought of getting caught, of being exposed like that, almost pushed you over the edge of another orgasm, your fingers drawing circles on your plump clit, unable to stop. You can hear Law hissing out your name for your ears only as your tight walls contract around him erratically. 

After what felt like an eternity, the footsteps wander off again, the marines talking about ghosts in this old building and how you could hear voices often, and then the door shuts closed behind them again, leaving the two of you alone again. Law and you hold still for a few heartbeats, then something snaps just in both of you. Your voice is hoarse when you whimper his name while he flips you on your back, forcing your legs wide apart as he keeps thrusting inside of you so hard and relentlessly, making your eyes roll in the back of your head. His hand slid down from your mouth to your throat again, choking you softly while he was seeking the warmth of your cunt, burying himself so deep inside of you, his balls slapping against your ass with every thrust.

“Maybe I should have fucked you right away in that ball room, since you seem to enjoy an audience so much…”, Law huffs and laughs softly when you squeeze him tight in return, the thought alone making your head spin. “Showing everyone how well your greedy cunt can take my cock, you like that?”

You nod as you bite your lip, putting your hand on his to signal him to choke you harder until you could see tiny stars dancing in front of your eyes, and then there’s a whole universe erupting inside of you as you come undone, an orgasm like you never had before ripping through your body, sending shooting stars through every vein. You hear Law cursing as he pounds inside of you a few more times before he also cums with his whole body trembling, shooting his thick load inside of you. He lets go of your throat and leans down to kiss you hard as both of you still shake from your climax, your bodies tangled up. With your legs wrapped around his hips you ask him to stay like this a little longer, exchanging soft kisses as if he didn’t just rail you into another sphere. You smile when he brushes your hair out of your face, looking at you with kind eyes, so full of love.

You hum when you can feel his warm load running down your thighs, leaving a small puddle where you just laid. Law helps you stand up, your legs still a bit shaky from the adrenaline and your orgasms and you’re grateful for Law wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. You rest your face against his chest, hearing his heart drum in his chest, a sound so soothing you can’t help but close your eyes. Until you remember–

“Shit! Law! The treasure map!”

Damn. All those horny thoughts have completely blocked out your mission, the one and only why you came here in the first place. How many more rooms did you have to search? And would he possibly go down on you in one of them? Would he fill up your other holes, too? Focus, you gotta focus…
Law chuckles, looking at you with a triumphant smile. He reaches for the inner pocket of his coat, ruffling around for dramatic effect and pulls out a rolled piece of old paper, wrapped with a red seal. Your eyes widen in surprise and you’re at loss for words. When? How…?

“One of those marine dogs from earlier had it in his pocket. Guess they didn’t think someone with my devil fruit powers would show up and just switch it out with a candy wrapper.”

“You… you did all of that while fucking me? Balls deep inside of me?”, you ask flabbergasted, trying to comprehend what you just learned. Law nods and laughs when you grab him by his collar, letting you pull him into another kiss. “You’re so hot and clever, attaboy…”

In the end making it out of the castle was much harder than sneaking in – Law and you couldn’t keep your hands off each other; you went for another round in front of the mirrors with your legs in the air as he ate you out like a starved man, his tongue dipping inside of you from every reflection and you explored another room together that had chains hanging from it’s ceiling and in the very end Law made his promise of fucking you in the ballroom in front of everyone true in his own way, with a little help of his devil fruit powers… both of you walking out of the castle, your crowns askew and with love bites everywhere, his cum dripping out of you with your panties still in the mirror room, hand in hand, king and queen.
